Recent content by Blitzhund

  1. AHC: McCarthy vs. McCarthy

    Chengar McCarthy drank heavily and suffered from alcoholism well before his censure. There are numerous stories of his drunken rants before this. No doubt his censure led to a worsening though. I don't think McCarthy, even at his height of power has the charisma to win a Presidential election...
  2. Malcom X lives

    DeQuense - do you know of any black education leaders he was friends with or shared views with? I'd love to read interviews and see their pov of Malcolm X - especially post Nation of Islam.
  3. Malcom X lives

    Yes, he did have name recognition but he definitely did not enjoy popularity inside the mainstream in the civil right's movement or with the public at large. As I've pointed out (not particularly well mind you) he would have to make inroads into the more mainstream disaffects in order to keep...
  4. Malcom X lives

    I think that this is a distinct possibility. I'd go further and state that Malcolm X could have defined what it meant to be an American-Sunni Muslim. Sunni Islam in America would have had a larger following though to what extent I don't know. What would have been so interesting is if Malcolm X...
  5. Malcom X lives

    Expand on your comment DuQuense please. My views: I don't see how Malcolm X's survival would have butterflied away the bigger picture aka MLK's assassination and the subsequent race riots of 1968. After the fires of the riots had died down, it still took another decade before blacks in...
  6. Carter Inherits Vietnam

    Nixon ran on a platform of Vietmanization not an escalation or continuation of the war. "Peace with Honor" as was already mentioned. Here are gallop poll results - support for the Vietnam War - question asked "In view of the developments since we entered the fighting in Vietnam, do you think...
  7. Carter Inherits Vietnam

    If Case-Church is still passed in 1973 (you didn't mention this bit of very important legislation) how exactly do the military and the president authorize the use of military materiale and forces in Southeast Asia? Not sure if you're old enough to remember but by the early 70s Vietnam was an...
  8. Challenge: Most Chaotic 1960's Possible

    Without ending civilization as we know it I suggest the following for some butterfly action. LBJ's administration removes some draft exemption statuses possibly including hardship and/or higher education enrollment. I can't really see a reason for this unless the number of volunteers which...
  9. Challenge: Most Chaotic 1960's Possible

    The draft is extended to university/college students currently enrolled. Watch the universities go nuts.
  10. America in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War

    I would think that the USA getting involved in '48 on behalf of Israel is incredibly unlikely. What would have been in it for the USA? As other posters have suggested the Cold War's battle grounds were still being formulated and at that time I don't believe the USSR was supporting any (please...
  11. Eisenhower & McCarthy clash in '52

    During the 1952 election campaign Eisenhower toured Wisconsin with Joseph McCarthy in September. Neither were friends of the other and the tour was held to cement a pivotal Republican state in '52. A speech that was to be delivered by Eisenhower originally included an tribute to Marshall...
  12. President Goldwater

    Sure, but there's still no money or appetite amongst the politicians or the public for it.
  13. MLK lives

    How does MLK survive? Is it that James Earl Ray simply misses his shot(s)? Or does the assassination not take place? The reason I ask is that I believe that the Race Riots of '68 would have still occured if the assassination attempt still took place. I'm sure that MLK would have done his...
  14. President Goldwater

    By the time this TL diverges there was no money available for military operations in Vietnam and there were no significant forces in Vietnam outside of the US controlled area in Saigon near the Embassy. The US Armed forces never actually lost a battle with the NVA or the VC. The Vietnam War...
  15. President Goldwater

    Given that Congress forbid the use of funds for military purposes in Cambodia and Vietnam on the 10th of March in '73 there's not much Goldwater could have done to continue propping up S Vietnam. Especially considering that by 8th of August '74 when Nixon resigned there were no operational US...