Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VII (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

NGL, I only vaguely know who that is. Some famous admiral, right?
The only man in American history to have the title of Admiral of the Navy, made specifically for him. Call me Congress in 1899 because I will happily glaze my man Dewey.

The Battle of Manila Bay was his masterpiece battle. One casualty due to an illness. It's enough to make a man cry.
Step aside Nimitz stans, George Dewey will always have a special place in my heart as my favorite American naval commander
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Long story short, a timline where a resurgent Spain crushes America in 1898, delivering that country a national humiliation unlike anything before it, the offenses being Spanish forces capturing all of America's pre-dreadnougt battleships intact, then temporarily occupying Washington, D.C. after a successful naval invasion, capturing the entire government to end the war, and repeating the feat of the British nearly a century earlier by burning the White House to the ground for good measure.
AWESOME! Please more of this! Alfonso XIII the Great!
You forgot to change Lincoln's successor in the infobox.
Thanks for catching this, I'll update that.
You forgot to change Lincoln's death date in the first paragraph and Lincoln should not be recognized as the 16th President of the United States, just as the President-elect of the United States since he never took office on March 4, 1861. The wikibox should also include "(as president)" following the name of the president who preceded and succeeded Lincoln.
So, President-elect of the United States Died Before Assuming Office Preceded by: James Buchanan (as president) Succeeded by: Whoever (as president).
I'll change the dates but I actually thought that in this universe, he's thought of as the 16th President even though he never took office. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense but it's part of the cult that sprung up around him after his death.
Fuck you mean first Southron revolt
You'll see. I plan inboxes covering all three of them. They are bad times for everyone and indeed the third one takes place in the Pacific Northwest.
What is borders of the new state of Steuben?
In the east, it includes the mouth of the Colorado River up to about Austin. Then it runs along the Brazos River to the Oklahoma border. In the west it runs along the 25th Meridian (the OTL eastern border of Colorado) which cuts off the Big Bend and El Paso. Those go to the New Mexico Territory.
POV: 1940 of the "Guns of the Nazi Germany" TL , but from this year not only no-no Germany has "friends from the future" and above all, they (Anti-Nazi "friends from the future") began to forge allies:

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At the risk of continuing, meet the man *probably* from the future (according to conspiracy theorists, but they're not far from the truth))) who made the OECD happen. Yes, there should be a FMJ joke ‘Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?’
Alexandra Katherine Spencer (18 August 1952 – 17 December 1979), better known by her stage name Cassandra Spencer, was an English singer-songwriter, guitarist, and vocalist known for co-founding the folk rock band Shears in 1973. She helped produce some of the band's best-selling albums, including Eye of the Beholder (1977) and See the Forest (For the Trees) (1976), before leaving the band in 1978 amidst growing concern over her worsening mental health. Spencer would continue releasing music under her "Cassandra Spencer" and "Delphi" stage names before her murder in December 1979.

part of Humber Calling, itself a reimagining of @Caprice and @LawfulInsane's Get to the Top (of the Pops).
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The Battle of Montgomery took place during the Montgomery Campaign of the First Southron Revolt and was fought between October 16th and October 29th, 1864. The aim of the campaign, launched in August, was to capture the Confederate capital of Montgomery and bring the revolt to an end. The federal plan was to encircle the city with two armies. Oliver Otis Howard advanced from the north but swept around to the west of the city while George Thomas came from the east along the Chattahoochee River. With the city surrounded by the middle of October, the federals began their attack under Howard’s command. Montgomery had been protected by a ring of forts some at up to a distance of 15 miles from the city. The federals spent nearly two weeks throwing themselves against these forts. The breakthrough came at Fort Neill to the south of the city on October 25th. Howard’s men streamed in through the gap and the ring of forts defending Montgomery quickly fell. Rather than resist and bring on the destruction of the entire city, Albert Sidney Johnson surrendered most of his army. Despite the surrender, most of the city was burnt and the Southron population scattered.

Confederate president Davis made a second attempt to flee the city (a first attempt having been thwarted by the presence of federal cavalry in the second week of October) but was captured along with his cabinet by George Stoneman. The surrender of Albert Sidney Johnson’s Army of Tennessee was quickly followed by the surrender of the majority of Confederate forces fighting in other theaters and in popular memory, the fall of Montgomery is seen as the last major battle of the war. In the north, Montgomery was hailed as a major victory and contributed the president Hamlin’s landslide victory on November 8th. Political enemies of Hamlin and later, of the Republicans, alleged that the war was drawn out to give an election-day boost to the president but no conclusive evidence of any such conspiracy exists.


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POD: Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, and Frederick Street Massacre
First Southron Revolt: Trans-Sabine Theater
1864 US election: National Union and Radical conventions
1864 US election: Democratic and Constitutional Union conventions
1866 Steuben gubernatorial election
Blue Custer stamp (1899-1905)
Alaskan Revolution (1907-1908)
James Aggrey, US Representative (1875-1935)
Does Humberside have a higher than average death rate? Why are half of these guys dead before age 30?
It's a Humberside thing. (links lead to the updates which cover their respective deaths)
It's a Humberside thing. (links lead to the updates which cover their respective deaths)
Guess if you want to have a lasting career, don't do it in the East Riding of Yorkshire.