A New Beginning - Our 1992 Russian Federation

Result of the vote (January 2011) New
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(Russian agreement for a New Green Deal with USA and the West marked a new beginning in combating the climate change)

During the G-20 Seoul Summit in November 2010, President Obama seized the opportunity to engage with the leaders of Russia, India, and China to discuss a critical and ambitious proposal: a new global green deal aimed at combating climate change and transitioning to a sustainable, low-carbon future. Recognizing the urgency of addressing climate change and the significant role these major economies play in global emissions, Obama’s proposal sought to galvanize international cooperation and commitment to this pressing global issue. The discussions with Russian President Lukashenko were particularly fruitful, culminating in Russia's strong endorsement of Obama's green deal. Russia, acknowledging the escalating risks posed by rising global temperatures, extreme weather events, and environmental degradation, committed to taking substantial steps towards reducing its carbon footprint. President Lukashenko announced Russia's decision to implement a comprehensive energy mix law that would be a cornerstone of its climate strategy. The new energy mix law set ambitious targets for Russia's energy production by 2025. The plan outlined that 55% of Russia's energy would come from nuclear power, leveraging the country's substantial nuclear infrastructure and expertise to provide a stable and low-carbon energy source. This significant reliance on nuclear energy underscored Russia's commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing climate change while ensuring energy security. In addition to nuclear power, 25% of Russia's energy would continue to come from fossil fuels. However, the focus would be on enhancing efficiency and reducing emissions through the adoption of cleaner technologies and practices. The remaining 20% of the energy mix would be sourced from renewables, such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power. This marked a substantial increase in Russia's investment in renewable energy infrastructure, aiming to diversify its energy portfolio and reduce its reliance on carbon-intensive sources. Despite this robust commitment from Russia, the responses from China and India were more measured. Both nations, while acknowledging the critical need to address climate change, were cautious about committing fully to the ambitious targets outlined in Obama's green deal. The primary concerns for these rapidly developing economies were the potential impacts on their economic growth and the significant challenges associated with transitioning to a low-carbon economy.

China, as the world's largest emitter of carbon dioxide, faced a complex situation. The country's rapid economic growth had been fueled largely by coal, which accounted for a substantial portion of its energy production. Transitioning away from coal to cleaner energy sources posed significant technical, economic, and social challenges. While President Hu Jintao expressed China's willingness to engage in international climate efforts, the commitment was more tentative. China agreed to increase the share of renewables in its energy mix and improve energy efficiency but stopped short of setting specific targets akin to Russia's energy mix law. The principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities" was emphasized, highlighting that developed nations should bear a greater burden of reducing emissions and providing financial and technological support to developing countries. India, under the leadership of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, also exhibited a cautious approach. India’s primary focus remained on addressing pressing domestic issues such as poverty alleviation, infrastructure development, and ensuring energy access for its growing population. Coal was a dominant source of energy, critical to fueling industrial growth and development. While India committed to increasing the share of renewable energy and enhancing energy efficiency, it stressed the need for substantial financial and technological support from the international community to achieve these goals. The Indian government was wary of stringent emission reduction targets that could hinder economic growth and development priorities.

Despite the partial commitments from China and India, the discussions at the G-20 Summit represented a significant step towards fostering international cooperation on climate change. The engagement of these major economies highlighted the recognition of climate change as a shared global challenge requiring collective action. The varied responses also underscored the complexities and differing national priorities that must be navigated in international climate diplomacy. For Russia, the endorsement of the green deal and the implementation of the energy mix law marked a bold step towards a more sustainable future. The law aimed not only to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also to modernize Russia's energy infrastructure, enhance energy security, and position the country as a leader in nuclear and renewable energy. The ambitious targets set by the energy mix law were expected to drive significant investment in energy infrastructure, innovation in clean technologies, and improvements in energy efficiency. In the broader context, the mixed responses from China and India highlighted the importance of tailored approaches to climate action that consider the unique circumstances and development needs of each country. The ongoing dialogue and cooperation fostered by the G-20 Summit were crucial in building the foundations for future negotiations and collaborative efforts to tackle climate change. The G-20 Seoul Summit and President Obama's proposal for a new global green deal marked a pivotal moment in the international effort to combat climate change. Russia's commitment to an ambitious energy mix law signaled a significant shift towards a more sustainable energy future, while the cautious but engaged responses from China and India underscored the complex dynamics of international climate diplomacy. The summit set the stage for continued dialogue, cooperation, and action on climate change, reflecting the shared responsibility of all nations to address this pressing global challenge.


(Talks held between Russian and North Korean military leadership in Vladivostok)

In the wake of the Bombardment of Yeonpyeong on November 23, 2010, the international community closely monitored the volatile situation on the Korean Peninsula with great concern. Among the global powers, Russia took a proactive stance, recognizing the critical need for de-escalation and stability in the region. The Russian government's response was swift and unequivocal, calling for immediate measures to prevent further escalation and working closely with China to secure peace on the Korean Peninsula. The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a strongly worded statement emphasizing the urgent need for restraint from both North and South Korea. The ministry condemned the artillery exchange and expressed deep concern over the potential for further violence. "The Russian Federation calls on both the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the Republic of Korea (ROK) to exercise maximum restraint and to avoid actions that could lead to an escalation of the conflict," the statement read. Russia's call for calm reflected its broader interest in maintaining regional stability and preventing any disruption to the fragile peace that had prevailed since the Korean War armistice. In addition to public statements, Russian diplomats engaged in a flurry of behind-the-scenes activities, seeking to mediate between the two Koreas and other involved parties. Russia's strategic approach was rooted in its historical ties and geopolitical interests in Northeast Asia, recognizing that stability on the Korean Peninsula was crucial for regional and global security. Recognizing the influential role of China as North Korea's principal ally and economic lifeline, Russia immediately sought to coordinate its efforts with Beijing. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his Chinese counterpart, Yang Jiechi, held several high-level discussions to develop a joint strategy aimed at de-escalating the crisis. Both nations shared a common interest in preventing a full-scale conflict, which could destabilize the region and have far-reaching consequences.

In their joint efforts, Russia and China emphasized the importance of dialogue and diplomacy. They proposed a series of measures aimed at defusing tensions, including the resumption of the Six-Party Talks, which had been stalled since 2008. The Six-Party Talks, involving North Korea, South Korea, Japan, China, Russia, and the United States, had been a key platform for addressing North Korea's nuclear program and fostering regional security. Russia and China saw the revival of these talks as a critical step towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict. Additionally, Russia and China called for an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to address the crisis. At the UNSC, Russia advocated for a balanced approach, urging the international community to refrain from taking sides and instead focus on collective efforts to promote peace and stability. Russia emphasized the need for a diplomatic solution that respected the sovereignty and security concerns of both Koreas. The Russian government also underscored the importance of addressing the root causes of the conflict, including the long-standing issues related to the Northern Limit Line (NLL), the disputed maritime boundary between North and South Korea. Russia supported efforts to establish a clear and mutually agreed-upon maritime boundary through diplomatic negotiations, recognizing that unresolved territorial disputes were a significant source of tension. In tandem with diplomatic efforts, Russia and China increased their engagement with other key stakeholders, including the United States and Japan. They sought to build a broad international coalition committed to de-escalation and conflict resolution. Russia's approach was grounded in the belief that a multilateral effort, involving all relevant parties, was essential for achieving a sustainable peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Furthermore, Russia emphasized the need for humanitarian considerations in responding to the crisis. Russian officials expressed concern for the well-being of civilians affected by the artillery exchange and called for international assistance to support those displaced and injured. Russia's humanitarian appeal highlighted the broader human impact of the conflict and underscored the urgency of finding a peaceful resolution. The coordinated efforts of Russia and China bore fruit in the form of a temporary de-escalation of hostilities. Both North and South Korea heeded the calls for restraint, and the immediate threat of further military confrontation subsided. However, the underlying issues remained unresolved, and Russia continued to advocate for sustained diplomatic engagement and confidence-building measures to prevent future conflicts. The Russian government's response to the Bombardment of Yeonpyeong was characterized by a strong call for de-escalation and a commitment to working closely with China to secure peace on the Korean Peninsula. Through diplomatic efforts, multilateral engagement, and a focus on dialogue and negotiation, Russia played a pivotal role in preventing the crisis from spiraling into a larger conflict. The incident underscored the importance of continued vigilance and proactive diplomacy in addressing the complex security dynamics of Northeast Asia.


(China's goal was to restore its former position on the international scene, held by China for centuries before the Industrial revolution in the West)

In July 2010, the global geopolitical landscape was profoundly reshaped by the announcement from Hu Jintao, the then-President of the People's Republic of China, regarding the establishment of three groundbreaking organizations: the Global Security Initiative (GSI), the Global Development Initiative (GDI), and the Global Civilization Initiative (GCI). These initiatives marked China's increased engagement and leadership in addressing critical global challenges through multilateral cooperation. As the news reverberated across the world, the Russian government promptly issued a response, signaling its active support and willingness to engage with these China-led international organizations. However, Russia's strategic approach was nuanced, emphasizing collaboration while ensuring that China's dominance would not overshadow its own influence on the global stage. The Russian government's endorsement of the GSI, GDI, and GCI reflected its recognition of the potential these initiatives held for fostering a more multipolar world order. President Lukashenko, in his official statement, praised China's efforts to tackle global security, development, and cultural issues through collaborative international frameworks. He emphasized that Russia shared China's vision of a world where sovereignty, mutual respect, and collective action were the cornerstones of global governance. Lukashenko's support was rooted in the belief that these initiatives could help balance Western hegemony and offer alternative pathways for addressing global challenges. Russia's active support for the Global Security Initiative was particularly significant. The GSI aimed to address complex security threats ranging from traditional military conflicts to non-traditional challenges such as terrorism, cyber-attacks, and pandemics. Russia, with its extensive experience in dealing with a range of security issues, saw an opportunity to play a pivotal role in shaping the GSI's agenda.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov highlighted the importance of intelligence-sharing, capacity-building, and joint efforts in conflict resolution as key areas where Russia could contribute meaningfully. By actively participating in the GSI, Russia aimed to enhance its strategic partnership with China while also ensuring that its security concerns and priorities were adequately represented. In the realm of global development, the Global Development Initiative offered Russia a platform to showcase its commitment to addressing poverty, inequality, and sustainable development. The GDI's focus on economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability resonated with Russia's own development goals. Lukashenko underscored Russia's willingness to collaborate with China and other nations in mobilizing resources, sharing best practices, and fostering partnerships to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Russia's engagement in the GDI was also motivated by the desire to strengthen its influence in the global development landscape and provide an alternative to Western-led development models. The Global Civilization Initiative, with its emphasis on cultural diversity, mutual understanding, and harmony among civilizations, aligned well with Russia's own cultural diplomacy efforts. The GCI's focus on promoting cultural exchange, educational cooperation, and interfaith dialogue provided Russia with an opportunity to enhance its soft power and promote its cultural heritage on the global stage. Russian officials expressed enthusiasm for participating in GCI activities, recognizing the potential for these initiatives to build bridges of understanding and cooperation across diverse cultural backgrounds. While Russia's support for the China-led initiatives was unequivocal, its strategic approach was characterized by a careful balancing act. Russian policymakers were acutely aware of the need to prevent China from dominating the scene and overshadowing Russia's own influence. This cautious stance was evident in the emphasis placed on ensuring equal representation and decision-making within the new organizations. Russia advocated for the establishment of governing bodies and control mechanisms that would allow all participating nations to have a voice and contribute to the shaping of the initiatives' agendas.

To this end, Russia proposed the creation of a joint steering committee comprising representatives from all member states to oversee the implementation of the GSI, GDI, and GCI. This committee would be responsible for setting strategic priorities, allocating resources, and ensuring that the initiatives remained true to their founding principles of mutual respect and cooperation. By advocating for such mechanisms, Russia aimed to foster a sense of ownership and inclusivity among all member states, thereby preventing any single nation from monopolizing the decision-making process. In addition to institutional safeguards, Russia also emphasized the importance of bilateral and multilateral dialogues to ensure that the initiatives remained balanced and representative of diverse perspectives. Russian diplomats engaged in extensive consultations with their Chinese counterparts, as well as representatives from other participating nations, to build consensus and address any concerns related to China's potential dominance. These diplomatic efforts were aimed at creating a collaborative and transparent environment where all nations could contribute meaningfully to the initiatives' success.
The strategic partnership between Russia and China was further solidified through joint projects and collaborative efforts within the framework of the new initiatives. For instance, in the context of the Global Development Initiative, Russia and China announced a series of joint infrastructure projects aimed at enhancing connectivity and economic integration across Eurasia. These projects included the development of transport corridors, energy pipelines, and digital infrastructure, which were seen as crucial for fostering economic growth and regional stability.

Similarly, within the Global Security Initiative, Russia and China agreed to enhance their cooperation in areas such as cyber security, counter-terrorism, and military-to-military exchanges. Joint exercises and training programs were organized to strengthen the capacity of both nations to respond to emerging security threats. By working together on these initiatives, Russia and China aimed to demonstrate their commitment to collective security while also reinforcing their strategic partnership.
In the cultural realm, the Global Civilization Initiative provided a platform for Russia and China to deepen their cultural exchanges and promote mutual understanding. Cultural festivals, educational exchange programs, and interfaith dialogues were organized to celebrate the rich cultural heritage of both nations and foster a sense of shared identity and purpose. These activities not only enhanced people-to-people ties but also contributed to building a more inclusive and harmonious global community.
In conclusion, the Russian government's response to the establishment of the Global Security Initiative, the Global Development Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative by China was characterized by active support and engagement, coupled with a strategic approach to prevent Chinese dominance. By advocating for institutional safeguards, fostering bilateral and multilateral dialogues, and participating in joint projects, Russia aimed to ensure that the new initiatives remained balanced and representative of diverse perspectives. Through its active involvement in these China-led international organizations, Russia sought to enhance its influence on the global stage, promote its own strategic interests, and contribute to the creation of a more multipolar and cooperative world order.

(BRICS expansion brought new opportunities as well as challenges for all countries involved)

In January 2011, the geopolitical landscape witnessed a significant shift as the BRICS group, originally comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, formally expanded to include seven new member countries: Argentina, Venezuela, Egypt, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Iran, and the Philippines. This marked the first major expansion of the BRICS coalition, transforming it from a bloc of five major emerging economies into a broader alliance encompassing key nations from different continents. The expansion underscored the growing influence of BRICS as a counterbalance to Western-dominated international institutions and highlighted the collective aspiration of these nations to reshape global governance. Argentina's inclusion in BRICS brought Latin America's second-largest economy into the fold. Argentina had been experiencing significant economic growth, driven by its rich natural resources, including agriculture, mining, and energy sectors. The nation viewed its BRICS membership as an opportunity to enhance economic cooperation, attract investment, and expand its trade partnerships. For BRICS, Argentina's strategic location and economic potential were seen as valuable assets in strengthening the group's influence in the Western Hemisphere. Venezuela's entry into BRICS was particularly notable given its vast oil reserves, which are among the largest in the world. The country's membership aimed to leverage its energy resources to foster economic development and political stability. For BRICS, Venezuela's inclusion provided a critical source of energy security and reinforced the group's commitment to supporting nations with substantial natural resources. Despite its economic challenges and political turmoil, Venezuela's participation underscored BRICS's broader goal of fostering development and stability through cooperation.

Egypt's membership in BRICS represented a strategic move to incorporate a key nation from North Africa and the Middle East. As the most populous Arab country with a significant cultural and historical heritage, Egypt brought substantial geopolitical weight to the group. Its strategic location along the Suez Canal, a critical global trade route, added to its importance. Egypt aimed to utilize its BRICS membership to boost economic growth, attract foreign investment, and enhance its role in regional and global affairs. Indonesia's inclusion in BRICS highlighted the group's recognition of Southeast Asia's growing economic and strategic significance. As the largest economy in the region and the world's fourth most populous country, Indonesia's membership bolstered BRICS's representation in Asia. Indonesia sought to enhance its economic ties with other BRICS nations, promote regional stability, and advance its development agenda. For BRICS, Indonesia's dynamic economy and strategic location in maritime trade routes were seen as valuable additions to the coalition. Ethiopia's entry into BRICS marked a significant step in representing Africa's diverse economic landscape. As one of the fastest-growing economies on the continent, Ethiopia had made remarkable strides in infrastructure development, industrialization, and poverty reduction. Ethiopia viewed its BRICS membership as an opportunity to further accelerate its development through access to investment, technology, and markets. For BRICS, Ethiopia's inclusion reinforced the group's commitment to supporting development across Africa and enhancing South-South cooperation.

Iran's inclusion in BRICS was a bold move given its geopolitical significance and substantial energy resources. Despite facing international sanctions and diplomatic isolation, Iran's membership was seen as an effort to integrate it into the global economy and leverage its strategic location and energy potential. Iran sought to use its BRICS membership to overcome economic challenges, attract investment, and expand its trade network. For BRICS, Iran's participation provided a crucial link in enhancing energy security and fostering regional stability. The Philippines' entry into BRICS added another dynamic Southeast Asian economy to the group. Known for its robust economic growth, burgeoning middle class, and strategic maritime location, the Philippines aimed to leverage its BRICS membership to attract investment, enhance trade partnerships, and support its development agenda. For BRICS, the Philippines' inclusion strengthened the group's presence in Asia and underscored the importance of maritime economies in global trade and security. The expansion of BRICS to include Argentina, Venezuela, Egypt, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Iran, and the Philippines had several strategic implications and objectives. Firstly, it enhanced the group's representation and influence across different continents, making BRICS a more formidable and diverse coalition. The inclusion of these new members reflected the group's commitment to fostering a multipolar world order, where emerging economies could collectively address global challenges and reshape international institutions. Secondly, the expansion aimed to bolster economic cooperation and integration among member countries. By incorporating nations with substantial natural resources, strategic locations, and growing economies, BRICS sought to enhance trade, investment, and technology transfer among its members. This economic cooperation was envisioned to drive sustainable development, reduce dependency on Western-dominated financial systems, and create new opportunities for growth and prosperity.

Thirdly, the expanded BRICS coalition emphasized the importance of political and strategic collaboration. The inclusion of countries from diverse geopolitical regions highlighted the group's commitment to addressing global security challenges, promoting peace and stability, and fostering regional integration. By working together, BRICS members aimed to create a more balanced and equitable international order that respected the sovereignty and interests of all nations. While the expansion of BRICS presented significant opportunities, it also posed several challenges. The diverse political, economic, and cultural contexts of the new members required careful coordination and diplomacy to ensure effective collaboration. Additionally, some new members faced internal challenges, such as economic instability, political turmoil, and international sanctions, which could impact their ability to fully participate in BRICS initiatives. However, the potential benefits of the expansion outweighed these challenges. The new members brought unique strengths and resources to the coalition, enhancing its collective capacity to address global issues. The expansion also provided a platform for these countries to engage with the world's leading emerging economies, share best practices, and collaborate on innovative solutions to common challenges. The formal inclusion of Argentina, Venezuela, Egypt, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Iran, and the Philippines into BRICS in January 2011 marked a transformative moment in the group's evolution. This expansion reflected BRICS's commitment to fostering a more inclusive and multipolar world order, enhancing economic cooperation, and promoting political and strategic collaboration. By welcoming these new members, BRICS strengthened its position as a leading coalition of emerging economies, capable of shaping global governance and addressing the critical challenges of the 21st century. As the expanded BRICS coalition continued to evolve, it held the promise of creating new pathways for growth, development, and cooperation on the global stage.