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Chapter I: Boston and Taxes
  • May 5, 1774
    Boston, Massachusetts


    After the news reached Samuel Adams he was up in arms he now thought Parliment was attempting to starve out Boston in response he organized the Sons of Liberty and organized boycotts of the port act with newspapers stirring up and exaggerating the laws to rally people against the law it was working too, with many growing to support the boycott movement. however as many colonies sent aid shipments the aid fluttered as The British soon received news of the colonies fierce resistance in response a fierce movement led by Edmund Burke rose to prominence as the Whig politician organized the Whigs against Lord North's failing In response to the colonies he and his allies despite the resistance of Lord North's government pushed for the to be held in !775 giving them time. Lord Fredrick North and his government quickly looked for a way to alleviate the crisis and to this it looked t flare up colonial tensions to disrupt supply first it backed New Hampshire against Massachusetts . on its northern Boundary getting the law through as a way to punish them for thee tea party without being too severe, worked with colonies and gave minor concessions to cutt off supplies, and approved the movement of troops to the land boundaries of Massachusetts to intercept supplies this was seen by many as extreme and rialed up anger in the colonies giving the Whigs and colonials greater support. However despite this being controversial Massachusetts began to starve with forced them to negotiate after weeks Massachusetts payed the fine however resentment built up and the colonies created the First Continetal Congress in order to form a inited front to prevent a second starvation. Inside Britain this was deeply unpopular in Britain as many began to voice public disapproval of Lord North's actions especially in the press.

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    September 5,1774

    The Delegates met from the twelve colonies with them deciding to form minutemen companies and begin a program of relief and smuggling creating routes across the Proclamation line of 1763 to supply colonies to force the British to blockade all of the colonies (which would be extremely unpopular),created a command of the minutemen and began offcial boycotts of all British goods and the sending of evoys to talk about the food crisis in Massachusets. it was asserted that they were still loyal subjects of King George.


    Adopted Flag of the Congress and Movement

    Bristol,Great Britain
    October 1774

    With the Controversial events in Massachusetts Edmund Burke's movement conceded to allowing the election to be held in the fall 1774 allowing the Ministerialist Torries to be hit with the full anger of them starving subjects of the King, Edmund Burke managed to secure candidacy to become Prime Minister he did constant campaigning in Bristol,London and across Britain with focus especially in Ireland on focusing opinion away from the Torries among the Anglo-Irish. Luckily for him Lord Fredrick North was defeated 397-161. Edmund Burke now saw him as Prime Minister as Massachusetts had already payed the port act was repealed and despite many in his own government advising against it he met the with continetal Congress with the Proclimation renegotiated to the Missippisi River,some of the taxes were lowered however the boycott ended and the main tea supplier had to be the East India Company and creation of decently sized American and regional Parliments.
    oringially this was shot down pretty closely however following the Americans and Burke's supporters spreading propaganda about starving Massachusetts led to Parliment conceding after the American Parliment was Weakened and the Individual Parliments strengthend (divide and rule) and assertion in special cases Parliment could overule the Americans.

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    Chapter II: The Qubec Question
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia
    April 7,1775

    The American Parliment first met with representives across the Thirteen Colonies,Nova Scotia, Quebec,and West Flordia met in the city of Philadelphia with the British government promising the Thirteen Colonies a Realignment of Quebec's border this angered Quebecs representives with they deliberated on an used their agreements with Britain to consider the other colonies deals void in response it kept escalating as the case British North America V.S. Province of Quebec reached the British Supreme Court in which it decided 10-2 in favor of British North America and also declared the Province of Quebec could not Overule the colonies and the American and British Parliments planting the seeds for anger within the province.
    Next Quebec was further angered as the B.N.A. Parliment Repealed Quebec's laws against anglo and protestant migration however a lucky break for Quebec following the courts ruling that the American Parliment could not remove the protected status of catholics however they no longer enjoyed complete control as a mini version of the Protestant Ascendacy occured as Anglos moved into the region and founded York (Toronto) and spilt off Upper Canada from Quebec evicting many Catholics.


    A previously unknown man Gabriel Gagon began writing a paper which proved Populaur and began to form a Movement called Liberté et Renouveau it became insanely popular and began Gaining influence and launched boycotts similar to the Americans to Emalute their sucsess however their proposals fell on deaf ears as the British had little Regard for Catholics. Liberté et Renouveau began arming itself and on 1/1/1776 LR (Liberté et Renouveau) forces began to drive out British forces with the surprise factor with them seizing Montreal much of the St Laurence gulf it also drove out Anglos and Protestants with the burning of York. Minutemen oringially hired to fight Britain fought LR however despite this LR had some luck an advancing Towards Albany, New York
    Albany,New York

    March 8,1776
    as Liberté et Renouveau forces approached the city they attempted it to cut off its supplies however this completely failed as the 7th Dragoon regiment stopped and prevented the advance of their infantrymen, soon after Minutemen engaged them in the center with 62nd regiment from Britain destroying and causing the LR forces to break ranks and with the 7th and 8th Dragoon regiments crushed the LR Infantryment from both flanks.
    Following the battle the Liberté et Renouveau were forced to retreat across the St Laurence gulf,with the city of Montreal in range.

    Montreal,République du Québec

    Feburary 3,1777
    As The British advanced fierce artillery destroyed the city Minutemen and Horses Broke down and looted the City by now most of the LR leadership had fled except Gabriel Gagon he wanted to die as a a martyr and die he did. In Quebec anti British sentiment rose in Quebec it's charter was revoked and all its protection despite this violence against Anglos continued as it was swept under the bus as settlers were funneled to Upper Canada and the West.
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    Chapter III: Anglo-French Rivalry
  • Palace of Versailles,France

    During and After the Rebellion France tried to stir up trouble in British Positions but with the LRs defeated France attempted to rebound.
    "Your Majesty the British have discovered our involvement and demand answers!" Louis XVI looked at the advisor and decided to respond
    "Tell our envoys to deny involvement". The Advisor responded "We have already attempted that Your Majesty and they demand reperations"
    Louis Responded once more: "Well Tell the English we will not allow those evil demons and heretics to rob France any longer and if they do so we will force them away with bayonets!" The King had grown extremely angry and his Advisors sent to the message to Britain.

    Westminster,Great Britain
    October 11,1777


    Edmund Burke and his government following their victory in the Quebec crisis they had demanded reperations for French involvement and damage during the Crisis instead they got Well Tell the English we will not allow those evil demons and heretics to rob France any longer and if they do so we will force them away with bayonets!" and they Interpreted this as A Declaration of War and Mobilized the Armed Forces. They had lack of allies and they needed to fix that quickly.


    November 1,1777


    A diplomat arrived at King Fredrich's court heralding the British request for an alliance naturally due to how the British Practically left them for dead.The King responded. "We are not entering a war of ruin for British honor and we will not ever!". Fredrick and Catherine of Russia formed the League of Armed Neutrality in order to protect Neutral countries from involvement in war Sweden and Denmark-Norway joined the league as well.

    November 7, 1777


    In Austria a second diplomatic revolution occured as The British Found their First sucsess in an alliance with a number of agreements strengthening the Anglo-Austrian Alliance as well Archduchess Maria Thresa met with King George, Peter of Portugal,and King of Sardina Victor Amadeus.
    They met in order to sing the provisions of the Second Grand Alliance against France.
    The Reaction in France to the Treaty was one of Fear with the Third Pacte de Familie Signed between France and Spain With the Ottoman Empire and Two Sicilies Supporting them.

    Europe Marches Toward War
    Chapter IV: And It Begins
  • Rouen,France
    December 6,1777

    Francois Comte De Grasse had traveled to Rouen to oversee French naval expansion his time in the city was boring despite Tensions rising across Europe he planned to go on vacation in the spring he planned to go to Rome even with his wife and children would also go to Florence Venice and Naples,yet he was still here in a boring city in the north of France yet his life was about to change forever.

    8:01, December 6,1777

    Francois was talking to some disgruntled sailors and then... BOOM!
    Royal Navy Ships flying their red ensigns opened fire on the French Navy and Rouen costal battery men ran for their posts as the navy attempted to fight back however Thomas Graves Fleet had surprise on their side following the attack they fled across the channel. The Francois decided he had to pursue for French Honor and all he realized it was a trap! he attempted to escape but by now they were to close to the Coast of England Shore Batteries Bombarded the FRench Fleet as The British Engaged them on All sides Francois managed to survive and surrendered on the shores of Kent.

    Royal Navy ships arriving to port following victory.

    December 7,1777

    King Louis XVI heard of the Attack ad Offcially Declared war on Britain,Jean-Baptiste Rochambeau was to Lead the first strike into the Austrian Netherlands and further until the Rhine River the French Plan was to isolate Britain from its european allies then starve the British out. The Problem with this plan was the countless neutral countries and its American Posessions providing it with food.
    Charleroi, Austrian Netherlands
    7:21,Janurary 1,1778


    Jean-Baptiste Rochambeaus Forces stormed the city engaging the Austrians the French numbered 60,000 as Austria funneled and massed around 20,000 French cavalry cut off Supplies artillery broke the cities defenses and the Austrians retreated towards the city center the French made ground and broke through the city corners however the barricaded streets proved to be hellish for French forces even worse British forces had landed near antwerp crossing through the Netherlands. by 10:10 The City had Fallen and the French raced towards to cut off the British and Austrians communication and that battle was Brussels...
    Brussels,Austrian Netherlands
    Janurary 24,1778

    Cornwallis had landed in the Netherlands days ago andd had reached Brussels Before the French and worryingly before the Austrians,
    The Austrians had 35,000 men on the way and he had 15,000 The French still had 50,000 numbers were not on his side yet he hoped he would be able to use the fornications and his cavalry to cut off the French cavalry and communications. however he woke up to a unpleasant surprise.
    French Forces Quickly surrounded and destoryed the British on the outskirts pressing them into the city with clumsy street to street fighting rendering French Artilery Useless the French Numbers were also not as important however the British supplies we cut forcing them to flee after a week of Fighting.
    Metz, France
    March 6, 1777

    Following French victory at Brussels the Austro-British forces were now spilt the French took heavy Casulties but met the Austrians on the outskirts of the city of Liege and Drove the Austrians Across the Meuse. Now Austria prepared for it's counter attack they were aiming to meet France in Alsace which they almost did they engaged the French with 75,000 strong force near the City of Metz with the French Artilery and defenses caused 1/10 of the army to die before the engagement the battle itself was brutal. the French held the hills and bombarded and kept the Austrians away for 7 days with 25,00 losses for Austria France had 1,000 on the First and an Average of 5,000 as the week went on however. on March the City of Metz Fell

    Force of Arms will decide the Future of Europe

    Chapter V: Britain Strikes Back: 1/2

  • Corsica,France
    April 9,1778


    British Royal Marines landed near the City of Ajjaco the French Garisson was unprepared and fell low on supplies due to the Royal Navy blockading the Island the Island was overrun within a day following Royal Navy bombardments and more reinforcements while on patrol one Royal Marine talked with a nine-year-old kid who was anti French and very pleased to see the Soldier.
    The kid introduced himself as Napoleon Bonaparte and asked about the soldiers,weapons and his uniform. he learned little facts which convinced him to one The Military was the place for him.

    Antwerp,Austrian Netherlands
    April 10, 1778


    British Forces needed to Avenge their defeat at Brussels with a regrouped forces numbering 25,000 regulars 10,000 Hanoverians and Hessians and 2,000 North American Detachments (their first deployment on the other side of the sea) and noticing the French spread thin The British decided to strike south of Leuven to crack French supply lines.

    Leuven, Austrian Netherlands
    5:00,April 14,1778


    The British Dragoons engaged the French supply caravans and rear forces at 5:00 despite heavy Casulties by 5:25 the British 6th Dragoon Guards regiment had broken the French rear with other cavalry aiding its charge smashing the French cutting them from southern resupply.
    British Infantrymen seized Posistions aided by Artilery in the second half of the day with the French holding their Ground near the City itself However the 24th regiment of foot made major ground storming tomberg hill capturing french Artilery and turning it against the city as the some Dragoon regiments circled north to break the French Infantry Lines.
    By the end of the day the French army was spilt in two

    New Spain,Spain
    Jan 1777-
    May ,1778

    In British North Ameria following the Quebec crisis and the Exposing of French Actions most people wanted war and that's what they got Minutemen were put together in a British North American Army this was controversial in some colonies but it was important to have a unified command structure.
    This Force had begin raids into New Spain plenty of times however in May they were assembled to begin an attack to seize New Orleans

    New Orleans,New Spain
    May 1,1778


    BNA forces first landed by sea with royal navy aid on April 30th,Light Cavalry regiments first engaged the Spanish near Baton rouge charging and breaking the ranks to to the underdefended city. Minutemen captured Forts and hills outside of the city and Artilery and Royal Navy bombardments softened the city up for the Americans to storm the outskirts before facing heavy casulties however Royal Marines had cracked the costal parts of the city and the rest fell in due time.

    Chapter V: Britain Strikes Back: 2/2
  • Amiens,France
    May 25,1778

    Following British victory in Brussels they decided they needed to fully severe the Ftrench army and link up with the Austrians 13,000 Dutch Reinforcments had arrived by then and Cornwallis felt good about his chances his forces now numbered 40,000 near the City of Amiens they met a French Force of 100,000 which was rallied after Charleoi quickly Cornwallis asked for Reinforcements but those might arrive to late.

    5:00,May 25,1778
    The French Counterattacked the British and Forced them up onto the hills French forces lost thousands attempting to storm the hills the hills began losing even more with their supply trains were cut off by French cavalry as the British Lost the hill overlooking the city to French Dragoons however as cavalry couldnt defend the Guns on the hill the British recaptured their Howitzers and turned them on the French.

    June 1,1778


    British forces landed north of Calais following this Dragoons and light infantry secured the out roads of Calais facing majorresistance of the junction that connected it to France in the south of the city however by 5 o'clock they had overan the outer roads by 6:25 they had stormed down the Calis Ville moving through and engaging French forces bypassing them via a connecting road b efore destroying them from two sides and spilting the city in two before it fell with Royal Marines seizing the Port.

    June 4,1778


    John Burgoyne's Forces had arrived on the Final day of the battle Cornwallis forces were in collapse but holding some ground the French Armies were worn down as well as nearly fresh forces wrecked through their lines and resulted in the collapse of the French Army at Amiens Austrians linked with the British South of the City and Louis XVI contemplated surrender.

    Buenos Ares,Rio De La Plata,Spain
    June 10,1778


    George Washington was leading the collection of Anglo forces that were to storm the city first they landed near the boulevards near the coastline before hitting the city from all sides the city quickly surrendered due to low morale. following the battle his forces took the city of Montevidedo and more of the River Plate

    Spanish East Indies,Spain
    June 5,1778


    British Forces first landed near Manila after low intensity fighting and a blockade of Luzon they advanced towards northern Luzon following an additional landing near their goal Spanish lackluster defenses were unable to repel them following this up they landed near Cebu forcing the Spnaish to retreat to the Island of Mindando Spanish resistance here was concentrated leading to a tough landing followed by several anti British native risings on the island which ended with a grueling 6 day siege of Davao which finally fell on October 1st.

    Chapter V.V:Treaty of Potsdam
  • Potsdam,Prussia

    August 1,1778

    King Louis XVI appealed for Peace following the Fall of Amiens as the situation was hopeless Spain and Two Sicilies surrendered as well the Ottoman Empire refused to surrender however. Spain got off easy only losing Balerics, Rio De La Plata,Cadiz, Louisana,and the Phillippines to Britain and its Clients and Its African Territory to Portugal. France lost Senegal and its African islands, Kerluen island, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon,Calais,Rouen, Corsica, and Haiti to Britain and its Client State. Alsace was recreated as a Duchy and it joined the Holy Roman Empire. Corsica was Federated with the Balerics Capri and other islands under the Two Sicilies into the Kingdom of Corsica a British Client State. Austria Gained Flandre and Artois.
    France not only had to pay for the war but double they would have payed for the Quebec crisis and they had to be buy back Picarde from Austria and Britain leaving with with around 1 billion in debt.

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    Chapter VI: The Turks Brought to the Table
  • Ionian Islands were Occupied without much resistance from the Venetians
    The Knights of Malta were Simmilarly Coerced

    Aegean Islands,Ottoman Empire

    August 19,1778

    British Forces under John Pitcarn landed at Charia and engaged Ottoman Forces south of Herakklion the city soon fell and the British advanced leapfrogging in the cyclades islands facing resistance from Ottoman Forces however the Ottoman Navy met the a small detachment of theRoyal Navy however despite the numbers not in Britains favor the battle was not kind to the ottomans the ottoman navy faced major Casulties and retreated to an island port only to by cut off and destroyed by a RN detachment allowing for the British to not only take cyclades and the Sporades which in the following days the North Agean and Dodcanese Islands fell as well.

    Egypt,Ottoman Empire
    September 2,1778


    British Forces landed near Marsa occupying the city and marching towards Alexandria which fell in due time the Ottoman Forces regrouped after the Fall of Tanta turning the battle of Cairo into A Protracted Siege.
    British Forces advanced towards the Nile Capturing the seafront on September 21st the battle for the outskirts in order to encircle the city was costly with the British losing as many as 10,000 before they fell. now the Cannons were able to shell Cairo from all sides. they advanced into the dense city center suffering many more Casulties but they had captured the city. following the campaign Ottoman and British forces were worn however the British went on to advance as fall down the Nile as Luxor. British Forces while on tour discovered a stone with Ancient Egyptian writing in Rosetta.

    Bosnia,Ottoman Empire
    September 13,1778


    Austria Launched a surprise invaison of Bosnia seizing Banja Luka then they advanced Suth Taking Sarajevo before the Mostar offensive before moving into Ottoman Serbia with Belegrade falling soon after.The Austrian army continued taking Bor and threateaning Ottoman Bulgaria and Greece.

    Galipoli,Ottoman Empire
    September 30,1778


    British Forces suffered the heaviest amount of Casulties all war during a single battle around 15,000 in a single day however the peninsula fell and Constantinople was threatened this was the final straw for Sultan Abdülhamid I especially since Russia entered the war and had occupied Georgia. He surrendered on October 2,1778
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    Chapter VI.V Peace of Danzig
  • Danzig,Prussia
    October 21,1778

    Now with Ottoman Defeat Clear they had to Concede

    To Austria: Bosnia,Banat,and the Rest of Serbia north of the Sava River ( The Rest of Serbia is ceded to the Hapsburg Kingdom of Serbia)
    To Britain: Agean Islands,Cyprus and Egypt (Morea and Central Greece as a British Client State)
    To Corsica:Ionian Islands and Crete
    To Russia:Circasia,Georgia, Lazristan and Armenia
    To Russian Clients: Whallachia and Moldavia into Rumania, Ottoman Bulgaria and Dobaruja into Bulgaria (Pre Balkan Wars Borders)
    Other Results: Ottoman Empire must Pay Reperations to all Parties.
    Ottoman Empire comes Under British Protection
    Chapter VII: Welcome to the River Plate
  • British River Plate,British South America

    Credit to: Rascallite

    Several Years after the colony had been taken by the British Empire and several massive changes had occured. The first change was the enforcement of the catholic penal laws following this British settlement of British settlement.
    The First initial wave was concentrated in Bel Air (Buenos Aires) but following the Penal Laws Anglos settled in between the Rio De La Plata river basin. Spaniards began to flee towards other Spanish colonies following the appointment of an Orangeman and extreme anti-catholic laws which led to several riots by Spaniards which resulted in something much larger

    Bel Air, British River Plate
    March 22, 1781


    On Holy Thursday three days before Easter a group of crilolos (Spanish colonists born in the colonies) led by Miquel Artigas Abel prepared their conspiracy they had spent the last month allying with Catholic tenants and urban spaniards even forming an alliance of Practicality with the Welsh along with Irish Convicts and Settlers brought to Patagonia.

    British River Platte,British South America
    March 24,1781

    Seizing Several Forts outside of the River valley of the River valley and bridges to cut off the royal navy creating blockages to hurt the colonial economy followed by the Storming of the City of Montevideo followed by the rest of the province in British Chacras (Bolivia) Fighting broke out in a multi sided conflict between the British Garrison Spanish Revolts and the Natives fighting the Indo-Europeans and eachother, In Bel Air itself the The rebels stormed the Audiencia (highest court) and Proclaimed the Confederation of Rio De La Platan and Patagonaidd Republics, The British Lost control of the city on 26th Easter itself there was where they declared Formal Independence from the British Empire. the British held control of Uruguay south of the Black(In Spanish) River with Montevideo becoming the hub of fleeing British loyalists.

    Cordoba,La Platan and Patagonaidd Confederacy
    April 18th, 1781


    Family Aled Ab Cadwick had emigrated from Wales to escape from English domination the program was actually sponsored by the British with as many as 50,000 Welsh Leaving due to them having very light control in settled Patagonia since the end of the war he had joined the Revolt in hope of a free land. He now Found Himself leading an arming of 5,000 Welsh and 15,000 Spaniard 7,000 Irish against British forces in Cordoba from an adjacent fort that had fallen to The Revolution. His Guns Openned Fire on the local British force but quickly ran out of ammunition requiring a blood storming of the fortress by the end of the day only the outer walls had fallen luckily by day two of the siege they had broken the major defenses and forced the British to Retreat. Cordoba had fallen...

    Montevideo, British River Plate
    April 29,1781


    General Charles Cornwallis following the Fall of Cordoba and his reassignment to the colony he knew British position was precarious he ordered his forces into a general retreat from the inland regions and attempt to defend the Rio De Plata river valley despite the war being a disaster and his retreat being unpopular with parliment his strategy was working Bel Air Was Recaptured and a rebel force of 20,000 his (15,000) was defeated following their infantry being outmanuvered at the battle of Parana.


    Britain is Stuck in a quagmire...

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    Chapter VII: Welcome to the River Plate: 2/2: Hurrah for Britannia!
  • Posadas,British River Plate
    May 13,1781

    General Cornwallis's forces had now regrouped and began the counteroffensive British forces had arrived at the Town of Posadas and met a rebel army here Cornwallis would earn back respect following the General Retreat.
    Cornwallis started by seizing roads and bridges near the sister-town of Encarnacion and Advances up and down roads cutting off Posada and the 7,000 strong Rebel force from the rest of the Confederation here a detachment of his force 4,500 strong defeated a larger force using Artilery sailing in on river boats and Howitzers hitting them from all four sides, Cornwallis cavalry around 500 men captured the main roads making common communication among the Rebels Inpossible following his main force of 2,000 descended with 1,000 men as rear guards the Rebels of Posada were eaten alive and with them so did Support for the Revolt In Platan Mespotania.
    Bel Air,British River Plate
    May 30,1781

    Cornwallis had won at Posada and was left to taking Bel Air back as well his Army was aided by an additional force of 7,000 men however his armies from the battle were about 3/4 strength now numbering arond 3,300 now 13,300 due to additional reinforcements and his river fleet (Major ships) was expanded to around 13 ships enough to defeat and capture the Rebels and Retake the Colonial Capital.
    British Forces numbering 5,000 stormed the areas of Modern day Monro, and Advanced towards Paler (Palermo),landing British Royal Marines numbering 2,000 had captured Saint Abbot(San Telermo) and had advanced towards the city center. 1,300 Artilery men and around 20 Pieces shelled the Argentines. The main force 6,000 strong with the city softened Storming Bel Air itself the Argentine morale had been melted and the British Captured it on April 1st and The Provisonal Government. In response the Argentines formed a Junta.

    Cornwallis and the British government had moved to court the Welsh remembering how important it was in American Colonies, The Welsh Language was recognized in the colony a privilege that the Welsh didn't have in Britain they were to be incorporated in the Colonial Assembly and courts Welsh Militas could be raised on the order of the King and Colonial Assembly the English Settlers by nature felt excluded and where given the Same rights.
    Catholic Relief was also passed By Military Decree (Cornwallis was Military Governor of the Colony) weakening Irish Opposistion to the Colonial Government. This Resulted in an Incredibly radicalized government under blockade.

    June 29,1781


    The British Had made overtures to the Native people's as well and this Resulted in and of Decree 021 Which said all non-spanish speaking people's were traitors quickly causing their last allies the Irish to leave them following this Spain offcially supported Britain instead of slightly supporting the movement due to it's radicalization and to Avoid an Anglo-Spanish War now Cornwallis had Marched on Cordoba the British in the East the Spanish in the West besieged the city Cordoba quickly fell and the leader of the revolt Miquel Artigas Abel was found near a burned hospital and he was captured for trial in London.

    Two Down Two To Go
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    Chapter VIII: Balkans Home of Violence: 1/2
  • Balkans,Europe


    Following their Liberation from the Ottoman Empire they almost began border squabble and other dramas but several Blocs emerged Serbia and Montenegro joined together in Habsburg Bloc and while Bulgaria and Greece allied against Serbia and the Ottomans. by 1780 and understanding among the Balkan powers had formed fully defeat the Ottoman Empire while the Habsburg ruled states were protected by Austria Greece and Bulgaria had an alliance and began building up their militaries for a furtue conflict against the Turks the Habsburgs responded and did the same. however the Ottoman Empire's Economy had fallen into freefall and the time became right when the Ottomans Protector,Britain became embroiled with the La Platan War of Independence. The Balkan States readied to Strike.

    Greco-Ottoman Border
    May 21, 1781


    Following news of Britains distraction reaching Eastern Europe the Balkan States acted fast but the Greeks acted the Fastest storming across the border much to the chagrin of the Ottomans their forces were smashed but regrouped near Larmia Greek Revolts rose up in support of the Greek army however the Ottomans put these down as the combat slowed down and Lamia saw fierce street to street combat with the Ottomans causing Greeks to take thousands of Casulties taking each city block one by one until it fell on the 25th (it was a border town) The Greek advance stopped when their army was defeated by Ottoman Forces at Farsala.
    Plodiv,Ottoman Empire
    May 23,1781


    Bulgarian Armies following the Greeks stormed into Ottoman Eastern Rumelia sweeping through Burgas Yamdol Silven and Stara Zagora but met tough resistance at Plodiv the ottoman used Artilery of British origin smashing the Bukgarias with their armies taking up to 40% Casulties however eventually Russian financed Cavalry defeated the Ottomans allowing Infantrymen to take the guns and turn them on the Ottomans and the city of Plodiv leading to its Fall following this they replenished their forces and Marched towards Constantinople where they were encircled at Edrine. Russia Entered the War to "Safeguard Bulgaria" causing the Austrians to formally Support Montenergo and Serbia by declaring war. Britain Offcially entered the conflict starting the Anglo-Austrian and Anglo Russian War.
    Chapter VIII: Balkans Home of Violence: 2/2: Nightmares of the Black Sea
  • Offshore of Crimea
    June 2,1781


    A British fleet was moving towards their target Sevestapol to prevent to weaken Russian Presence on the Black Sea however a Russian fleet had a simmilat goal they met near the Kerch Strait and engaged The Russians initially had the upper hand but the British were able to Outmanuver them on the right and forced them back to Kerch itself naturally the British hit them and destroyed their fleet this critically victory secured naval superiority for Britain however the Land Front was undecided

    June 10,1781

    At 8 o'clock in the morning British forces landed at Yalta, Feodorosiya,Alushta and Balaklava.
    British Forces met little resistance on the coastline except at Alushta and Balaklava,

    At Alushta British forces advanced down the riverstream taking heavy Casulties however they were forced to retreat south of Simferopol when the Russian Army took Alushta and the their positions near Simferopol they were encircled with the Mountains and Artilery to the east and west Heavy Russian concentrations to their South and North the Russians Descended upon the British with slow progress however for the British they took over 80 percent casualty percentage by the time they had surrendered.

    Balaklava and Sevastopol,Crimea
    June 9, 1781

    British Forces had landed at Balaklava and stormed the city they began a bloody river crossing taking heavy Casulties to russian guns but the Brown water ships of the Royal Navy secured and allowed them to march on Sevastopol on the 13th the British stormed several bridges severing the city nearly in half before bloody street to street fighting saw British forces lose up to 40% and Russians up 60% however the city fell and with that the Black Sea Fleet for the duration of the War.

    Chapter:VIII.V:Peace of Edrine
  • Edrine,Ottoman Empire
    June 13,1781

    Russia was now knocked out of the War and With it Its Balkan Subjects however they wouldn't leave completely empty handed
    To Britain:Ottoman Empire Vassalized (Offcially) (Not Annexed)
    To Bulgaria:Eastern Rumelia
    To Greece:Thessaly and Epirus
    To Russia:Idgdir,Kars,Ardahan
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    Teaser #1
  • Following Britain entering to defend the Ottomans Austria accepted a Negotiated peace leaving Serbia and Montenergo Disgruntled. However Britain still has to defend Greece from the Ottomans and the Ottomans from Greece,Bulgaria and Russia.

    In Latin America Britain is Stuck in a war of atrittion and they are struggling.
    In Europe The ancien régime is failing.

    War will eat Britain Alive Unless...
    Chapter IX: Europes Surprising Powerderkeg
  • Amsterdam,Dutch Republic
    June 6,1781


    Following the outbreak of war in Eastern Europe the Netherlands had been cut off from trade in the region. Ever since the Third Anglo Dutch war the Netherlands had been in decline the Dutch system had became decline and in the hands of Oligarchs and regents the Dutch middle class was blocked from advancement and political aspirations the House of Orange was a powerful family of Oligarchs and their supporters the Orangists had been ruling the oligarchy however the Patriot movement rose in opposisition.

    Several Dutch Cities,Dutch Republic
    September 25-26,1781

    On these nights the anti-oligarchic pamphlet Aan het Volk van Nederland was circulated by carriages across the Netherlands it declared that the psuedo-monarchic government of the Orangist Oligarchs was corrupt and a revolution needed to take place. the Patriots spent their time also rallying and training their "free-corps" following many merchants putting together finances to be aided by mercenaries and foreigners to train and rally their forces and now with Europe distracted the Patriots made their move...

    Utrecht, Second Dutch Republic
    September 27,1781


    Patriot Free-Corps began to storm the city with the authorities distracted by the pallets the free corps seized the city followed by marching towards Rotterdam and taking the city at Amsterdam however orangists provided heavy resistance but in the confusion a Pro Patriot Mutiny had captured much of the Dutch nay allowing them to capture Haarlem and Amsterdam which further enabled them to encircle the Orangists on Flevoland starving them out in Lelystad which allowed them to capture the costal regions toppling the Orangists from power and the unpopular stadholder William V was captured.
    October 15,1781

    Many European Monarchs had met following the Dutch Revolution, They had became worried about this new Patriottentijd which had developed in the Netherlands as their culture and language underwent strengthening and they had formed a national identity some of the first in europe Austria and Prussian were in particular were scared of the Revolt spreading to Flanders, and Prussia's Hohenzollerns had relatives stuck in the Nation. They had decided not to Invade a waste of time simply they wouldn't agitate the movement unless it didn't keep to itself and they isolated the Movement. In France many were inspired...
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    Chapter X: Europe In Chaos: 1/4
  • France,Europe


    Following the Dutch Revolution the Monarchies Position was Precarious,They had gained nothing from the War of Austrian Sucsession,Lost the Seven Years War lost the Rouen War, and the people were broke starving and angry.
    The French Monarchy knew it had to reform.

    April 21,1781


    To bypass the Highest Courts without rocking the boat to to much King Louis XVI summoned the Estates General.
    Representation was terrible despite the Third Estate making up 98 percent they lacked rights of the other two and were excluded from political power,
    This led to anger among the Third estate which they demanded votes be counted per person which led to further tensions despite this arguments on who would lead the Third Estate's Reforms was none other than the Radical
    Jacques Hebert and Maximillien Robespierre. The Third Estate continued inspired by the Aan het Volk Van Nederland. They declared the Déclaration Nationale de la Citoyenneté Française, (National Declaration of French Citizenry), Proclaiming the National Guard,National,Court,and National Assembly.

    Pressure Began to mount against the King forcing him to introduce several extremely limited reforms were not tolerated by his Court so he repealed him following riots he put Lafayette in defense leading his guards however Lafayette and his Army following mutinies in the King Guards switched Sides and submitted to the National Assembly. The King,The Clergy and the Nobility submitted following Pressure, It was this event that caused The First Coalition to Invade.
    Amsterdam, Second Dutch Republic
    October 24,1781

    The National Assembly had voted to ally with the Netherlands against reactionary Europe in order to prevent both new regimes from isolation and destruction they agreed to have a common economic Treaty, No trade restrictions, and A General Military Command to enhance Co-Operation.
    Map of the British Empire 1782 (Mapchart I'm trying to learn how to use Q-Bam this summer)
  • A mapchart map I made


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    Chapter X: Europe In Chaos: 2/4: First Coalition: WARNING LONG
  • Paris,France
    Feburary 7,1782


    In The days following the revolution King Louis XVI had attempted to escape to the Austrian Netherlands but was caught in response him and his wife, Marie Antoinette were declared traitors to the revolution and they were marked for execution the reign of terror was in full swing a revolutionary calender was also created firstly. Their ally the Dutch abolished the Dutch Republic and became a confederation,executing their statholder Prince of Orange William V and his Wife Princess Wilhelmina of Prussia in response Prussia Declared war on the Dutch.
    France followed up by Declaring war on Prussia and Premptively declaring war on Austria as well,
    The Dutch did the same in goodwill.

    March 9,1782


    Despite the initial tensions he war had been a slow war especially due to King Fredrick II of Prussia died prematurely earlier in the year however an Prussian Army had crossed over from Alsace beginning Striking the New Republic where they met their Army near Verdun.
    The Prussians and their Allies numbered around 35,000 and began to strike they attempted to cross the fire but French Artilery severely weakened their river crossing.
    The French Numbered around 32,000, their 10,000 strong Cavalry outmanuvered and surrounded the Prussians around the Meuse destorying the right flank Surronding gthe force and destroying the Prussian Army.
    The Victory Galvanized the French.

    Since the War began Britain supported the Coalition but was not openly in the war until the execution of King Louis XVI leading to the Declaration of War by Britain.

    Calais,Great Britain.
    March 10,1782


    A British force of around 20,000 Had landed at Calais and another one of 15,000 at Rouen. French shore batteries were used to interfere with supply cross-channel.
    The first French Force numbering Around 25,000 began with a shelling of around 40 artilery pieces into the Calais Ville allowing the French to capture the area the road and the port itself. A smaller French force moved through Picardy and arrived cutting off the 20,000 British Soldiers inside the city who were demolished by the guns they surrendered by the end of the month.

    Rouen,Great Britain
    March 15,1782


    Compared to Rouen, The siege of Calais was heaven.
    The siege began when British forces had began unloading shelling from all sides began as the encircled British enclave many of the ships were damaged but the Royal Navy had defeated the French Fleet but the shore batteries once more forced the Royal Navy to retreat back cross-channel.
    The British Force was demolished after the Artilery street to street fighting began the attrition of the battle wrecked through the British rank and file with their battalions being around 30% strength before the final day of the battle on the 17th The French began setting fire to British fortifacations which forced them out into the open city which they were mowed down.

    Britain was ashamed of it's lackluster Performence but Britain would be back

    Charleroi,Austrian Netherlands
    April 5,1782


    France had been holding their ground against the Austro-Prussian Alliance and now they had a force of 50,000 strong to avenge their defeat in Rouen War,
    French cavalry numbering 20,000 began their strike following the French crossing the river seizing the outeroads however the Austrians held them in the north despite that French forces surged through the center with the Austrians in the south encircled between French forces they were toast however the Austrians managed to encircle French forces advancing north slowing down the battle with the Austrians slowly pushing back the French however French reinforcements entered from the North-West sealing the deal for the Austrians forcing them to retreat up to Namur abandoning most of the Austrian Netherlands to avoid Dutch forces encircling them to the north.

    April 21,1782


    The Rensembled British Army numbered 50,000 and they had landed near the French City of Caen capturing the city They had advanced down River their first victory however it was shortlived.
    French forces retook Caen on the 27th leaving the British encircled however they fought hard here resisting the French Attacks straining their forces however lack of supply forced their Surrender

    Hanover, Hanover
    April 22,1782

    French Action against the Coalition forced the Dutch into action to avoid being subordinated,
    They needed new markets as the British Occupied, Guiana, The Antilles,Cape,The East Indies.
    The Dutch Economy needed this trade to survive so they ha a strategy pressure Hanover to Pressure the King and his Allies in London into surrender however the Whig Government would be a problem none the Less the Dutch Engaged Hanoverian and British Forces at Emden.

    Arriving at the CIty with some French aid to their slight ire they began to storm the city Dutch Artilery and riverfleets moved through cutting British supply as the Royal Navy was focused on the Channel allowing them to dominate the stream allowing for Dutch Marines to encircle then destory their forces near the coast before moving in across the southwestern roads into the city 10 pieces of Artilery broke a fort allowing the Dutch and French to swarm the area.

    Franco-Spanish Border
    April 30,1782


    Spanish forces crossed the border but were turned back against vicious French Defense and were driven back towards Barcelona after this Spain and France signed Peace so did Tuscany. Savoy as well ceding territories including the county of Nice. The Coalition fell into Ruin Especially however Prussia Austria and Britain moved against the French.

    May 19, 1782


    The Whigs knew they needed a victory or they would stand no chance in elections so they sent reinforcements landing in Hamburg soon arriving at the city of Hanover,
    The Royal Navy was now Focused learning from what a brown water fleet could down and they spilt the occupying Dutch in half with the majority cut off from supply lines, The Royal Navy began to shell the Dutch and use Artilery pieces to destroy them as lame ducks in the city before a 5,000 man strong company of Royal Marines captured an outlying road allowing for British forces to smight the Dutch forcing them to retreat back to the Border Town of Emden

    June 7,1782


    The French Riverfleet had cut off the city but as this was regular tactics of theirs however what surprised the Prussians was The French took the high casualty risk storming the center instead of their "exposed" flanks despite the high casulty rate (30%) the French did shatter the Prussian Defense allowing for the encirclement of the Austrians at Namur and Capture of the West Bank of the Rhine.


    Rough Map of Revolutionary France and Her Allies. circa May 1782
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    Chapter X: Europe In Chaos: 3/4: Rise of the Soldat Glorieux and Britain's Revenge Spree
  • Paris,France
    June 21,1782

    Couldn't Find Artist if you do tell me so I can credit them.

    Following the Rise of the Hebertistes and the reign of terror, The Army and the young-star Jean Moreau who was famous after his victories in the \
    Austrian Netherlands and the Rhine. Began looking towards the issue of the economy began offering the military to pave roads and such basic things to aid France however he began isolating his rivals and consolidating The Military under his Influnece for his vision of the Republic despite being a sincere Republican he say the chaos and rising influence of the radicals and decided he had to act soon gathering his allies notably Joseph Fouche. When more moderate members invited the Military to aid they did arresting and killing radicals
    They soon launched a Coup the Thermidorian Reaction and the White Terror.
    however during this The Army began to purge these radicals and Royalists, and unfriendly minorities.
    The new Government had a problem Their economy was dying they had almost no outside trade and Royalists revolts and the People could starve However He had came to conclusion following the stress after the coup, France had to be processed and Stabilized before democracy could return right?.
    So he Set upon his goals first he would have to force Austria out Completely.

    Po River Valley,Habsburg Italy and Venice
    July 11,1782

    Following the Fall of Turin Moreau left loyal subordinates in control of France while he advanced after he crossed the Alps his forces met the Austrians at Milan He decided that the French Cavalry would be the most important factor and he used it to to surprise the Austrians Instead of the Austrian flank being striked the Cavarly struck near an Austrian Blindspot and Bypassed them entirely allowing French Infantry to Follow and surrond the Austrians in Milan while the Rest of the Po River Valley was now wide open.
    Nonetheless the siege did not begin with the Austrians cut off from supply and faced from assault on all sides their army of 40,000 surrendered and the weak Venice which couldn't defend itself from Britain or any foreign power quickly fell and was occupied the First Cispalpine Republic and the Po Republic however quickly the Austrians were still in a safe position forcing the French to cross the Alps as the Two Pronged Army crossed the Alps and defeated the Austrians at Graz Archduke Joseph capitulated and France was at peace with all of Continetal Europe except Britain and the Ottomans.

    Several Dutch Colonies and North Sea
    April-December 1782


    "Britain was going to break the Dutch No Matter What NO MATTER WHAT!
    The British Started their Delightfull Campaign by showing up to Amsterdam and blowing up much of the Dutch fleet however much of t was also not the (on patrol)
    as the Dutch were returned their colonies as following the Dutch Revolution in order to not shakeup the landscape to much by now the damage to European Stability was irreversible. Edmund Burke also knew his Whigs needed a victory or his faction would die so he began following the Victory in Hanover was a sigh of relief.
    First the Naval Campaign cut off Dutch Trade and following the death of a Prussian Princess the HRE cut all ties next to truly get the Dutch out of foreign markets The British Started this by sailing to Japan and demanding the Dutch trade port be either given up to the British or they would take it the Shogun Refused and British Royal Marines arrived at Edo Forcing him to concede then in the East Indies they worked to create an anti Dutch Coalition and began an leapfrogging campaign to destroy the Dutch East Indies with them seizing Jakarta than Java then Sumatra before the Straits of Malacca then the rest of Indies

    The Antilles,Cape, And Suriname fell next.
    The British Resorted t devaluing the new Dutch currency copper clipping and all making it worthless than to finish this Off the Dutch and French Lost the Battle of Emden leading to the fall of much of Frisia.
    Luckily for the British Whigs who were tired of constant war and Moreau who wanted peace used his influence to began negotiations between Britain and France. Spain,Hanover and the Netherlands were invited as well.

    The Soldat Glorieux Increasingly Controls France, And The National Assembly Increasingly Doesn't