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  • grayhicks

  • So the idea is that an old bloodhunter, traveling back to his order after picking up some Dwarven made quality swords for the order, gets transported to the North without knowing how. He manages to secure a place to live at Winterfell, and even starts training Jon in the secrets of his Order. What I'm wondering is which Order to use.

    Well, it varies from what you are looking for.

    Thematically, the most fitting Order would be Lycan.

    If the transportation later turns out to be intentional, then said summoner would have chosen the most useful person available, in this case one from the Order of the Ghostslayer.

    I myself like to subvert expectations, so I'd probably go with Order of the Mutant

    And Profane Soul has the benefit of diversity.
  • grayhicks

  • You can imbue you weapon with magic, or lay blood curses on you foes, at the cost of your own health. You have grim outlook and background.
    • Like
    Reactions: Chiropteroid
    Interesting trivia.

    Although, under what circumstances were you thinking to use this?
  • grayhicks

  • It's basically the Witcher class, the abilities spread over 4 specialities. Order of the Ghostslayer focuses on fighting Undead and undoing curses and possessions. Order of the Lycan has you able to control being a lycanthrope. Order of the Mutant focuses on manipulation of the body with consuming mutagens. Order of the Profane Soul deals more with magic by dabbling with warlock lore.
  • Kayin Dreemurr

    Kayin Dreemurr

  • A query- would you be interested in giving my outline/concept document thing for that Viserys, Danaerys, and Rhaella sent to Equestria story idea I had a look see? I find my attention wavering slightly on it but I at the moment don't think it's a whim yet, but want to get some feedback off what I got so far first to get a sort of feel for what I've come up with thus far I guess?
    Chiropteroid 1
    Well, whatever the case, you seem to be on a good track.

    It's nice to see Viserys adjusting so well to life on Equestria

    I guess one of the problems with Daenerys are going to be magic bursts... Assuming kirin foals get those.

    Anyway, the real problem will be if and when Rhaella decides it's time to go home. For Daenerys Equestria will be the only home she has ever known.
    Kayin Dreemurr
    Kayin Dreemurr 1
    Rhaella still being around helps. And going by the wiki, they can use telekinesis like Unicorns, so I imagine they have at least some. And that is a possibility, albeit assuming they can figure out a way home.

    Glad to know I'm on the right path though~! May start working on the first chapter sometime then~!
    Kayin Dreemurr
    Kayin Dreemurr
    I haven't started on the idea yet, (as at the moment I've turned focus to trying to get a fair bit written for the next chapter of my UndertalexMLP story) but I did add to the outline/concept document for this idea, and figured you might find it interesting. I think I'll either start work on the first chapter of it later this week, or just once I finish Chapter 8 for the other story.

    Appreciate your feedback~!
  • Ulahlica-Ulahlica

  • If we're going to adapt aspects of League for Heroes Through The Ages, we're going to need to be extremely careful about it, because using League could unintentionally break the bounds of the universe we've constructed.

    Let's use it cautiously then. Perhaps just enough to stay within the superhero theme.
  • Ulahlica-Ulahlica

  • I would advise that we be very careful in how we use League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, because League explicitly takes place in a world where all fiction is true and occurs simultaneously.
  • Ulahlica-Ulahlica

  • In 1898, he joins the ITTL League alongside Griffin, seeing Mycroft Holmes's organisation as potentially providing him and Griffin with greater benefit than Moriarty ever could. Cue the events of League Vol. 1 and 2.
  • Ulahlica-Ulahlica

  • Eventually. Hyde (now reverted back to Jekyll) is acquitted of the murder on the grounds of insanity, and locked up in Bedlam House. He is broken out in the early 1890s by Colonel Moran in the dead of night, and flees London. While at large elsewhere, he joins Moriarty's Legion, fleeing to France before reverting back to the Hyde form.
    I see.

    On the plus side, at least Jekyll managed to keep his own body (for the most part), rather than losing it for good.
  • Ulahlica-Ulahlica

  • I would also add that most of the original story (everything that happens post-Hyde's murder of Sir Danvers) is butterflied away ITTL, due to Sherlock Holmes, Dr Watson and Inspector Lestrade getting involved in the case, apprehending Hyde, and discovering his true identity as Jekyll's alternate personality while interrogating him in prison.
    Would this eventually lead to the League?
  • Ulahlica-Ulahlica

  • No, the description is just a product of me not thinking when I typed. I should have put 'killed in office', which is a better description of how Sir Danvers' murder is portrayed in the story-- an act of brutal sadism, rather than a targeted assassination.
  • Ulahlica-Ulahlica

  • Notes: Lord Bellinger is the Prime Minister in the Sherlock Holmes story The Adventure of the Second Stain. As the story takes place in OTL 1888, I'm assuming, for the sake of argument, that Lord Bellinger was intended as some sort of Gladstone analogue. Sir Danvers Carew is from Jekyll & Hyde, Mycroft Holmes you probably already know, and Caterham is a populist figure from Wells's The Food of the Gods.
  • Ulahlica-Ulahlica

  • Lord Bellinger (Liberal) (1880-1885)
    Sir Danvers Carew (Conservative) (1885-1887) (assassinated)
    Mycroft Holmes (Liberal) (1887-1892)
    Lord Bellinger (Liberal) (1892-1897)
    Mycroft Holmes (Liberal) (1897-1902)

    John Caterham (Independent Conservative) (1902-1906)
    Is that last a Food of the Gods reference? The main bad guy in that story was named Caterham,though I don’t think he had a known first name.
    @Kloka I extrapolated 'John' as his first name based on the fact that in the story he's nicknamed 'Jack the Giant-Killer'.
  • Ulahlica-Ulahlica

  • I'm alright, thank you very much. I've figured out what my next Heroes Through The Ages post will concern. It will concern various works of H.G. Wells, and how they'd fit in with the broader universe. This includes a tentative chronology of UK Prime Ministers. Would you like me to show you said chronology so far?
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