Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VII (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

Light of the Nation - Part 13: Galloping Towards Victory

The 1984 election started close. Vice President Jimmy Carter facing off against Senator Bob Dole, it was anyone’s game. But it would not stay that way for long. Several factors were at play. Firstly the Mondale connection buoyed Carter more than was expected. As the economy began to grow, and Mondale’s term wound up, many Americans liked the President more than ever. And that quite naturally led to folks looking at his Vice President favorably.

Carter may not have enamored Democratic elites, but he was acceptable and benefited from a strong apparatus. Meanwhile, Dole saw campaign staff turnover quickly, the campaign muddled. He lurched from a Southern strategy to a Northern strategy and back again. The initial plan of “make the election a referendum about Mondale” had to be scuttled. Ad buys did do some work portraying Carter as weak, but Dole was an imperfect messenger. He could play the stable statesmen, but he wasn’t exactly a tough macho man.

Carter meanwhile, benefited from a clearer campaign vision. Let Jimmy by Jimmy in the South, and let Jimmy be Mondale’s Vice President in the North. It was a strategy that left the west and plains adrift. But it was a sound one. The debates, a rematch of the ‘76 VP debates, were something of a draw. Dole proved less plodding than expected, and got off a few “zingers.” But Carter acquitted himself well against all attacks. A similar dynamic played out in the VP debates.

The end result was a solid popular vote performance, accompanied by a stirring electoral college one. Carter took the East by storm and Dole the West. They split the Northeast, but Carter took the big prizes. And he ran away with the South and Midwest.

For the first time since 1948, the Democrats had managed three successive terms in office.

For the first time since 1836, a Vice President had been elected directly to the Presidency.

For the first time ever, a woman would be Vice President.

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Light of the Nations - Part 14: The Whirlwind

Jimmy Carter entered office aiming to put his own spin on Mondale’s foreign policy. Maintain an active American Foreign policy, but avoid the sort of quagmires that had dogged Presidents in Vietnam.

Carter worked to rebuild the détente that had been broken by the Iranian Civil War. He was helped by the fact that said war was beginning to stabilize in favor of American backed factions. Battered by the Pre-War Military and American weapons the Left was falling back. The American backed National Salvation Front was a pretty standard military junta, but portrayed itself as Islamist, Shia. This gave it trappings of legitimacy and legitimate popular support that the Shah had lacked, allowing the forces on the right to advance again. Most surprising was the response from Iraq, where despite linguistic and cultural differences, thousands of young Shiite men flocked across the border to support their cause, getting away from the secular but Sunni Hussein.

The Reds were not gone yet, but Moscow was willing to draw back, which Carter appreciated and reciprocated. He used more human rights based approach to diplomacy. Where Mondale had been hesitant about some allies, Carter was willing to lean on them to reduce oppression except when he wasn’t. Take, for example, Somalia. Siad Barre had taken power in a military coup in 1969, and embraced a Marxist dictatorship. Until he picked a fight with Ethiopia’s similarly Marxist Junta and the Soviets backed Addis Ababa. Barre looked around for a new patron the US was the only real alternative. Dropping the “People’s” from the Republic of Somalia, Barre embraced America. And fearful of a Communist Horn, America embraced him. For the average Somali though, things didn’t change much. Services were privatized, but they were still conscripted and lacked basic rights. Barre reasserted his shaky control of the country brutally, using American weapons to near-genocidal effect in Somaliland.

Carter’s crowning achievement were the Camp David accords. There he brought together two sides with a bloody history of war and partition. Despite religious differences, he hammered out an agreement.

That’s right, he started the Indio-Pakistani Peace Process.

It was said only Nixon could go to China. Carter needed two. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, President of Pakistan had come to power in a military coup, and had been aggressive in Islamization. To say nothing of his Nuclear ambitions and sly diplomacy. He was a dictator no doubt. Indira Gandhi’s status was murkier. She had remained in power and had a habit of using the arm of the state to beat down opponents. But her second time in office had never reached the hights of The Emergency, although it seemed unlikely anything but death would stop her. Zia was facing refugee crisis from Afghanistan and Iran, which being a military hammer he saw as a nail, thus needing a way to lessen the threat from the East. Gandhi was increasingly concerned with her legacy and saw talks as a way to gain domestic leverage.

It was Carter who helped turn these cynical, situational, peace initiatives into something more tangible and long lasting. Working non-stop at the Presidential retreat in Maryland, Carter crafted an agreement featuring arms reduction (nuclear and conventional), a hotline etc. The trickiest element was, unsurprisingly, Kashmir. The Line of Control was formalized, but Pakistan was recognized as having an “exceptional interest” in Kashmir, helping to write a new state constitution enshrining power sharing and eased border crossings. No deal is perfect, and this one faced backlash in both countries. Zia faced attacks for giving up without a fight and prioritizing peace in Kashmir for national honor. Gandhi was seen as selling out India’s military and sovereignty for vague promises.

Yet the General had military and Islamic credentials to back him up (and a secret police) while the Prime Minister had the memory of ‘71. As the countries got used to peace they found it agreeable and the thaw held. Pakistan would get the bomb, but never feel the need to test it. India and Pakistan were never going to be friends, but perhaps they could be rivals in Cricket without the threat of nuclear war. And Jimmy Carter, while he did not share Zia and Gandhi’s Nobel Peace Prize, deserves plenty of credit for that.

an alt-civil war happened, with virginia remaining in the union. slavery was still abolished though
Why is Dakota not split in two and still has Wyoming? What is the name of the fusion between Utah and Nevada? When were Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Puerto Rico admitted into the Union? Is DC a state?
Why is Dakota not split in two and still has Wyoming? What is the name of the fusion between Utah and Nevada? When were Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Puerto Rico admitted into the Union? Is DC a state?
- because it was funny at the moment; in canon, the in power toleration party didnt want the anti-masons to have 6 senate seats when they could have 2
- Utah
- late 1800s
- no
Does this mean that aliens have embraced human religion and can reproduce with humans or that homo sapiens born off-world are regarded as something other than human?
Yes to the former. Catholicism is the single largest (and majority) religion of the Milky Way. (Fun fact: First contact occurred when the Kingodm of Ruttia, the local galactic power at the time, observed Earth as part of some xenological studies and became convinced that Jesus Christ was the Saviour spoken of in their major prophecies and that the Catholic Church was the one that He founded. Humanity was quite surprised when the King of Ruttia landed in Rome and requested baptism from the Pope.) Most extraterrestrials are also of the humanoid variety and can produce viable offspring with humans and each other. Due to this and the universalising influence of Catholicism, your species has become increasingly less important except for e.g., medical reasons and the like, which is why the census is more generic than species-specific. As separation between species declines, interspecies marriage has become increasingly more common and the lines between different ones become more blurred. This is especially prominent on Earth which is one of the most cosmopolitan worlds as the home of the largest religion, the capital of the Galactic League, and one of the few intersections between multiple hyperlanes. The Habsburgs for example have married into multiple extraterrestrial royal families by now (and still have their signature luck in inheritances) and there's hardly a place left on Earth where a human isn't at least acquainted one or more extraterrestrials and/or mixed species people.
As Brasidas marched from Corinth he immediately discovered a slight issue on the way into Attica and from thence to Thassalay and Macedon. Namely, the city of Megara, complete with its own long walls, had been seized by the Athenians. With aid from Megarian Democrats they had seized the city for themselves, as well as both of the ports the city. Brasidas made an effort to storm the walls, but as with most such efforts, the Spartans failed spectacularly when confronted with basic fortifications. Fatefully, he made the decision to continue on his original mission northward following this failure, rather than turning back towards Sparta. The Athenians were then able to expand the walls of Megara and her ports on both the Corinthian and Saronic Gulfs. Attica was now doubly secure against ravaging. They still held the hostages from Pylos-Sphacteria politically, and possession of Megara now made years raids from Corinth a much riskier endeavor. The Peloponnesus was now cut off, leaving Sparta’s allies further afield isolated and vulnerable…

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In this universe, Robert Hanssen discovers his FBI office is bugged in February 2001. He had already begun to suspect that US authorities had picked up his trail. This just confirmed it. However, Hanssen kept his discovery of the bug discrete enough that the FBI didn't notice. Hanssen had already scheduled a dead drop for later in that month on the 18th. He instantly knew that they were trying to catch him in the act to get an airtight case against him. Hanssen needed time to think of a way out; he managed to come up with a solution.

At his home, he purposefully injured his foot by dropping something on it, but passed it off as an accident. Those around him and the FBI believed him. Using this pretext, he rescheduled the drop for the 3rd of April. The FBI, still wanting to catch him in the act, decided not to pounce. For all they knew, he was unaware. During this extra time, Hanssen plans his escape. He also uses this time to inform his wife, who agrees to come with and help him, and to tell his children goodbye.

On April 3rd, Robert and his wife take a road trip to West Virginia to see the mountains. Given the late time of the drop, the FBI assumed that Robert would deliver on the way back. The Hanssens pulled into a rest stop. Bonnie gets off here discretely, while Robert leaves with a dummy in a wig and dress in the passenger seat to fool any FBI agents. Bonnie remains behind for some time after Robert has left, then gets into a car, filled with their belongings and secret documents, she has secretly rented and parked here days before. In Robert's car, there's also another dummy with a wig; in a black suit to resemble him.
Later that day, Robert makes several erratic moves to lose any FBI surveillance cars. Then while driving along a quiet cliffside road in West Virginia, Robert drives the car off. It is a risky move, but Robert bails at the last moment as the car plunges over, suffering only scrapes and bruises. He does it right on schedule, as Bonnie, driving in the opposite direction arrives soon thereafter and picks him up. The two then speed off. They make it to the airport undetected, and get on a flight for Paris. Purchasing the tickets in cash when they arrive at the airport. Robert has several reasons for not going directly to Russia, one of them being he wants to minimize time in the air where they have no control if they are found out.

The FBI goes into panic mode seeing they have lost Robert's trail. Then the car is discovered. The FBI were about to resign themselves to Robert escaping justice, when the "bodies" are revealed to be dummies. An arrest warrant is immediately issued on the night of April 3rd; the hunt is on.

Robert decides to leave the secure zone to make a phone call to the Russian embassy from outside the airport. The French police were notified only minutes after he left. After seeing himself on the news, Robert and wife laid low. The French police began their search for him. They leave Paris for a few days before returning on train. They then booked a train from Paris to Vienna. Then from Vienna to Bratislava. They hoped to book a next train to Warsaw. From there, they would have travelled to Kaliningrad. However, as they arrive in Bratislava, they saw news of Hanssen being spotted leaving Vienna. The two once again laid low. By this time nearly a week had passed, and it was Sunday. The devout Catholics went to mass in rural Slovakia. There the Russian speaking Hanssen found another Russian speaker. In a stroke luck, the man revealed himself to a be former agent of the Czechoslovak intelligence services. Hanssen then explained the situation. As a Cold War "ally" the man agreed to help them.

The Hanssens would hide in his house as Slovak police searched the country for him. On April 26th, the Hanssens were bundled in his car, and they drove to Poland. The two having to get out to cross the less guarded border at night before being picked up again. On April 28th they reached the Russian-Polish border. The Kaliningrad border guards, expecting Hanssen and his wife, whisked them away. On April 29th, Russian news aired the story of an FBI defector; Robert. At which point the manhunt ended.

This is awesome. Would honestly make an entertaining movie. Starting off with how he gets into it, then Wolf of Wall Street style time skips as he grows richer and richer off getting paid in ROLEXES AND DIAMONDS by the Soviets, and then focusing on his ATL escape with his wife to Kaliningrad.

I can imagine this manhunt being the defining news story of this generation (although of course there's the other big thing that happened in 2001).
Some sketches for my new TL, based on the idea "What if there was no Cold War after the WWII".

Key points of TL:
Sergey Kirov survived his 1934 assasination.
Last years of WWII goes more succesful for the Western Allies, lead to Americans arrived on Berlin at the same time with the Soviets.
Also, Free French forces took Hanoi before Ho Chi Minh partisans.
Soviets were more succesful at the Far East, lead to all of Korea put under Communist rule, and Chinese Communists took Taiwan.
Stalin died in 1948, sucessed by Kirov
Germany was united and neutralised in 1950 (as OTL Austria). Czechoslovakia and Hungary were finlandized instead of placed directly under Communist Rule.
So, there was no Cold War in our sence. American and Soviet troops were withdrawn from Germany in 1950. NATO is more USA-UK alliance (France exit NATO in 1960, as OTL). Warsaw Pact was much smaller.
Without Stalin post-war paranoia, USSR stay a very Jewish-friendly. Because of that, Israel became pro-Soviet. Not Communist, but like OTL India - some kind of socialist and Soviet-friendly.

And now - some wikiboxes, illustrating one interesting fact - a lot of TTL second half of the twentieth century leaders were WWII veterans.

жуков 1.png
Macarthur 1.png
штейдле 1.png
Jaruzelski 1.png
драгунский 3.png
машеров 1.png

And TTL World Map.

пвл цвет.png
Some sketches for my new TL, based on the idea "What if there was no Cold War after the WWII".

Key points of TL:
Sergey Kirov survived his 1934 assasination.
Last years of WWII goes more succesful for the Western Allies, lead to Americans arrived on Berlin at the same time with the Soviets.
Also, Free French forces took Hanoi before Ho Chi Minh partisans.
Soviets were more succesful at the Far East, lead to all of Korea put under Communist rule, and Chinese Communists took Taiwan.
Stalin died in 1948, sucessed by Kirov
Germany was united and neutralised in 1950 (as OTL Austria). Czechoslovakia and Hungary were finlandized instead of placed directly under Communist Rule.
So, there was no Cold War in our sence. American and Soviet troops were withdrawn from Germany in 1950. NATO is more USA-UK alliance (France exit NATO in 1960, as OTL). Warsaw Pact was much smaller.
Without Stalin post-war paranoia, USSR stay a very Jewish-friendly. Because of that, Israel became pro-Soviet. Not Communist, but like OTL India - some kind of socialist and Soviet-friendly.

And now - some wikiboxes, illustrating one interesting fact - a lot of TTL second half of the twentieth century leaders were WWII veterans.

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And TTL World Map.

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Given that Gora seems to be at the centre of TTL’s kosovo analogue (though given that it contains none or basically none of Kosovo Field maybe it’s called Dardania instead), I certainly hope the ethnic Albanians ITTL treat the Gorani people better than IOTL.

Is there any lore behind China, Iran, Ex Yugoslavia, and the middle eastern borders or are they mainly changed for divergence’s sake?

I imagine Yugoslavia would have been more strongly in the Soviet sphere. Given their lack of Poland & Czechoslovakia, I imagine they
1) are more interested in the Balkans since it’s a much larger part of their sphere of influence
2) have more resources to promote/force loyalty, resources that would otherwise be spent on Poland and Czechoslovakia (though they weren’t dealing with much resistance in those countries so soon after WWII when the Tito-Stalin split happened IIRC)