Recent content by loughery111

  1. Empire of North America involved in overseas colonialism

    True enough, but the same thing in the end, essentially. Rule through local elites backed up by American guns and money in exchange for whatever the region has to offer, plus prestige. That's going to be the case whether it's direct territorial rule or rule though a puppet government.
  2. Empire of North America involved in overseas colonialism

    This isn't "what should happen?" but rather, "what would happen if ______?". On the OP: By the time this empire could get in on the game, they'd be a latecomer as was Germany. It's highly likely, however, that butterflies would have them playing games in the Western Hemisphere long before...
  3. Industrialization, but not Democracy or Nationalism

    I strongly disagree with this, most especially with your views on Chinese communism, which I would characterize as an entirely different animal than Stalinism, Marxism, Leninism, or any combination of the three, but I apologize for my opening line from the last post; it was out of line.
  4. Industrialization, but not Democracy or Nationalism

    Oh, come now, surely you don't actually BELIEVE this? The USSR was, under each and every single one of its leaders, a repackaged Russian state with a massive emphasis on Russian nationalism, essentially the Russian Empire under new management. China may have seen a brief exception under Mao...
  5. Map Thread VIII

    Never read it, but DAMN... he broke the planet!
  6. Map Thread VIII

    Oh. My. God. Please, please, PLEASE tell me you plan to get this published in a novel or sell the idea to a gaming company or SOMETHING? I will buy it. Whatever it is.
  7. AHC: Turn US into a Third-World Country

    Now this, I want to see the raw data on. Because I'm sorry, but unless you have money in Kenya you're as likely as not to die of... well... just about anything that requires modern medical care to treat. I'm willing to categorically assure you that the average Mississippian should NOT move to...
  8. Death of the Union

    This isn't improving my opinion in regards to the "borderline-ASB" part. The fact is that events that we would term ASB do happen on a regular basis. However, they happen in such a way that their effects are random. Never in history has a serious of extremely low-probability events occurred...
  9. Map Thread VIII

    Brother-in-law? Aren't you 16? Oh, to be young and stupid in-love again... :p
  10. Death of the Union

    The US had an excuse as early as 1915; borderline undeclared warfare was the straw that broke the camel's back, but honestly given how hard the media establishment was pushing, by 1917 the US will be able to declare war with or without further provocation, if it so desires. That said, if you...
  11. U.S. Buys Baja California in 1917

    The circumstances under which Hawaii and Alaska were admitted were probably not normal; the US government wanted to deny the Soviets a propaganda coup by ensuring that all the major territories of the US were integrated fully, IIRC. Any such rationale would almost certainly include Baja...
  12. Nuclear Armed Taiwan

    Good bloody question. I'm too lazy to consider it right now, though.
  13. Nuclear Armed Taiwan

    More like the 让你的社会很和谐-class IRBM, but that's a bit of a mouthful.
  14. Nuclear Armed Taiwan

    I guess it's apt... it fulfills the same role as a horse. But why not the Tian Xiongmao? :p Or, seriously speaking, just to mock the mainland, the Hexie Shehui-Class IRBM.
  15. Nuclear Armed Taiwan

    Heavenly Horse? Really??? :p