Recent content by CobaltKnight

  1. Jewish Christianity

    Are you maybe looking for something involving the Ebionites? I've often wondered what their form of Judaism/Christianity would have become with James as their first 'pope,' and how they would have been remembered in the world. Whether you think of the Ebionites as major players in your scenario...
  2. Map Thread XIII

    When does this diverge? I love the map, and often dream about a world in which this sort of thing took place. My only criticism, and this might just be me nit picking, is that I don't think the Oswego River is a good place to split Niagara and Saratoga. The two largest communities in that area...
  3. Map Thread XIII

    Only that the angle I made this map originally was off by a few degrees.
  4. Map Thread XIII

    I'll admit there are parts of the map taken from the old QBAM. Mainly used to give hints of climate and environment similarities between our world and Ehmenetr. Most of those copied sections are either unimportant, such as the north/white sea, or were proving too complicated for me to create...
  5. Map Thread XIII

    I'm still here lurking, but I figured I'd take the time to log in and post a map of my own creation! This is Ehmenetr, the setting of a story I've been working on for around 3 or 4 years now. If anyone's got questions, I'd be excited to answer.
  6. What should be the best architectual infuence for an ancient city in Northern Europe?

    Indo-European is a linguistic term; very little architecture exists in Bronze or Iron Age Europe that has anything to do with those civilizations in Persia or India... Celts and Germans loved to build with dirt and their natural environment. Think Hill Forts and Hobbit holes. But in terms of...
  7. Europa Universalis IV - 13 August 2013

    I'd expected to have the markets be finnicky, but not by that much. And my inflation is something like .2
  8. The Haudenosaunee Imperium

    Interesting. What century have you started it from in the Western Calendar? 12th or 15th?
  9. Europa Universalis IV - 13 August 2013

    So I'm slightly new to the game and am playing a vanilla game without CoP with a friend online. And there's two mechanics I'm having trouble figuring out which factor into some advice I'd like to get. P1. Economy. I'm playing as France and at one point I was making somewhere in the ballpark of...
  10. Map Thread XII

    An Idea I've had tossing around in my head while studying the Wo1812. Main PoD is 1431. Mini PoD's as far as 900AD. Not the best map, but I wanted to get it down and show it. The Western border between Louisiana and New France is wrong; New France controls from "Duluth" west until the Hudson Bay...
  11. Map Thread XII

    Hey everybody, here's a fun map! It's not mine, and I found it on reddit. Dude takes a LOT of poetic licensing with some of these translations, but I don't think any of them are outright wrong. Except for the ones he didn't translate, and some he mistranslated from the incorrect languages. Also...
  12. The Weighted Scales: The World of an Aborted Rome

    This is truly sad as I no longer have this timeline to really look forward to. It was a great ride Errrng, thanks for the travels in the world of an aborted Rome!
  13. The Weighted Scales: The World of an Aborted Rome

    That was quite the update! Constantly do you up the ante Errrng. Though I may need to go back an update or two to fully understand the situation...
  14. The Weighted Scales: The World of an Aborted Rome

    Errrng! I miss this timeline so so much! :eek: It's moved to the second page of threads I post on, which is not good at all! This is my favorite timeline ever! And it inspires me daily!!!!!!!!!~!!!
  15. AHC: Russian Persia, Afghanistan and Baluchistan?

    How about Islam becomes quite popular in Russia, that becomes the official religion, and centuries down the line they go on a conquest down south to unify Muslims?