Recent content by Orioes

  1. Rank Insignia and Uniforms Thread

    The problem with tattoos is that you are asking people to make a permanent body modification (Or disfigurement depending on their opinion). That might work in the Maori Kingdom of Aotearoa where tattoos are culturally normative but in the Judeo-Islamic Republic of Levantistan it's going to be a...
  2. AHC: The USA excepts the Metric system

    Actually if Congress had been a little bit more forward thinking the US could have had an indigenous "metric system" about 10 years before the French introduced the one we know today. Thomas Jefferson introduced to Congress a Plan for Establishing Uniformity in the Coinage, Weights, and Measures...
  3. Could We Start an AH Publishing Company?

    Yes, the BIRT guys and myself have found that even when you have a cool idea it is very difficult to bring it to fruition or even to get your supposed collaborators to show up to meetings. Anyway the first point to agree on was that it wouldn't be a profit seeking enterprise and probably...
  4. Terra Nova

    From a OOC standpoint? Because the creatures of the Mesozoic (Dinosaurs and other great lizards) have a larger impact on the public consciousness then those of the Cenzoic. Say Brontosaurus or Tyranosaurus and most people will both know what you mean and probably think "Cool". Say...
  5. Challenge: Create a Logo for BIRT

    Vector images think of the image in terms of the shapes that make it up whereas raster images think of them in terms of a grid of colored tiles. You can shrink and expand vector images with no loss of quality because you only have to recompute where the lines are not try and guess what color a...
  6. Challenge: Create a Logo for BIRT

    The BIRT thread has a bunch as well as my first attempts at a Hagia logo.
  7. What if the 1812 war never happened?

    With a POD that far back there is no Axis. Depending on how the TL went there might not even be a Germany. Also if it's 1914 it's the Triple Alliance not the Axis. As to the effects of no 1812. National anthem will be different, Jackson may not make it to the Presidency. Canadian national...
  8. US House elections from 2000 on under proportional representation

    I'm not up on the precedent but I don't think having literally one vote was the purpose of that decision but that votes are equally weighted (Within a state. The interstate weights vary vastly). So if the constituencies are of approximately equal size and everyone gets those two votes it should...
  9. 9/11 Nuclear Plants

    I'd have to check out the specifics but as far as I am aware all power reactors in this country are required to have containment vessels that can take quite a beating (Including planes). Which should mitigate some of the damage. I think the most likely course of events is that the reactors is...
  10. Alternate Weapons of War thread...

    It may be better to cast them as nuclear isomer batteries than proper nuclear reactors. Nuclear reactors have unhelpful things like heat exchangers and large amounts of working fluid or gas (as well as just being high mass-high volume objects) that don't really jive with small maneuverable aircraft.
  11. UCS Clarification Conference

    Which is a perfectly sound thing to do. I'm just perplexed that it is agreeable to do that if you are making a UCS map but heresy if you suggest we should take that in to account when revising the system.
  12. UCS Clarification Conference

    How does it undermine the UCS? It would allow people to recognize political relationships that would otherwise be hidden because the states involved don't have a color. How is a sea of white hiding political relationships for states that don't normally warrant a color but do in certain instances...
  13. UCS Clarification Conference

    It won't give you information on what the state is (though in cases of more powerful OTL states you may be able to guess) but it would give you information on what they control. For example, say you have a ATL state called the Holy Thandian Empire. Now the HTE does not have an OTL analogue or if...
  14. UCS Clarification Conference

    All three (Colombia, Suriname and Guyana) are pretty close (particularly when viewed on a iffy monitor) but Guyana seems the worst of the lot. Even on a good monitor it looks like Egypt has a colony. I don't think that is a good point against it for a couple reasons. Firstly, we are already...
  15. UCS Clarification Conference

    Overall I like it though I think the beige colors used in the Americas are too close to Egypt. Also I still advocate for 2-3 generics for TL specific states that don't normally warrant a color.