Recent content by AaronH

  1. Post CP Victory: Fascist Britain?

    It depends on how peace was signed.......unless the Germans managed to invade London, any peace is going to be more of a 'peace with honour' dealio as Germany is as stretched and bankrupt as Britain is without the trade contacts.
  2. WI: Burgundian Netherlands stays united

    Maybe something with Gothelo I, Duke of Upper and Lower Lorraine actually manage to have the privilege passed to his son and it becoming part of Ardennes-Verdun land much like the Hapsburgs managed it with their Marches?
  3. Crown of the Confessor: the Chronicle of the Anglo-Saxon Kings

    I do like the style of your update, though I must confess that my middle english has atrophied horribly following graduation so my timeline probably will not use anything like the level of true words as yours :rolleyes:
  4. Angelcynn Ascendant ~ A House of Wessex Timeline

    Ah yeah, I knew my feeling of disquiet when typing that was for a reason....I shall try and rectify that sentence before the next update. I have discovered that it is actually somewhat hard to write in skaldic style verse to describe a battle. Might anybody have a better description for a...
  5. Angelcynn Ascendant ~ A House of Wessex Timeline

    Chapter 1 - On the exile of the Atheling and his accession of Northumbria: “it would be a foul disgrace to him if the princes were murdered in England and he sent them, after a short time, to the King of Sweden to be put to death there; but although they were allies, that king was by no...
  6. Angelcynn Ascendant ~ A House of Wessex Timeline

    It has been a while since I attempted a fully fledged timeline and my last one being in the late empire was one which was perhaps doomed to fail due to a lack of available sources. My storyline shall begin with the arrival of Edward the Exile in England and shall continue onwards as long as...
  7. USA joins the Central Powers.

    If this war is looked at in a void with exactly OTL deployments and such at the outset of the war then the USA will most likely drop out due to public outrage at stepping into a european war. Without a detailed timeline describing differences from OTL and deployments/resources and the like...
  8. USA stays neutral in WWI

    Ah so you mean the US would throw 150 years of laissez faire out. Also even without shipping to the entente the shipping lanes attacked by USW were hardly exclusive to US-entente trade. As I said, I feel that the war would have ended in a bloody stalemate later than OTL and Germany having to...
  9. USA joins the Central Powers.

    Indeed where are those double digit dreadnoughts going to come from if the eastern seaboard shipyards have been flattened by the RN and the US is having to engage with the expansionist Japs in the pacific??
  10. USA joins the Central Powers.

    There is no deinal of that, it is however an economic giant stuck in a long standing land war into Canada which it will win granted.....eventually. It also has major interests in regions which were only peripheral to CP traditional interests leaving it to defend them alone which is why I believe...
  11. USA stays neutral in WWI

    So you are saying that Germany does not enact USW.....thus tightening the noose on british shipping and leading to a large portion of the problems feeding and such....yet they simply still have the problems the USW caused the Entente? Without restrictions on Entente shipping across the...
  12. USA joins the Central Powers.

    The US in 1914 joining the war would not be an auto-lose for the entente ESPECIALLY if the US displays it's usual love for the swing-fast, swing-hard and see what happens approach which has always seemed to be their first go to option at the outbreak of war. If the US steps in as an open ally...
  13. WI: Constantine III consolidates his power in the British Isles

    Indeedy, things need to be done for that yes, and problems shall begin to crop up...
  14. WI: Constantine III consolidates his power in the British Isles

    406-408 Anno Domini: With the crossing of the Rhine by a mixed bag of what were termed in Rome as 'Barbarians' includign within their ranks Suebi, Vandals and Alans the entirety of Roman holdings in the West were threatened. The many years of civil warfare and bickering had left the Roman...
  15. WI: Constantine III consolidates his power in the British Isles

    Ah I must have misunderstood what you meant then. I will be getting something up in regards to a timeline shortly.