Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes II

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In reference to the 'Prime Ministers' bit, I'm still gutted nobody in the Commons looked like Wilson or Heath in the Minions movie.

Yeah, I was looking for them too, but they were all just generic looking guys in suits. Of course, as the opening scene revealed, the POD for the Despicable Me timeline was the emergence of the "Minion" species several billion years ago. Quite frankly, given all the butterflies, we should be shocked that there even is a British Parliament, never mind a Harold Wilson. I guess we shouldn't expect too much from a movie where the king marches into the House of Commons in a funny wig and unilaterally decrees a change in the succession laws.
Here's my attempt at Thande's retro election challenge with Germany, mixing modern Federal politics with pre-WWI style parties and stuff. It came


The German SPD imitated her various European siblings by being elected over an incumbent conservative administration. Due to the various problems the party faced over the years, stemming from corruption and infighting, the German Progressive Party, a long time ally of the SPD and National Liberal Party, imploded down to 4 seats. In their place came the rise of The Republicans. Originally a banned party, they exploited their status as outlawed opposition for all it was worth, embarrassing the various Governments and the Royal Family of Germany before finally being unbanned in 2001. They suffered a bit of a slump afterwards, but due to the economic situation, and public anger over the monarchy, they jumped all the way up to third place.

Good one! I'm trying to do one with the political clubs of the 1848 revolution, but I'm still messing around with the colours.
Oh, I gotcha, it takes place earlier. Maybe one of Herb's weird inventions work better and she gives it a go without the Minions?

Actually, she becomes a authoritarian Christian Socialist early in life, joins up with Evil! Agent Lavender-style Harold Wilson, and helps him in his coup against Edward Heath in 1968.

President Raese's term would be marred by controversy. Her administration arguably did less than any post-Noem administration to try to combat the rising tides, focusing more on preparing new inland communities. While being called forward-thinking by her defenders, this did not endear her to the many Americans whose homes could, in experts' opinions, still be saved with a continuation of previous federal policy in Operation Levee.

Raese further stirred up controversy by floating the idea of prematurely ceding "indefensible" states and districts (who were predicted to be underwater within the next couple decades) to their neighbors. While again appearing forward-thinking to her defenders, this immediately opened up a massive constitutional debate and enraged members of those states who felt the president had all but admitted to not trying to save them.

In response, the Democrats nominated Maryland Congressman Kevin Miller. The young and charismatic Miller, who was only 38 when nominated, had made a name for himself as a champion of those displaced and an aggressive advocate for Operation Levee. He chose Wisconsin Governor Kacey Daines as his running mate.

Gabriel Brooks ran again on the Green Union ticket, and Raese's administration had given him more converts, especially in the "indefensible" states. He chose Oklahoma activist and libertarian Wyatt Harris as his running mate, having been forced by the visceral disgust among Green Unionist members towards the Raese administration to avoid picking another ex-Republican running mate.

Miller, even with Brooks taking away votes that surely would have gone to him, led the entire race. Raese struggled back from a nearly fifteen percent deficit at the end of September to get within double-digits, but the result was a foregone conclusion.

Miller won by nearly seven percent in the popular vote, and would have almost certainly won a landslide victory had Brooks not been in the race. Brooks, for his part, became the first third party candidate in almost a century to win a state, winning Rhode Island, Delaware and Vermont (with the latter being won with less than two dozen votes separating him and Miller).

Miller became the youngest ever president, a month shy of his 39th birthday when he took the oath of office in January 2053. None knew that he would also be the last president ever.



President Miller's term would be full of challenges, but the new president and his administration worked tirelessly, with Miller overseeing Operation Hadrian's Wall, the ambitious successor to Operation Levee that would build massive sea walls around surviving major cities that would (if successful) keep them free from the rising tides for decades. Reformation of the DRR logistical system ruffled feathers with congressional leaders, however, and Operation Hadrian's Wall had barely left the planning stages by the time the 2056 campaign began in earnest.

The Republicans nominated former vice president Martin Rivera as their nominee. Gabriel Brooks had made noise about a third presidential run when it happened.

Pandora struck in the summer of 2056, emerging from the jungles of Vietnam and starting the Great Dying.

Almost immediately, the United States was hit. Rivera, Brooks and Vice President Daines were among the first waves of casualties as millions of people across the world began to succumb to the pandemic. With the country disintegrating, Miller got Congress, the Supreme Court and the states to agree to an emergency postponement of elections until the country could hold them. Within a week, states of emergency had to be declared in nearly half of the Union as entire areas were depopulated by the disease. Less than two weeks later, the First Lady succumbed and the entire Union was now under martial law. Congress, lacking a quorum with its membership rapidly diminishing and no way to hold new elections, voted to grant Miller with unprecedented emergency powers before dissolving itself. The surviving Supreme Court quickly blessed the affair as its members also began to die off.

Miller began to desperately try and hold the Union together with almost total control over the federal government that he had been given. He appointed former general and noted Republican Andrew Brewster as his new vice president, promising a unity government to get through the crisis. But soon, law and order began to fall apart even in Colorado as the Dying continued. Not enough men and women remained alive to keep society running and almost every single facet of government in both the United States and the world collapsed.

By the time Miller and the remains of the government sealed themselves into Cheyenne Mountain, all that remained of federal control was largely within Colorado's borders.

Even within the most secure facility in the country, Pandora struck. Vice President Brewster died days after entering the facility alongside three others. By the time Senator Danni Treadwell of Washington was picked out of the remaining eligible members to succeed Brewster, Denver alone was under the control of the American government.

Kevin Miller, the 50th person since George Washington to hold the office of the presidency, knew that it was time to stop pretending that the country, nor the world would ever be the same. On 28 October 2056, he broadcast formally pronounced the end of the Union that had endured for nearly three centuries effective the next day, and urged the governors of each states to "look to their own defenses".


It is unknown what exactly happened to the last president in the chaos following the "Look To Your Own Defenses" speech and the dissolution of the American Empire. Surviving chronicles from Denverite historians seem to indicate that the last heir to St. George Washington survived into the next year, but after that, his fate and final resting place seemingly went unrecorded in the chaotic years immediately following the Great Dying.

Ecce Homo Acadiensis United States presidential elections
2032 and 2036
Great work, LC. If 2016 goes like it happens here, I'll be quite concerned about OTL's future.

That's how good you made it. You made it evolve from OTL very seamlessly.
Great work, LC. If 2016 goes like it happens here, I'll be quite concerned about OTL's future.

That's how good you made it. You made it evolve from OTL very seamlessly.

Thanks. I'd be fine with a Hillary Clinton curbstomp victory over whomever the GOP nominates in 2016. Everything post-2026, however, I'd be very, very concerned with if they actually occurred.
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