The Anglo/American - Nazi War - The on-going mystery

Which would cause more devastation *outside* China, nukes or Rods from god (as in can China be punished without making Korea/Japan less livable)
Which would cause more devastation *outside* China, nukes or Rods from god (as in can China be punished without making Korea/Japan less livable)
Nukes have radation so definitely it's that. The rods are like nuclear weapons without the radiation. The rods have more devastation blow figuratively and literally as it can be shot from space without the enemy even knowing about it.

There's only like a total of 60 nuclear devices in ATL present day if you include the A4 and India's stockpile combined.

If the A4 uses its remaining nuclear arsenal, it will send radiation to nearby places such as Japan and Korea. By just using rods instead, there be no radiation or fallout to worry about. However, the refugee crisis will still be around and you'd expect Chinese boat people to make landfall in Korea, Japan, Taiwan (independent from the Cabal btw), the Philippines, Hong Kong (still a British colony), Macau (still a Portuguese colony), Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam. There's also going to be a mass exodus of Chinese refugees heading into India (in fact, Chinese escapees have crossed the Himalayas and thousands die just to escape the Cabal's insanity), the rump USSR which would like collapsed as it has civil war in 2018 and refugees will just bring more strain, or even into the U.S. State of Western Alaska.

It will be the worst humanitarian crisis in history.
I would take all those Rods of God
Very useful this time of the year

Great idea. And then Chinese, Russians North Koreans or Iranians find way to get them.

I would bring from there something what can't be used against innocent people.
Nukes have radation so definitely it's that. The rods are like nuclear weapons without the radiation. The rods have more devastation blow figuratively and literally as it can be shot from space without the enemy even knowing about it.

There's only like a total of 60 nuclear devices in ATL present day if you include the A4 and India's stockpile combined.

If the A4 uses its remaining nuclear arsenal, it will send radiation to nearby places such as Japan and Korea. By just using rods instead, there be no radiation or fallout to worry about. However, the refugee crisis will still be around and you'd expect Chinese boat people to make landfall in Korea, Japan, Taiwan (independent from the Cabal btw), the Philippines, Hong Kong (still a British colony), Macau (still a Portuguese colony), Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam. There's also going to be a mass exodus of Chinese refugees heading into India (in fact, Chinese escapees have crossed the Himalayas and thousands die just to escape the Cabal's insanity), the rump USSR which would like collapsed as it has civil war in 2018 and refugees will just bring more strain, or even into the U.S. State of Western Alaska.

It will be the worst humanitarian crisis in history.
This TL had the humanitarian crisis at the end of the AANW, it would have to be pretty bad for that. The question is whether a general pasting of all of China would be needed, or just one set onto Peking...
Great idea. And then Chinese, Russians North Koreans or Iranians find way to get them.

I would bring from there something what can't be used against innocent people.
Rods from gods are really only possible due to the A4's *really* advanced launch facilities. I'm not sure that a physical Rod from God is technologically difficult, getting into space is the difficulty.
Rods from gods are really only possible due to the A4's *really* advanced launch facilities. I'm not sure that a physical Rod from God is technologically difficult, getting into space is the difficulty.
Rods from god is basically a form of a solid reentry vehicle like used for a nuclear warhead. Basically decide how much is ablative material for its mass and size and what type of guidance system you are going to be using. One way of doing it would be having a solid motor backing the solid reentry vehicle and having the motor kick in after it enters the atmosphere and on target.
Great idea
And then Chinese, Russians North Koreans or Iranians find way to get them.
Really? Because then they might as well find a way to steal lightning from Zeus

Fact is that bringing the Rods of God to our world is impossible, let alone controlling and being capable of using them, without magic

And if you have them with magic then its game over, close the curtains, nobody can do shit about it
I would bring from there something what can't be used against innocent people
Then you better not bring a baguette
Because Im sure you can kill someone with one if you try hard enough
This TL had the humanitarian crisis at the end of the AANW, it would have to be pretty bad for that. The question is whether a general pasting of all of China would be needed, or just one set onto Peking...
Many have commented the A4 attack on the Cabal would make Stettin look cute in comparison. Hitting Peking may not be enough because that would mean the Cabal still has military forces and facilities capable of retaliation.
The cost of launching the dense tungsten is the only issue with the weapons and North Korea has not created any good capacity for building and launching a station for deploying them even if they have an example rod.
Many have commented the A4 attack on the Cabal would make Stettin look cute in comparison. Hitting Peking may not be enough because that would mean the Cabal still has military forces and facilities capable of retaliation.

Cabal has probably indeed ensured that one strike can't decapitate whole system. So A4 is enforced to bomb whole country to ground.
Cabal has probably indeed ensured that one strike can't decapitate whole system. So A4 is enforced to bomb whole country to ground.
True. The Cabal are no idiots. If Peking is gone, their crazy leadership would ensure another place would continue.

That would be like akin if the U.S. drop the atomic bomb with a B-29 or a B-36 on Moscow in 1950 in a scenario where WWIII breaks out in Korea, then the Soviets would surrender. No ,the Soviets would continue their war effort behind the Urals where the B-29s and the B-36s would have a hard time reaching.

Or to put it in reverse, the Soviets assuming the hitting Washington, D.C. would mean the U.S. government would be decapitated.
Following to its logical extreme the logic of "we can't bring anything because our enemies will copy and use it themselves" we get that we couldn't bring anything at all because "we can't let China get those vinyl LPs" XD
Following to its logical extreme the logic of "we can't bring anything because our enemies will copy and use it themselves" we get that we couldn't bring anything at all because "we can't let China get those vinyl LPs" XD
Might bring Brazil so we get an extra one

I mean its not like the chinese can steal that right? :p
I wonder if Central Italy after the Gothic Wars of the mid-6th Century could be considered a comparable description for post-WWII Europe of this reality:
