world war 1 and 2

  1. Basileus_Komnenos

    AHC: Interwar/Post-World War 2 French Monarchical Restoration

    With a pod set after November 1918, when the first world war ended, devise a scenario in which the French monarchy is restored after WW2 or perhaps even before the war starts. After the Franco-Prussian War, France elected a majority of monarchists, mostly legitimists and Orleanists into the...
  2. AHC; More/Most World Wars

    Your challenge is to have as many possible world wars, with a soft 1900 POD though shortly before would be acceptable too... Just how many earth shattering conflicts can you concoct? Is the world more or less developed by the end of it all, or are we currently in a new stone age? Looking...
  3. Glory For The Homeland - An Alternate History Of The 20th Century From 1914 And Beyond
    Threadmarks: Shots That Would Change The World

    Glory For The Homeland An Alternate History Of The 20th Century From 1914 And Beyond Introduction While officially beginning on January 1st 1901, the 20th Century truly began with the assassination attempt on Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28th 1914. Tensions had already been high between the...
  4. (DEAD VER.) West of the Rhine

    ATTENTION! This post compiles the first five chapters (including the prologue) I wrote before a certain person told me to post on here for feedback, and therefore is quite the long first post (5500ish words for the story alone). Obviously, the individual chapters are much shorter than this, so...
  5. What if the League of the Three Emperors survived?

    What I wrote is too long for, so here's the PDF file:
  6. Friedrich der Große

    The Netherlands if Germany won WW1

    What would happen to The Netherlands if Germany won WW1? Would they get more land and/or colonies (could also be on the long run), which role would they play in Europe and the world if this alternative WW1 occured? And how would Dutch politics ánd the Dutch colonial empire develop? Thoughts?
  7. AHC: Strangest WW1/WW2 Outcome

    This is less of a historical challenge and more of a creative one. With a PoD no earlier than 1900, what is the strangest/least likely outcome of the First and/or Second World Wars you can imagine?
  8. TheDetailer

    What would a British/French “denazification” look like?

    Presuming there is a POD sometime between 1914 and 1917, which causes the Entente to either lose the Great War with the Central Powers coming out victorious, or a peace treaty is signed with neither side coming out truly on top of the other. Either way it results in a situation like that of OTL...
  9. "Revolution Plowed the Sea" What if Latin America was a Great Power?

    This is a series of maps originally posted to r/imaginarymaps that tries to portray a world in which Latin America became a Great Power through the alliance known as the "Panama Pact" and eventually getting into a Cold War with the German Empire, I'm not really sure how much lore I'm allowed to...
  10. Etruscan-enthusiast35

    Would Hitler going to art school change anything?

    Of course we all know that Hitler wanted to go to art school, we all know that such a pod is rather popular, we all know that Hitler was a fierce German nationalist, his moving to Germany was to avoid service in Austria, we all know the rest. So what I wonder is this, if Hitler did somehow get...
  11. MegaToon1234

    WI: Adolf Hitler was accepted into Art School?

    You know, funny thing is that a certain German dictator was going to be an artist. Don't believe me? You can just look it up yourself. Doesn't matter. But that got me thinking, what if Adolf Hitler was accepted into art school? If that were the case, then how would it have affect World War I...
  12. HeX

    WI: The United States Joined the League of Nations?

    The League of Nations is one of the world's great disaster stories. Intended to be the keepers of the peace to ensure that something as terrible as World War One never occurred again, through a mixture of apathy and weakness the League faltered time and time again until it finally fell apart at...
  13. Duke Andrew of Dank

    Alternate War Fronts

    Simply put, a series of alternate war theaters and battle that differ from OTL. Any war will do, but the WW@ ones especially capture my interest.
  14. AHC: Make WWI or WWII include even more countries than they did in OTL

    Make WWI or WWII include even more countries than they did in OTL. I don't know if a Hohezollern on the Spanish throne would mean Spain joining the Central Powers, but the thought is interesting.
  15. AHC: War of the Americas!

    With a series of PODs as far back as 1890-1910. Have a continental war in World War I or World War II (or both) where most countries on the American continent face each other with wars in Afro-Eurasia and Oceania. An example would be: - Allies * United States * Canada * Mexico * Chile *...
  16. SpaceOrbisGaming

    The Christmas Truce

    Seeing as Christmas is only a few weeks away I wanted to ask what would have happened had it ended the war? Be it by being larger than it was in OTL or by the fact that nobody would resume fighting post-truce. How would this affect the rest of the 20th century?
  17. Alternate History of Britain: Britain a 21st Century Superpower

    POD: The UK demures from entering The Great War in 1914, against the wishes of David Llyod George and Winston Churchill. However, a compromise is made where David Llyod George and Winston Churchill are tasked with building an Imperial Defence Force, as a deterrent against any possible attack...
  18. AeroTheZealousOne

    [Discontinued] A Different Sound of Silence: An Alternate 20th Century And Beyond
    Threadmarks: Introduction & Cover

    Hello all. I've decided to finally begin work on my own timeline, having been inspired by the many great authors and timelines on this site to finally attempt to write one. Q: What's this timeline about? A: Arthur Zimmerman, at the last minute, decides not to send the infamous Zimmerman...
  19. TimTurner

    AHC/WI: Germany wins both World Wars

    Exactly what it says on the tin. Bonus points if you somehow avoid a fascist France post-World War I.
  20. The worse that the world wars can get

    For world war one I, starting it in say the 1890's and last for decades, the unrestricted use of biological and chemical weapons, neutral nations picking a side. For world war II The entry of various neutral nations through either invasion or force to side with one side or another. The Western...