Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid: A More Radical American Civil War

Such a good TL so far. All it needs is for Britain or Imperial France (more likely Imperial France cause the more furious southern push for Slavery wouldn't be popular in Britain) to join the side of the confederacy
Good update nice way to make the south think the north will murder anyone and that will push border states

Thank you!

Cool, and update! Needs a threadmark though. Seems the south has been much more riled up than OTL. And 1859, so close to the election? This will indeed be a brutal war.

Thank you very much! It has one now.

I find it ironic that Virginia found him guilty of Armed Rebellion.

They hung him for a traitor
Themselves the traitorous crew

The clock of rebellion is ticking to midnight...

And the ticks are faster with every passing day.

Damn, this Civil War is shaping up to be so bad it's gonna need Serbian accordion players.

tfw everything south of Mason-Dixon and east of the Mississippi becomes Federal Territories

"Unless the law of nations is a dead letter, the late war between two acknowledged belligerents severed their original compacts and broke all the ties that bound them together. The future condition of the conquered power depends on the will of the conqueror. They must come in as new states or remain as conquered provinces. Congress . . . is the only power that can act in the matter."

-Thaddeus Stevens.

Such a good TL so far. All it needs is for Britain or Imperial France (more likely Imperial France cause the more furious southern push for Slavery wouldn't be popular in Britain) to join the side of the confederacy

Thanks! I'd rather have no foreign intervention, sorry.
So thinking about it and something that might help make this even more radical is having the war end in 1864.(victorious election and a true Republican sweep) But I don't know how one would go about doing that with the fact that since slavery's abolition is the cause from the get go means the Union is gonna have a lot harder of a time in the early going.
Such a good TL so far. All it needs is for Britain or Imperial France (more likely Imperial France cause the more furious southern push for Slavery wouldn't be popular in Britain) to join the side of the confederacy
France is probably still going to be too busy in Mexico.
Sorry couple of questions.
With a more raidcal war will the south go full ss on black union forces.
Also i don't know the confederates money situation but their not going to be able to break that blockade and a more radical union will place more threats on people trading so could the confederacy sell their ironclad to the brits for loads of money as they would be interested.
Sorry couple of questions.
With a more raidcal war will the south go full ss on black union forces.
Also i don't know the confederates money situation but their not going to be able to break that blockade and a more radical union will place more threats on people trading so could the confederacy sell their ironclad to the brits for loads of money as they would be interested.
CSA is in the business of buying ironclads from the UK in OTL, can't see them selling any TTL, can't see the Brits being the slightest bit interested in anything the CSA could put together, either.
CSA is in the business of buying ironclads from the UK in OTL, can't see them selling any TTL, can't see the Brits being the slightest bit interested in anything the CSA could put together, either.
Not even the CSS Georgia? All i here from americans when it comes victorian war between america and uk victorian era is that USA ironclads are the best thing ever like the tiger tank. (Btw this is not me shitting on americans or i just keep hearing us navy op)
Not even the CSS Georgia? All i here from americans when it comes victorian war between america and uk victorian era is that USA ironclads are the best thing ever like the tiger tank. (Btw this is not me shitting on americans or i just keep hearing us navy op)
I mean given the RN of the era was almost all wodden ships still it was kinda a mismatch. The problem is most ironclads are all barely seaworthy . They're better at ricer warfare for sure.
But what about CSS Georgia:biggrin: sell that for a pretty penny.
Piece of junk from what I've seen, Albemarle, Tennessee II, Virginia II and the other late war James River ironclad were probably the best of the lot, but, nothing there to interest any European naval power...most CSA armored vessels were little more than barely mobile floating batteries. USN equipment was slightly better, but nothing to write home about. The turtleback twin turret Eads monitors might make someone a decent coast defense vessel, specially if armed with CSA Brooke rifled cannon, but that's about it...
Is there anyway for the aconda plan to be servelry delayed or just delayed or be carried out poorly that would by a huge boom for the confredates