
Heard that not a few Austrian Vets hated the Bosnians Serbs worse than the Serbs of Serbia
Then again, a Serbian group kicked off World War I, and I can only imagine that the Sozinats would hate very much hate them as much as Jews and Russians. Additionally Bosnians also fought for Austria-Hungary against the Entente (see the Bosniaken of Eastern Galicia).


Additionally Bosnians also fought for Austria-Hungary against the Entente
Many seemed to not dislike the Muslim Bosniaks as much as the Orthodox Bosian Serbs, who forcibly converted local Catholics as much as they did the Muslims in the first two Balkan Wars


Many seemed to not dislike the Muslim Bosniaks as much as the Orthodox Bosian Serbs, who forcibly converted local Catholics as much as they did the Muslims in the first two Balkan Wars
To be sure, some Sozinats might not like Bosniaks but I don't think that hatred would as severe as the Serbians since Gavrilo Princip (a Serb nationalist) killed Franz Ferdinand and started one of the biggest wars in human history.


So, Sozinat Hitler will proscripe death camps, concentration camps, and forced labor camps for Serbs?
Probably alongside Jews, Russians, political dissidents, homosexuals, disabled, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Romani/Gypsies. I expect these camps to look less like Auschwitz and more akin to Jasenovac (an OTL Ustase concentration camp).
The more I’ve written and hinted about Der Kampf-Verse the more I realize that maybe the Bosnians wouldn’t be his target. Serbians does make better sense.
You could have him target both. Hitler wasn't just against the Jews. Russians, Poles, Lithuanians, gypsy's. Everyone that didn't fall into his vision was thrown into the camps. Even if this is a different Hitler, from what we've seen from the snippets in the future is he's going just as much a monster here as he was iotl.
Maybe he'll see the Bosniaks as too close to serbian and just clump them in with the Serbs. Maybe he'll just see them as a obstruction to his reforming of AH.


You could have him target both. Hitler wasn't just against the Jews. Russians, Poles, Lithuanians, gypsy's. Everyone that didn't fall into his vision was thrown into the camps. Even if this is a different Hitler, from what we've seen from the snippets in the future is he's going just as much a monster here as he was iotl.
Maybe he'll see the Bosniaks as too close to serbian and just clump them in with the Serbs. Maybe he'll just see them as a obstruction to his reforming of AH.
I don't think so. Bosniaks are Muslims and have their own distinct language, unlike the Serbs. They were already part of Austria-Hungary and some fought under the same colors as their camaraderie.
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All of those states I mentioned would be prominent collaborators of Sozinat Austria. Banderist Ukraine in particular would not only be very fanatical but a loyal ally to Hitler with their ideology basically a copy-paste of Sozinatism, especially with the Holodomor killing off 3-12 million people this is going to rile up not just anti-Communism but anti-Semitism among the Ukrainian populace. Kvaternik Croatia is a different story since they would be more anti-Serbian than anti-Semitic but still no less fascist.

As for the flags of the Ukrainian National State and Croatia for Der Kampf this is what they would probably look like:

Flag of

Serbia is also definitely going to face a lot of genocide, ethnic cleansing and a small-scale version of Lebensraum by ethnic Austrians. They're basically OTL's Poland and they'll have a strong resistance movement to fight the Sozinats and their allies.
I like those flags a lot. Haven’t seen that Ukrainian one before. Ukraine, Croatia, etc, these will either be Sozinat puppet states or have large Fascist movements in them.

And I will be officially changing that it will not be the Bosnian Occupation Zone but instead the Serbian Occupation Zone with Bosnia and Herzegovina being annexed/controlled by Croatia and Austria.

Having Serbia rather than Bosnia being this TTL’s analogue to Poland makes more sense in-universe. The reason I was angling so hard for Bosnia being the Poland analogue was I going to play up the ÖSNVP’s militant Catholicism and wanting to rid Europe of “Christ-hating Muslims”

But due to community feedback I realize Serbia would make more sense without changing how much of a hellhole the Balkans will be.
Nice update long live the Revolution!
I wonder if Hitler will hate socialists as much as he did in OTL?
Eh, anything that is a democratic socialist or a Communist type Socialist will be suspect. He is a Social Nationalist so socialism for the Aryan Race would be acceptable. He still leans into the Nationalist aspect a lot. Sozinat Austria will be very corporatist like Fascist Italy.
Well given that his home nation Austria-Hungary lost the war and one of their enemies became communist, you can bet that Der Kampf Hitler will hate communists and socialists a lot much like Jews, Serbians, and Russians.
Hitler will hate Communists, Socialists, Democrats, Jews, Serbians and Gypsies, but he doesn’t necessarily hate Russians, just the Russian government, both as Tsarist Russia and Soviet Russia.

Heard that not a few Austrian Vets hated the Bosnians Serbs worse than the Serbs of Serbia
Hmm, interesting. I’ll have to keep that in mind.
Then again, a Serbian group kicked off World War I, and I can only imagine that the Sozinats would hate very much hate them as much as Jews and Russians. Additionally Bosnians also fought for Austria-Hungary against the Entente (see the Bosniaken of Eastern Galicia).
Good points all. That’s the reason I’m switching to the Serbian Occupation Zone. The Serbs will be greatly persecuted.
Due to less resources and control of Europe compared to the Nazis, the Holocaust-equivalent won’t be as bad or as widespread but will take place mainly in Serbia and see a few million still wiped out.
So, Sozinat Hitler will proscripe death camps, concentration camps, and forced labor camps for Serbs?
Yes, among others.
Probably alongside Jews, Russians, political dissidents, homosexuals, disabled, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Romani/Gypsies. I expect these camps to look less like Auschwitz and more akin to Jasenovac (an OTL Ustase concentration camp).
You could have him target both. Hitler wasn't just against the Jews. Russians, Poles, Lithuanians, gypsy's. Everyone that didn't fall into his vision was thrown into the camps. Even if this is a different Hitler, from what we've seen from the snippets in the future is he's going just as much a monster here as he was iotl.
Maybe he'll see the Bosniaks as too close to serbian and just clump them in with the Serbs. Maybe he'll just see them as a obstruction to his reforming of AH.
His circumstances and his rise to power will be very different but he still is the authoritarian racist Hitler that we know from OTL. His racism just doesn’t extend to Slavs as a race, mainly to the ideology of Slavic countries.


I like those flags a lot. Haven’t seen that Ukrainian one before. Ukraine, Croatia, etc, these will either be Sozinat puppet states or have large Fascist movements in them.

And I will be officially changing that it will not be the Bosnian Occupation Zone but instead the Serbian Occupation Zone with Bosnia and Herzegovina being annexed/controlled by Croatia and Austria.

Having Serbia rather than Bosnia being this TTL’s analogue to Poland makes more sense in-universe. The reason I was angling so hard for Bosnia being the Poland analogue was I going to play up the ÖSNVP’s militant Catholicism and wanting to rid Europe of “Christ-hating Muslims”

But due to community feedback I realize Serbia would make more sense without changing how much of a hellhole the Balkans will be.

Eh, anything that is a democratic socialist or a Communist type Socialist will be suspect. He is a Social Nationalist so socialism for the Aryan Race would be acceptable. He still leans into the Nationalist aspect a lot. Sozinat Austria will be very corporatist like Fascist Italy.

Hitler will hate Communists, Socialists, Democrats, Jews, Serbians and Gypsies, but he doesn’t necessarily hate Russians, just the Russian government, both as Tsarist Russia and Soviet Russia.

Hmm, interesting. I’ll have to keep that in mind.

Good points all. That’s the reason I’m switching to the Serbian Occupation Zone. The Serbs will be greatly persecuted.
Due to less resources and control of Europe compared to the Nazis, the Holocaust-equivalent won’t be as bad or as widespread but will take place mainly in Serbia and see a few million still wiped out.

Yes, among others.


His circumstances and his rise to power will be very different but he still is the authoritarian racist Hitler that we know from OTL. His racism just doesn’t extend to Slavs as a race, mainly to the ideology of Slavic countries.
I think Hitler would still dislike Russians due to their associations with World War I and communism as well as using the Three Brothers as one of the fables to create the Aryan race myth and to get the other Slavs to hate them like one user pointed out. I also posted a modified version of the OUN's flag just with the Ukrainian trident in the center just to give you an idea of what a Banderist Ukraine would look like in the Der Kampf verse.

Also, the Sozinats might end up being just as infamous as OTL's Nazis since they started World War II although as you noted the Holocaust equivalent isn't nearly as bad or widespread because of land and population so the Soviets might also be the greater evil for the West. And as for countries such as Romania, Spain, and Portugal, they will still likely fall to fascism. Corneliu Zelea Codreanu might even become the Conducator of Romania as opposed to Ion Antonescu given the historical butterflies of Hitler being rejected by the Imperial German Army which might just swing the nation into the Axis camp despite their history as an Allied nation during the war.

As far as the Ukrainian National State is concerned, I expect Sozinat Austria to roll into Soviet territory whether through alliances with its neighbors or through occupation and conquest which would include Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, and especially Serbia. The UNS would most cover most or all of western and central Ukraine even stretching as far as the southern region and Crimea. Lviv would be the temporary capital before Kyiv is chosen as the permanent center of power for the new government. There would be a lot of pogroms and violence by the Banderists which might even do their own version of the Babi Yar massacre in this universe. Ustashe wouldn't exist as you pointed out but there would be a similar fascist party led by Kvaternik for Croatia. The Balkans is where TTL's Holocaust happens. As for France, they're going to be invaded by Imperial Germany and potentially made into a puppet state alongside the Netherlands and Belgium.

I also have a few flags just in case Tanner151 if you want to use them for the other Sozinat puppet states:
Flag of the Hungarist Movement.svg

Unitary State of Hungary


Bosnian State

And for the hypothetical National Legionary State of Romania, here's a flag that uses the Romanian national colors and Iron Guard imagery:
See the source image
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It would be the Russian Republic at this point, assuming the February Revolution occurs as per OTL.
Fixed, thank you.
I think Hitler would still dislike Russians due to their associations with World War I and communism as well as using the Three Brothers as one of the fables to create the Aryan race myth and to get the other Slavs to hate them like one user pointed out. I also posted a modified version of the OUN's flag just with the Ukrainian trident in the center just to give you an idea of what a Banderist Ukraine would look like in the Der Kampf verse.

Also, the Sozinats might end up being just as infamous as OTL's Nazis since they started World War II although as you noted the Holocaust equivalent isn't nearly as bad or widespread because of land and population so the Soviets might also be the greater evil for the West. And as for countries such as Romania, Spain, and Portugal, they will still likely fall to fascism. Corneliu Zelea Codreanu might even become the Conducator of Romania as opposed to Ion Antonescu given the historical butterflies which might just swing the nation into the Axis camp and sway Hitler to change his mind about them since they were part of the Allies and were occupied by the Triple Alliance until 1918.

I also have a few flags just in case Tanner151 if you want to use them for the other Sozinat puppet states:
Flag of the Hungarist Movement.svg

Unitary State of Hungary


Bosnian State
Ah thanks for the flags. That Hungarian one is especially nice looking. A lot of Europe will go fascist, either willingly or as clients.

I have plans for Romania, as well as several other parts of Europe and Asia. Some will look similar, others quite different.

A good example is that Finland is two countries by mid-1940, the Republic of Finland (aka the Åland Republic) and the Democratic Republic of Finland, a Soviet client state.

Several countries will be split apart throughout the war, either annexed, puppeted, etc.


Fixed, thank you.

Ah thanks for the flags. That Hungarian one is especially nice looking. A lot of Europe will go fascist, either willingly or as clients.

I have plans for Romania, as well as several other parts of Europe and Asia. Some will look similar, others quite different.

A good example is that Finland is two countries by mid-1940, the Republic of Finland (aka the Åland Republic) and the Democratic Republic of Finland, a Soviet client state.

Several countries will be split apart throughout the war, either annexed, puppeted, etc.
My guess is that France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, and Albania will definitely go fascist. As I said, Codreanu and the Iron Guard might take over Romania and turn it into the National Legionary State which is something you might want to really keep in mind because of historical butterflies. Sozinat Austria isn't going to invade France but Imperial Germany will do the task and might install a puppet regime led by Philippe Petain comprised of authoritarian conservatives and monarchists similar to OTL's Vichy France. The same could go for the other two nations I mentioned. We also know that Charles de Gaulle will still serve as the main figurehead of the French Resistance since the mainland has already fallen to the Germans and Japan is going to war with Britain though it's unclear if they are with Austria or not.
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Now, @Tanner151, we already know that World War II in Der Kampf will start in 1939 like OTL only with Sozinat Austria's tanks rolling into the Balkans. Slovenia would likely be the first nation to be invaded since it already shares a border with the Austrians. And it would further cement the reputation of the Balkans as "Europe's powder keg." The big difference between Sozinat Austria and Nazi Germany is that there wouldn't be a Lebensraum or a vastly scaled-down version due to the different resources and countries being puppeted or occupied.

The post-war world, well it will be very different from OTL since we already know that Sozinat Austria and Hitler will fall, as the very title of this timeline clearly tells us. Who knows how many other countries will fall under the Soviet sphere of influence like what happened with Finland. What will the Western Bloc or whatever it's called even look like, and whether there is an Israel or not? Alternatively, there could be two Jewish states with different ideological beliefs (Socialism vs. Capitalism). And Austria might suffer the same fate as OTL's Germany divided between democratic and communist halves.

Lastly, we really need to look at the new German Empire in the conflict. It's a constitutional monarchy led by the SPD and its reluctant allies, such as the ultranationalist DNVP. They'll likely invade Poland, Belgium, France, the Baltics, and Belarus. I don't think the German treatment of the Slavs and Balts will be that bad, in fact, and they might form puppet states like Austria to counter the Soviet Union. They won't engage in genocide for obvious reasons though that won't stop some soldiers from committing atrocities.
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Now, @Tanner151, we already know that World War II in Der Kampf will start in 1939 like OTL only with Sozinat Austria's tanks rolling into the Balkans. Slovenia would likely be the first nation to be invaded since it already shares a border with the Austrians. And it would further cement the reputation of the Balkans as "Europe's powder keg".

The post-war world, well it will be very different from OTL because of the Imperial German Army rejecting Hitler's application when they actually found out he was Austrian. Who knows how many other countries will fall under the Soviet sphere of influence like what happened with Finland. What will the Western Bloc or whatever it's called even look like, and whether there is an Israel or not? Alternatively, there could be two Jewish states with different ideological beliefs (Socialism vs. Capitalism). And Austria might just suffer the same fate as OTL's Germany divided between democratic and communist halves.
Hey, RiverCat, thanks for the response.

I have road mapped the key things that will happen in Austria, Germany, Soviet Union and China that will help differentiate this world from ours but plans are subject to change but I will say that WW2 will not break out in 1939 as of now. Now there will be conflicts leading up to it, but the actual war will be sometime after 1939.

And Yugoslavia will be the first victim to Sozinat Austria’s military aggression. The first but not the last.

The post-war map of Europe will be noticeably different than OTL. As will Asia.

Also as a heads up to everyone, hoping to get a couple of updates out over the next week. Currently have most of the next chapter done, just touching up and editing.


Hey, RiverCat, thanks for the response.

I have road mapped the key things that will happen in Austria, Germany, Soviet Union and China that will help differentiate this world from ours but plans are subject to change but I will say that WW2 will not break out in 1939 as of now. Now there will be conflicts leading up to it, but the actual war will be sometime after 1939.

And Yugoslavia will be the first victim to Sozinat Austria’s military aggression. The first but not the last.

The post-war map of Europe will be noticeably different than OTL. As will Asia.

Also as a heads up to everyone, hoping to get a couple of updates out over the next week. Currently have most of the next chapter done, just touching up and editing.
As for the Sudetenland and Czechia, it could go to Austria or Germany depending on who invades first. I sincerely wish you the best of luck, and I hope you've been reading some books on Hitler and interwar Europe and Asia to gain a better understanding of the world. The key to a good timeline is research and decent writing, after all.
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Fifteen
Bloody War, Bitter Peace
Eastern Galicia
Austro-Hungarian Empire
December 1917​

Adolf Hitler was working late into the night again, brigade headquarters empty except for the odd clerk, janitor or guard throughout the commandeered house. It had become a frequent occurrence of late. Mounds of documents laid before him, divided into specific piles of various matters. He had never realized how much paperwork and attached administrative nonsense his superiors had to wade through, but now he felt some inkling to the responsibilities they silently bore. If what Hitler was doing was mind numbing and frequent, the paperwork his superior was forced to do was worse.

It had been over three months since his return to the war and he still had not rejoined his comrades in the trench. Working within brigade headquarters showed him a larger picture of the war, which had proven to be very enlightening.

Lieutenant Colonel Olbrecht and he frequented the front regularly for first hand status updates, to raise morale and so forth, but always returned to tackle the misery of military administration that always seemed to await them. Requisition orders, supply manifests, and more flowed through the headquarters building, delivered to whichever department it belonged to. And as commander of the 87th Infantry Brigade, Olbrecht received an ungodly amount of missives, reports, and other communiques from the regiments within the brigade, other brigades, Third Army HQ and more.

It made him miss the front more so yet he dare not leave Olbrecht’s side and leave his commander weakened. If Olbrecht were to be drowned by his duties then the entire brigade would suffer, thousands of men who depended on Olbrecht and by extension of the commander, Hitler, needed him where he was to ensure the Austrian military machine was smooth and efficient and did not trouble the lives of the soldiery under the brigade’s command.

He had written to Lutjens and Gross, lamenting that he was away from the 21st Regiment but that he felt compelled to stay to assist Olbrecht as he felt he was doing more good from behind the scenes than in the trenches.

Gross was supportive as always, his understanding and governmental position silently affirming Hitler’s decision to remain on as Olbrecht’s adjutant. Lutjens he had been more worried about. He didn’t want his friend to feel he abandoned him for the relative safety of the rear lines and a warm bed but his friend and comrade of three years was more than understanding and congratulated Hitler on what Lutjens called a ‘well-earned promotion.’ Such understanding and acceptance firmed his resolve.

Not only was he aiding his commander, he had attended several Army-level briefings to discuss strategy and logistics, giving him insight and an understanding of the war on a tactical and strategic scale. Many at these conferences had eyed him, a mere Feldwebel, with curiosity and disdain as most adjustants for Brigade-level officers and above were captains or higher. Olbrecht seemed annoyed with how they treated his adjutant but Hitler did not overly mind. Let them sneer, let them look down on him, the medals adorning his chest were battle-earned, not bequeathed due to blueblood origin or back-patting that plagued the Austro-Hungarian military’s upper echelons.

He had earned all he held and none could take that from him.

“Adi, how are you still awake?” Lieutenant Colonel Olbrecht’s voice broke his train of thought. He looked up and saw Olbrecht walking towards him, two mugs of coffee in hand, steam rising from.

Hitler rose, coming to attention. “Sir.”

“Sit, sergeant, that’s an order,” his commander said kindly.

Hitler resumed his seat, eagerly accepting the proffered coffee, taking a deep drag of it, the heat warming him up to counter the freezing ice and snow that resided outside the two-story home that housed brigade headquarters.

“I couldn’t go to bed yet, sir. Too much work to do. Besides, it isn’t past midnight yet.”

“It's almost three o’clock in the morning.”

Scheiße,” Hitler muttered, surprised. He turned to look up at the clock ticking away behind him, seeing that the time was in fact 02:56. “I lost track of time.”

“It appears that way doesn’t it,” Olbrecht said, amused. He took a sip of his coffee and leaned back in the chair he had sat down in. “Stop working, relax.”

“But, sir-” Hitler began, gesturing with one hand at the piles of paperwork.

“Leave it until you get some sleep. You’re no good to me or the brigade dead tired. Finish that cup, sergeant, and go to bed.”

“Yes, sir,” Hitler took a sip, shrugging his shoulders to unwound the tightly bound muscles from hunching over too long. He rubbed one hand around his neck, massaging the muscle cords. “Mind if I ask you a question, sir?”

“Hmm,” Olbrecht said, drinking his coffee, but waved his free hand for Hitler to continue.

“What do you think about what’s happening in Russia?” Hitler asked carefully.

Olbrecht finished his sip and looked at Hitler for a moment. He seemed to stare into the sergeant’s soul.

“Are you asking due to political… affiliation to what is occurring in Russia?”

Hitler realized what he meant, “I am not a Communist.” The words were spat out vehemently. “We have served together for years, sir. In that time have I ever hinted that I am a radical revolutionary or a believer in Marxism? Do not insinuate such allegations, lieutenant colonel. It’s insulting.”

Olbrecht tilted his head in apology. “One cannot be too certain anymore. The things we keep hearing from Russia are… disturbing to say the least.”

Hitler leaned forward, hands clasped around the coffee mug. “Communism is a plague, mein Herr, a terrible plague loosed upon this world by Marx and Engels. And now that plague has taken root in Russia and is spreading.” Hitler lowered his voice as if someone was eavesdropping on their conversation. “Why have we not invaded Russia across the front? We need to destroy them before Lenin spreads it to the world.”

Olbrecht opened his mouth, “Adi, it is not so simple. You’ve seen the state of the Third Army, it isn’t much different across all of the Empire’s forces. We are in no shape to advance into Russia. And Petrograd is hundreds of kilometers away from the frontlines. If we pushed across the frontline today, launched a massive offensive, the Russians will do as they have always done, use their country’s vast territory to buy time, grind the enemy down. Look at what happened to Napoleon. He had all of Europe in his grasp and he threw it away on a gamble into Russia.”

“But the Russians are weak-”

“As are we,” Olbrecht interrupted. “There are shortages everywhere, most of the frontline is still within our own country.”

Hitler slammed his fist down, surprising the Austrian officer, “But they’re weaker,” he said fervently, “We only need to knock down the walls of their nation and it’ll all come crashing down. Then we can exterminate Communism and halt its spread. We would save the world from its insidious ideology.”

“It is simply not possible, Adi.”

“It should be,” he muttered. “It must be.”

“Sirs,” said a flustered corporal who bustled in, hand clutching a piece of paper. “Lieutenant Colonel Olbrecht, you’ll want to see this,” the corporal held the paper out.
Hitler was half-curious, though it was likely to be some missive from Third Army Headquarters. He drained the rest of the coffee, setting the mug down. He would head to bed soon. He was tired, so very tired. Sleep would be more than welcome, then it would be back here after a few hours snatched.

Olbrecht read the document and stood up suddenly. Hitler eyed his commander, seeing something akin to surprise and relief on the commander’s face.


“An armistice,” he muttered. Olbrecht cleared his throat and spoke louder. “An armistice between the Central Powers and Russia has been put into place… Immediately all hostilities are to cease until otherwise instructed.” Olbrecht let out a sigh of relief. “Looks like the war is one step closer to ending, for better or worse.”

The corporal let out a whoop of relief, Olbrecht gave a small smile but Hitler… Hitler sat there in shocked disbelief, furious that the most opportune time to destroy Bolshevism in its infancy had been passed in favor of a what he knew would be a hollow peace.

Hitler privately vowed that day to correct such an oversight, no matter how long it took or the bodies it would leave in its wake.
+ + +​

The armistice between the Central Powers and Russia, formally renamed the Russian Soviet Republic in early 1918, would last for nearly three months, with only sporadic fighting flaring up between the two sides, largely isolated and contained. Months of intense negotiation followed. The Soviet Russians, believing that the Central Powers would be willing to sign a quick peace, were initially overambitious, their diplomatic ambassador to the negotiations, Leon Trotsky, quickly established himself as arrogant and pompous to the German, Austro-Hungarian, Bulgarian and Ottoman representatives. Trotsky, like Lenin, believed that proletariat revolutions would sweep across Europe in the months following the October Revolution. But as winter passed into spring the Soviets realized the error of their zealous calculation and scrambled to cobble together a negotiated settlement that sated Germany and its allies but still left Russia in a position of relevant strength.

There was a show of defiance, rumors were whispered that Russia would resume hostilities if pushed too hard but these have never been proven with historical sources. In the end the Soviet Russians knew they had to throw in the towel or risk mass social unrest at home, which was already beginning to worsen due to the ongoing civil conflict.

And so they did, defanging themselves in the process.

On March 3rd, 1918 the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed between the Central Powers and the Russian Soviet Republic. Vast tracts of land were to be militarily or economically dominated by the Central Powers, specifically Germany and Austro-Hungary. The Ukraine, in the form of the short-lived Ukrainian People’s Republic, would be a part of the infamous “Peace for Bread” policy that saw Ukraine empty its grain silos to satisfy the hungry demands of its former enemies. Some within the Entente would use the punishing Brest-Litovsk Treaty as inspiration for the Treaties of Versailles, Trianon and Saint Germain-en-Laye.

Small territorial adjustments would be made, with Germany benefiting the most by far, while Austro-Hungary saw minute gains while the exclusion of Polish representatives who sought to create an independent Poland saw to many Poles, once pro-Austrian, become militantly anti-Austrian and would plague German and Austrian military forces until the end of the war in guerilla tactics while many Polish military units within the Austro-Hungarian Empire defected to the Russians to take part in the Russian Civil War there, largely fighting on the side of the Whites.

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk came at a critical juncture of the First Great War. The Central Powers neared military exhaustion, fighting a war on several fronts proved disastrous to these resource-starved empires and stretched their limited manpower to its breaking point. With the entry of the Americans into the war many within the Central Powers believed the war to be unwinnable but with the collapse of the Russians into civil war and their desire to withdraw from the war it gave the leaders of Germany and Austro-Hungary a brief surge of hope.

Now was the time to strike, the Germans argued. One last great offensive to knock France out of the war, forcing the Entente to sue for peace before the United States could properly deliver its vast industrial might and fresh soldiers to Europe.

While the Germans assembled hundreds of thousands of soldiers freshly arrived from the Eastern Front to begin their Kaiserschlacht, a million more were tied down occupying the territory ceded to the Germans in the Treaty. The Austro-Hungarians on the other hand turned their attention to their two remaining fronts: the Italian and Macedonian (the Romanians having sued for peace following Russia’s withdraw from the war with the Treaty of Bucharest temporarily concluding the fighting on that front until the final hours of the war) as well as using a significant proportion of their military forces as an occupying garrison in western Russia and the Ukraine.

While the Macedonian Front received little in the way of Austro-Hungarian soldiers in mid to late 1918, the Italian Front on the other hand would receive the lion’s share of the Empire’s remaining viable strength, especially following the decisive victory at the Twelfth Battle of the Isonzo. Many still believed that with Russia out of the war that the war could be brought to a satisfactory conclusion.

Yet times were becoming increasingly more dire in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The economy was nearing collapse from the burden of continuing the war, food stores were practically nonexistent and many across the Empire starved or survived off half-rations. The military had proven itself to be a bloated and ineffective force, ever shamefully in the shadow of its more successful German brother to the north. Ethnic nationalism rose to new heights across Austro-Hungary, causing already tense relationships amongst its populace to become ever more strained and violent.

It would not be long until the Empire collapsed though none could imagine it would happen in the fashion it did. It would be in this chaotic environment of low morale, starvation, wounded national pride, and the impending threat of defeat in the Great War that radicalized Adolf Hitler, at the time a non-important sergeant in the Austrian Landwehr assigned to what had been the Eastern Front. He was nothing more than a cog in the military machine of a dying Empire, but within only a few years he would prove to be a force to be reckoned with in the First Austrian Republic.​
-excerpt from From Empire to Fascism: the Rise of the Austrian State
by Gerald Stourzh, PhD in Modern History (1974)​
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Hey, everyone, hope you enjoy this newest update. Also, Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to you all! Hope you have an enjoyable and safe holiday season. This year has been crazy and I am very appreciative of all the support and feedback I have received since I started this story.

As a side note I have been working behind the scenes on my roadmap and the notes associated with it to get the world to the state I want it to be in prior to WW2 breaking out and what that world will look like post-war.

One of the obvious changes was the change from the Bosnian Occupation Zone to the Serbian Occupation Zone, with Serbia and not Bosnia being this TL's equivalent to the General-Government. This came about directly due to community feedback and critique which showed that Serbia made far more sense in-universe than Bosnia would.

Another thing I've decided to change is Andrei "Fyodor" Kolganov's role in the rise of the Soviet Union, who he meets on the way and so on. The USSR of 1940 in the Der Kampf universe is not quite the same as the Soviet Union in OTL. Very similar, with some notable changes here and there.

I've edited the flash forward section in Chapter Seven to reflect this. Very few things changed, maybe you'll notice them on a re-read and can hypothesize but they are not important as of yet. Just hinting at plot points to come.

1920s Soviet politics will be quite... chaotic, with faces both familiar and new to the common history buff interacting with Fyodor throughout his time as a Communist revolutionary from Southern Russia to a high ranking Soviet commissar.

Thanks for all the support everyone!
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Merry Christmas, Tanner! I'm really looking forward to how AH collapses here, because if it turned this nicer, reasonable, and logistics and strategy experienced Hitler into still being a crazy dictator, it must be something really catastrophic.
He would oppose the Sozinats as their ideology is Nazi-by-another-name so he wouldn't agree with it. Von Trapp will likely flee Austria or he'll be arrested. If arrested, and killed, there would be no Sound of Music.

Maybe there'll be a Sozi version of Sound of Music: -
My Favourite Things
Plucking live chickens and whiskers off kittens,
Rabbits I've strangled and dogs that I've bitten,
Butterfly wings that come off with a PING,
These are a few of my favourite things,