Recent content by Keperry

  1. A Few Acres of Snow: A Map and Graphic Timeline

    Yes, roughly speaking Shasta, Nevada, and Deseret are majority Anglo, San Francisco and Tulare are mixed, and Los Padres, Colorado, and Baja are majority Hispano (though all have minorities from the "other" side). For the first few decades after independence, power was rotated between the...
  2. A Few Acres of Snow: A Map and Graphic Timeline
    Threadmarks: Map of California

    And another one:
  3. Nope

  4. A Few Acres of Snow: A Map and Graphic Timeline
    Threadmarks: Map of Oregon

    Motivated by @tae_will21's excellent new Changing of the Seasons TL (check it out!), here's AFAoS's own version of an independent Oregon:
  5. Map Thread XXII
  6. Map Thread XXII

    Lontara, from Makassar.
  7. Flag Thread V

    Outtake from this Australia map: flag for a majority indigenous state in Cape York and Torres Strait
  8. 2024 Turtledoves - (Closes (15/02/2024) - Best Map Nominations and Seconds

    I second the above nomination for: Best Map: Ming 3; Baconheimer
  9. A Few Acres of Snow: A Map and Graphic Timeline
    Threadmarks: Retcon, January 2024

    Happy new year, all! As is my typical bad habit, after much agonizing I've decided to make some retcons. France was now on the winning side of the Great Wars and is still a great power. The posts on the First Great War and the list of French monarchs should now be considered non-canon, and...
  10. WIP Map Thread

    This looks awesome, really looking forward to seeing what else you do with it! In my original worlda drafts I also tried my hand at the Indian subcontinent, found that it is indeed a huge pain, and left it behind, so I ended up with this kind of broad outline - the idea was lumping together...
  11. Map Thread XXII

    I am indeed (don't forget the Alarodian!) and, knowing nothing about linguistics, I refuse to justify my decisions on any grounds more substantial than "I thought it would be fun" :cool: (In all seriousness though if dealing with ancient poorly-attested languages it's basically impossible to...
  12. A Few Acres of Snow: A Map and Graphic Timeline

    Yes I think there would probably be a lot of waves of migration from different places with all the various gold rushes, with many of the immigrants then leaving and some staying, along with a larger and more permanent wave of migration of White Russian refugees fleeing the Russian Revolution...