wars of the roses

  1. Zestinobambino

    A Second White Rose - Edmund, Earl of Rutland Survives
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Prologue A map of Europe in 1460, before the Battle of Wakefield in northern England. This map therefore shows Europe as it was before ANY butterflies are released. Screenshot is from The History of Europe: Every Year (timestamp 8:58). Credit to the YouTuber Cottereau for the excellent video...
  2. FesteringSpore

    WI: Plantagenet Earls of Buckingham survive and ascend?

    Thomas of Woodstock was the youngest son of Edward III. He struggled with Richard II and was later executed and his titles and estates seized by Richard II. His son, Humphrey, was demoted to the position of Earl of Buckingham and later died on his way home after Henry IV released them. Suppose...
  3. No Pretenders To Lancastrian Rule After Henry V?

    Elizabeth Mortimer (1371-1417). No Issue. Anne de Mortimer (1388-1409). No Issue. Richard of Conisburgh (1385-1415). No issue. Isabel Despenser (1400-1402). Constance of York (1375-1404). Anne of Gloucester (1383-1401). No Issue I believe with the death of Edmund Mortimer in 1425, who was a...
  4. The Pale and the Purple Rose
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    The pale and the purple rose, That after cost so many blows When English Barons fought, A prize so dearly bought By the fam’d worthies of that shire, Still best by sword and shield defended were. - Thomas D'Urfey @VVD0D95 @isabella @RedKing @eliamartin65 @Dragonboy @The_Most_Happy @Rose’s...
  5. Zestinobambino

    What if Edmund, Earl of Rutland survived? - A Second White Rose

    Edmund, Earl of Rutland. Born in Rouen, 1443, died near Wakefield, 1460. He was the second son of Richard, Duke of York - his older brother being Edward, Earl of March, later King Edward IV. Rutland died when he was 17 at the Battle of Wakefield, but what if he didn’t? I’ve been working on this...
  6. RedKing

    WI: Henry VI had a daughter?

    Let’s say in 1455/6, Margaret of Anjou fell pregnant and gave birth to a healthy daughter (let’s call her Katherine for simplicity). How would this affect things? Obviously, a mere daughter is unlikely to deter York and friends from attempting to get rid of the King’s ‘evil councillors’ or to...
  7. RedKing

    WI: Richard, Duke of York doesn’t become Lord Protector in 1454?

    The title says it all, what if Richard, 3rd Duke of York doesn’t become the Lord Protector for Henry VI in 1454? The POD is simple, the Lord High Chancellor, Archbishop John Kemp doesn’t die. Even during Henry VI’s madness, English government could continue thanks to the Lord High Chancellor...
  8. Kaiser of Brazil

    WI: Battle at Coventry

    After Edward IV landed near Ravenspur in 1471 to reclaim the throne of England, he began to assemble an army and March south with volunteers and defectors, namely his brother George of Clarence. Finally he went on to besiege Warwick's castle at Coventry. However, Warwick had far greater...
  9. RedKing

    WI: Charles the Bold gave military support to the House of Lancaster?

    In our timeline, Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, held Lancastrian sympathies up until the Readeption, when he switched to supporting the Yorks militarily. This was a huge boon for the Yorkists and helped them emerge triumphant against the Lancastrians in the Readeption. But what if Charles’s...
  10. RedKing

    The Four Suns in Splendour: A Wars of the Roses Collaborative Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1 - The Escape

    December 30th 1460: The Battle of Wakefield has just ended. It has been a disaster for the Yorkists, with their leader, Richard of York falling alongside his close ally the Earl of Salisbury. York’s son, Edmund flees from the Battle, with a vengeful Baron, John Clifford in pursuit. For a moment...
  11. Wars of the Roses, Edward V and Prince Richard survive?

    Lol another one I know. I've been interested in the wars of the Roses recently, so I'm interested in how it could turn out. So I guess to make this possible we would need Edward IV to live longer to avoid Richard III killing the nephews like in otl (not proven technically but he probably did it...
  12. eliamartin65

    WI: Eleanor Cobbham has a daughter

    After watching The Hollow Crown twice (the ones with the DELIGHTFUL Tom Sturridge as Henry VI) and doing some research about Henry VI beyond the nasty portrayals by Philippa Gregory and the like, I've been thinking: What if Eleanor Cobbam, Henry VI's aunt by marriage, had successfully been the...
  13. RedKing

    WI/PC: Wars of the Roses leads to England breaking up?

    The Wars of the Roses was a brutal conflict between the Lancastrians and Yorkists, but ultimately England came through it united. But what if this wasn’t the case? What if the Wars of the Roses results in England breaking into two or more countries? How could this happen? Maybe the earlier...
  14. RedKing

    The King fell at St Alban's: Yet another Collaborative Timeline
    Threadmarks: The King Fell at St Alban's

    1455: The dust begins to settle following the First Battle of St Alban's. The Duke of York, Richard and his allies the Earls of Warwick and Salisbury have emerged triumphant against the King's forces. The King's advisors and commanders are captured and his chief councillor Edmund Beaufort, Duke...
  15. RedKing

    WI: Henry VI dies at the First Battle of St Albans?

    The title says it all, what if Henry VI was killed at the First Battle of St Albans? IIRC, he was wounded by an arrow in OTL, so let’s say he is less lucky here and the arrow kills him. How does this affect the Yorkist cause? In OTL Richard of York was able to obtain a pardon from Henry VI...
  16. RedKing

    WI: Richard, 3rd Duke of York lives to become King?

    The title says it all. In this timeline, Richard, 3rd Duke of York somehow manages to escape the Battle of Wakefield and evade capture by the Lancastrians, eventually regrouping with some of his Yorkist supporters. Now what? I'd imagine that Richard would probably be able to capture the crown...
  17. Worse/Longer Wars of the Roses?

    Could the Wars of the Roses, long as it was, be even longer and worse than it already was? How much longer can the York/Lancaster feud get and could even more third party actors like the De La Poles and the Tudors and even more take a bigger role? I was thinking of extending the three decade...
  18. England Remains Yorkist, What Happens To Ireland?

    So let’s say the Yorks (or the De La Poles since they have a Yorkist claim too) are able to remain in power in England. What happens to Ireland? I read how the Fitzgeralds supported Yorkist claimants to the throne against Henry VII of the House of Tudor. So assuming the Yorks are still in power...
  19. RedKing

    WI: Margaret of Anjou's army crosses into Wales?

    In OTL, upon Margaret of Anjou and Edward of Lancaster's arrival in England, they began a march to Wales, where Jasper Tudor had raised an army of 5,000 men. Margaret's army soon found itself in a race to reach Wales, before the Yorkist army headed by Edward IV could catch them. They attempted...
  20. RedKing

    WI: Edward IV and Edmund, Earl of Rutland switch fates?

    What if Edward IV and Edmund, Earl of Rutland switched fates? Here Edmund manages to reach Sanctuary before Lord Clifford can kill him, and later manages to regroup with main Yorkist force. Meanwhile Edward IV dies during the Battle of St Mortimer’s Cross, which ends in a Lancastrian victory...