Eyes Turned Skywards

The magnetosphere is bad because it essentially traps a rather large and powerful radiation belt centered around the orbit of Io. Getting to Europa is deadly and getting to Ganymed is likely to massively increase you cancer risk. Callisto is the only relatively safe destination in Jupiter orbit, and even there your cancer risk gets increased by a bit.
Assuming that both planets have the same very deep metallic hydrogen 'ocean' that Scientists say where Jupiter's magnetosphere comes from, why is Saturns less dangerious?

Is it because Saturns that much further away from the sun or am I wrong and Saturn's magnetosphere is quite quite dangerious.

Saturn, while having almost the same diameter as Jupiter, carries a far lesser mass - ~95 times that of Earth compared to Jupiter's ~318 Earth Masses. This means that Jupiter simply has a much greater amount of Hydrogen can can be compressed to the point where it can enter its liquid-metallic state, which in turn means it can power a far greater magnetosphere, twenty times greater than Saturn is able to produce, though Saturn's is still close to 1,000 times greater than Earth's.
Okay folks! We're obviously getting really close to operational Artemis missions, and that means we're running into the nemesis of timeline authors everywhere: naming stuff. With the Artemis flights involving three vehicles separate from but concurrent with Freedom operations, Artemis missions will once again be returning to crew-supplied names for the missions' Apollo capsule, cargo lander, and crew lander. Coming up with names for a trio of vehicles is hard, so here's your chance to suggest some. Feel free to suggest either individual vehicle names or combinations. Good suggestions may be used in future canon posts. Any takers? :)
Okay folks! We're obviously getting really close to operational Artemis missions, and that means we're running into the nemesis of timeline authors everywhere: naming stuff. With the Artemis flights involving three vehicles separate from but concurrent with Freedom operations, Artemis missions will once again be returning to crew-supplied names for the missions' Apollo capsule, cargo lander, and crew lander. Coming up with names for a trio of vehicles is hard, so here's your chance to suggest some. Feel free to suggest either individual vehicle names or combinations. Good suggestions may be used in future canon posts. Any takers? :)

Well something better than Snoopy and Charlie Brown - No offensive to the Apollo 10 crew.

Capsule-Taurus, Virgo, Leo, Draco, Pegasus, Perseus, Orion, Aries
Cargo Lander-Hercules, Albatross, Neptune, Trojan, Viking, Aurora, Chinook
Crew Lander-Challenger, Columbia, Constellation, Coronado, Lexington, Valiant, Valkyrie, Intrepid
Okay folks! We're obviously getting really close to operational Artemis missions, and that means we're running into the nemesis of timeline authors everywhere: naming stuff. With the Artemis flights involving three vehicles separate from but concurrent with Freedom operations, Artemis missions will once again be returning to crew-supplied names for the missions' Apollo capsule, cargo lander, and crew lander. Coming up with names for a trio of vehicles is hard, so here's your chance to suggest some. Feel free to suggest either individual vehicle names or combinations. Good suggestions may be used in future canon posts. Any takers? :)
Considering that they're the Artemis missions, it seems highly logical that mythological figures associated with the goddess Artemis might be mined for names. The subtextual problem, unfortunately, is that Artemis didn't make friends easily - the men in her life were amorous and predatory, and the women were envious of her (or she of them).

Searching through the best of a bad lot, I would suggest Callisto, Orion, and Aeneas to start.
Well you've got Russian, ESA and Japanese Astronauts going on some of the Artemis Missions, and I think they'd want to be able to have some names chosen by themselves on the ones they're on.

Russia: Baikal; Ptichka;

Japan: Hayabusa; Akatsuki;

That's what I've got for now.


Thank ye for the answers about Saturn and Jupiter's magnetosphere folks, the thought occurred to me as I watched Brian Cox's show Wonders of the Solar System.
This story is really amazing. At first, I wasn't very interested, but then it fascinated me. Compliments.

By the way, I've started a thread in the ASB section, "War makes strange bedfellows". It's a story set in a future where the Nazi have won the war. Could you give it a look, please?
A few ideas.

For the Cargo landers, I'm thinking either names associated with their key role in supporting the supplies needed, so tough names like: Dependable, Resilience, Endurance; or names reflecting their role as the astronaut's home on the Moon and, hopefully, their place as a first step in permanent colonisation, so: Jamestown, Plymouth Rock... or maybe even Botany Bay ;)

For the crew landers, I was thinking more explorer ships, with Wiki suggesting: Explorer, Adventure, Resolution - or maybe Astrolabe if a Frenchman flies, it has a nice spacey sound!

For the Apollos, pioneers (though probably only those who are no longer with us), so Grissom, Goddard, Earhart - maybe Tsiolkovskii could get a mention when a Russian flies - or even Korolev or Glushko, if the politics is acceptable (though I suspect the latter in particular would be a big ask for what is still an American ship).

And of course there will be all those Kiefer Sutherland and Keanu Reeves fans emailing in to suggest Enterprise :D
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Monthly Donor
This story is really amazing. At first, I wasn't very interested, but then it fascinated me. Compliments.

By the way, I've started a thread in the ASB section, "War makes strange bedfellows". It's a story set in a future where the Nazi have won the war. Could you give it a look, please?
If you want more traffic to your thread, make it a compelling read.

Don't spam other threads about it.
A few ideas.

For the Cargo landers, I'm thinking either names associated with their key role in supporting the supplies needed, so tough names like: Dependable, Resilience, Endurance; or names reflecting their role as the astronaut's home on the Moon and, hopefully, their place as a first step in permanent colonisation, so: Jamestown, Plymouth Rock... or maybe even Botany Bay ;)

For the crew landers, I was thinking more explorer ships, with Wiki suggesting: Explorer, Adventure, Resolution - or maybe Astrolabe if a Frenchman flies, it has a nice spacey sound!

For the Apollos, pioneers (though probably only those who are safely dead), so Grissom, Goddard, Earhart - maybe Tsiolkovskii could get a mention when a Russian flies - or even Korolev or Glushko, if the politics is acceptable (though I suspect the latter in particular would be a big ask for what is still an American ship).

And of course there will be all those Kiefer Sutherland and Keanu Reeves fans emailing in to suggest Enterprise :D

i wonder that no one proposed "Pilgrim" or "Friede" or Galileo or Moonbase 3 and Earthlight :rolleyes:

and The Usual Suspects:
Arthur C.Clark, Robert Heinlein, H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, Isaac Asimov and Georges Méliès
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Looks like Russia finally got the Neva up and running ;)

And on an NK-33 no less! :p

Though it's only serving as an interim engine until they complete the RD-193 which will then be the 1st Stage Engine.
And on an NK-33 no less! :p

Though it's only serving as an interim engine until they complete the RD-193 which will then be the 1st Stage Engine.

NK-33, the engine that just keeps giving :) Lori Garver would be horrified:

[Talking about SLS] “The rocket is so similar, and it’s built off of 1970s technology. The very engines we’re going to use are Space Shuttle engines that were developed in the 1970s. Would you really go to Mars with technology that’s 50 years old? That’s not what innovation and our space exploration program should be all about.”

I doubt she'd like the NASA of Eyes, still upgrading those antiquated Apollos :rolleyes:
A few ideas.

For the Cargo landers, I'm thinking either names associated with their key role in supporting the supplies needed, so tough names like: Dependable, Resilience, Endurance; or names reflecting their role as the astronaut's home on the Moon and, hopefully, their place as a first step in permanent colonisation, so: Jamestown, Plymouth Rock... or maybe even Botany Bay ;)

For the crew landers, I was thinking more explorer ships, with Wiki suggesting: Explorer, Adventure, Resolution - or maybe Astrolabe if a Frenchman flies, it has a nice spacey sound!

For the Apollos, pioneers (though probably only those who are no longer with us), so Grissom, Goddard, Earhart - maybe Tsiolkovskii could get a mention when a Russian flies - or even Korolev or Glushko, if the politics is acceptable (though I suspect the latter in particular would be a big ask for what is still an American ship).

And of course there will be all those Kiefer Sutherland and Keanu Reeves fans emailing in to suggest Enterprise :D

So far, Nixon's ideas strike me as the most plausible. And "Enterprise" may be hard to escape....

And while it seems there will be a handful of non-American astronauts, I can't see that extending to vehicle naming. These are not, strictly speaking, international missions, but rather American missions with some international participation.