Recent content by Antanas

  1. How long would it have taken the Confederacy to implode?

    How and when ends civil war? Which states or parts of states are in CSA?
  2. WI:The Continued Life, Actions, and Health of Abe Lincoln if he Avoided Assassination

    Grant will be president, because he is war hero. If Linkoln is alive. no radical reconstruction
  3. The Death of Senator John F. Kennedy

    Nixon wins in 1960?
  4. Neo-Fascist Cuba in the 1960's?

    Pinochet was not fascist, he was right wing military dictator.
  5. WI Aldai Wasn't the Nominee in 1956?

    Eisenhower is war hero, he will win
  6. Why Not Two Sicilies?

    Burbons of two Sicilies didn't want to unify Italy
  7. Fate of West Virginia in a CS Victory?

    The only chance for CSA was peacefull secession. In that case West Virginia remains in USA.
  8. AHC: Best Possible Zimbabwe

    Even apartheid was better than mugabe's rule
  9. AHC: Best Possible Zimbabwe

    The best Zimbabwe is no Zimbabwe=Rhodesia
  10. Would the USA and the CSA reunite?

    No reunification
  11. The Dead Corsican

    Without Napoleon France wil be atacked by Russia, Prussia, there will be instability in France,because Napoleon II is only 1 year old. The main question-will Bonaparts stay on throne
  12. Is the US destined to go to war with an Independent CSA

    With slavery CSA will become more and more isolated in the world, weaker and weaker
  13. Instead of Pearl Harbor, Japan invades Siberia.

    Siberia is too cold
  14. WI: Coup against Gorby in 1989

    Impossible, Gorbachev was very popular, becauce of democracy
  15. WI: Lenin never arrived in Petrograd

    No Lenin, no October, bolshevicks becomes parliamentary party