Current Military Situation

  • Warring_Libya-Black.png


    CURRENT TIMELINE - September 2026
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  • Warring_Libya-Black.png

    “The dictator is dead, but at what cost?” - Hakim Al-Aswad - Libyan Correspondent for the Mediterranean and diaspora losing all hope for his country.

    Haftar is dead.

    Libya is no more, and her home lies in ruins. Thousands scream in terrible agony as all the Marshal’s men, now scattered across the desert, scrounge for power like a stray craving for blood.

    Her lands are shattered brim with renegades and demagogues. Men, both the young and old, carouse through the desert to raid and pillage what they must in this new world. Men and women have become a commodity, and folks tear through the hardest soil to make ends meet as their economy collapsed into ruins. Their lives and homes, once peaceful and content, are pushed to the brink and now ripe for death. The smog rises over the horizon as the tools of war are brought from its fiery womb, only to face the scorching heat of the sun as they churned into ash.

    The cliques rule over their spoils while Haftar’s most loyal are stuck within empty deserts of the South. Outsiders sought to reap the lands as the Marshal’s men became idle, with the white slavers of Sabha raiding across the plains and the exiles of the ruinous caliphate taking refuge in Sirte. And from the humble town of Bani Walid, a new power emerges. One that does not cling to the power of the old but to the legacy of the man who once flew the green flag.

    The world fears her wrath as the horrors of war spread throughout the seas. Men and women disappear without a trace as the corsairs lurk among the dark, Migrants sails in numbers never before seen, and fisheries of the Mediterranean are being deprived by the wave of rebellious fishermen originating the shores of Libya. The nation is a bomb ready to ignite, a land filled with monstrosities ready to plunge the world in its chaotic menagerie. It will be a matter of time when the world powers intervene, only to meet an unknowing fate shrouded in sheer uncertainty.
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  • Factions

    “Libya is like a swamp: you can’t tell how many freaks of nature are residing, but it’s there and it can kill you and it will.”
    Mikhail Budyonny - Head Administrator of the Northern Front on his thoughts over the warring factions in Libya.

    Libya is a nation full of mavericks and fanatics. Ever since the Scourge of Tripoli, many of Haftar's officers have scattered to carve the country for their own. Years of intrigue have sowed discontent between comrades and its consequence has led to the fracture of the country we all know today. And despite the valiant efforts made by his most loyal, the destructions have cursed their fragile unity into disrepair and paving the way for new powers to emerge from the vacuum. Since then, warring factions were spawned from the ruinous tides of the war; either to reshape the country at their own stead or to rule whatever fiefdom they have left.

    The Green Army

    “These mobs don’t have the numbers or the firepower to seize Western Libya, let alone the frontiers. I think their momentum will wane down within a few weeks.”
    Alan Herver - Canadian Journalist assessing the future of the Green Army after the Battle of Bani Walid

    The Green Army, or Jaysh Al-Akhdar, is a band of militia turned proto-state ruling over a massive swarth Western Libya. They are an ideologically-driven revolutionary force that combines the old elements of Muammar Gaddafi's thoughts from the Green Book and the original interpretation and ideals of their commander - Za'im. Fought against numerous armies far greater than their own, they later gained the reputation as either a valiant force to be reckoned with and a cunning but fanatical band similar to their jihadist foes in Sirte, especially after the Battle of Tripoli (or Liberation of Tripoli).

    Mikhail Budyonny describes their forces as a mixed composition led under their chief commander titled the Qayid: a monstrous force composed of battle-hardened and disciplined core soldiers (Jaysh Al-Akhdar), ideologically-driven militias (Hashd Al-Sheab), and foreign volunteers flowing from every corner of the world (Liwa Al-Duwaliu), with accounts of child soldiers participating within the ranks. Although the numbers are based on educated guesses, lacking the raw numbers to assert any accurate information, it's widely accepted that they amassed the largest army in the conflict; numbering from 325,000 to 495,000 men. They procure waves of armored vehicles after their campaign across Western Libya: Technicals were manufactured from the factories across the region, and they were able to salvage armored vehicles into the fold, albeit struggling to maintain them due to sanctions. The Green Army's tremendous success is attributed to their complex strategizing and elaborate maneuvering, evident by their triumphs during the Battle of Bani Walid and the talented commanders trained under the Qayid's tutelage. Their military hierarchy is decentralized as a result, preferring commanders that could fulfill tasks in their initiative and without strict oversight.

    Economically, The Green Army sits within the industrial heart of Libya. From oil, firearms, and even automotive, these factories and workshops were left intact by their previous warlords due to the tremendous value and were later utilized by the army to provide them with the income needed for trade and arms for their men. They benefited from Haftar's development programs over reconstruction and domestic firearms: Dimitry Vasily of the Northern Front reported that the army revived the remnants of the cement plant in Zliten to help their reconstruction efforts and the Great Arsenal in Tripoli was utilized extensively to provide their numerous men with guns and ammunition, even some Pashtuni gunsmiths hired by Haftar cooperated with the Green Army in exchange for materials and protection. They also produce trucks in Tripoli and Tajura, which allows them to mobilize their men at a quick pace compared to other militias across Libya. Foreign volunteers have also contributed to the development of their economy, contributing their specialized skills over horticulture and irrigation. However, they're struggling over the procurement of materials needed to run their industries and agriculture to feeds their people under an abundant manner: the Jifara Plain and irrigated farms in the surrounding region are unable to produce enough crops for rations, and the dwindling materials such as steel and rubber have become an intricate problem for their factories. This forced the Majlis to rely on the trading routes established by the Tuaregs over the entire Saharas in exchange for ample amounts of food and scrapped materials.

    The Green Army has mustered hundreds of thousands of radicalized supporters ecstatic by the prospects of armed revolution and reunification. Their fanatical tenacity against dissenting opposition is infamous during the aftermath of the Battle of Tripoli, and it persists to this day. Charlotte McLamb showcased numerous calamities of violent apprehension against those they consider to be dissidents and their accompanying sympathizers: Many were dragged by the militias to be humiliated by the public crowd, pelted with pebbles and sand; some met with the unfortunate fate of being thrown off from high-story buildings such as the Al-Ma'aari Tower, organized by local enforcers. Their radical discontent has even attracted the concerns of the Islamics States and the Caliph himself, providing refuge for people trying to find a sanctuary from their clutches. Despite this, they managed to instill absolute peace for the first since the early reign of Haftar, and the proficient governances of the Majlis Al-Khubara have drawn support from their fellow man. Their coherent rationings are enough to keep dwindling surplus of food at a balance, and the proper policing conducted by the Hashd Al-Sheab has reduced the once-infamous criminal enterprises and delinquencies into mere negligence. With proper coordination between the locals, foreign volunteers were able to use their expertise to compensate for the lack of skilled experts, lending their insight to improve their well-being ranging from healthcare, education, and even local media.

    The Green Army, at first glance, sees the world in black and white, despising anyone they deem to the enemy of their revolution. This is evident by their sheer opposition against the Free State of Sabha and warlords of the former LNA: Za'im personally sentenced the slavers and their mercenary accomplices sent by Ljubomir to their deaths in 2026 after being caught scouting over the Al-Kebir Desert, the slavers were thrown off from the very top of the Al-Ma'arri Tower while the Serbian mercenaries were forcefully drowned near the coast; and their doorstep, they launched frequent raids against the Islamic States around the Coast of Sirte and tried to commit a vendetta against Misrata, a city that they historically despise. However, despite their ideological clashes, the Qayid and the Caliph deemed each other as worthy adversaries, both of them are rather open in their exchange of dialogue, lauding and panning as they send letters through their couriers. Some argue that despite their rivalry, their religious preference is rather similar than they're willing to admit. The Tuareg State of Azjar is the only faction they considered to be their ally and openly so. Both are economic partners exchanging guns and materials, and key military equals fighting against the encroaching influence of the Free State of Sabha.

    Libyan National Army

    “Our solemn duty is to protect Libya from radicals and traitors. They will face god’s judgement soon enough when the time has come.”
    Khalid Ibn Khammas - Field Marshal of the LNA addressing his men before the Zelten Offensive

    The Libyan National Army, also known to others as Haftar’s Loyalist, is the remaining army that stayed true to the command established by Khalifa Haftar. While others rebelled to seek power and wealth, these soldiers showed great contempt over the machinations set by their treasonous brothers. Regrouping in Jalu to regain their strength, the LNA set their sights to reunite the country once more under a strong and disciplined government, promising to vanquish the foes of the republic to restore the great legacy set by the Field Marshal of Libya.

    What they lack in manpower, they make it up with hundreds of armor and equipment. Based on the findings of the Northern Front, their article stated that they’re the most mechanized and efficient forces throughout the entire civil war: 400 tanks and 950 mechanized vehicles were used during their campaign to secure the southern fringes of Eastern Libya, some of them are latest models provided by the Chinese and the Russians such as the T-20 and Type-19B models. Combined with their hardened and experienced tank formations, their 75,000 infantrymen are highly-disciplined and well-motivated, commandeered under the tutelage of their new Field Marshal - Khalid Ibn Khamas. Most of their forces are veterans of Second and the First Civil War: Some are defectors from the GNA, others are soldiers loyal to his cause during Operation Dignity. And while they're technically under the command of the General Staff, the soldiers and officers are loyal to the Field Marshal. The army compensates their numbers with conscripts numbering over 10,000 men and mercenaries from both Sudan and the northern fringes of Chad, acting as garrisons to protect their exposed flanks and expandables in risky operations. In 2025, 1,000 volunteers were instilled by the Russians serving as shock troops. Rumor suggests they’re Chechens personally handpicked under Khadyrov’s request.

    The LNA holds the largest oil reserve throughout the Sirte Basin, accounting for approximately 80% of the country’s barrels supply. Despite their lack of adequate infrastructure to store their crude surplus, they run the refineries throughout the basin, even hiring some former crew members of the Petroleum Facilities Guard to operate them with efficiency. They sold their crude oil by smuggling them to black markets throughout the Sahel Region, trading their oil to neighboring countries in exchange for cash. The people within their sphere pay their taxes through whatever crops they could muster as to provide the army with food surplus. The LNA made key development over their territory, mostly to provide a working infrastructure for their soldiers to funnel through such as adequate roads and even makeshift air bases to provide air support. They trade with their warring brethren on the coastal regions and even the slavers from Sabha as they recognize their economic prowess. The General Staff paid their soldiers with decent wages, but since consumer goods are uncommon throughout Jalu, they usually send caravans to the city of Sabha to buy luxury properties if they are permitted.

    Under the hierarchical General Staff, the loyalist is a brutish equivalent to Prussia, an army with a state but lacking its grace and the flattery that comes with it. From taxation, management, and even development, the officers and commanders run the day-to-day bureaucracy of their respective region, supported by former clerks and middlemen that used to work under Haftar's government. Soldiers also serve as engineers when levied by their commanders as they maintain the roads to keep the steady flow of caravans funneling through the pavements, and in some cases developing lands they could use in the foreseeable future. Some of their citizens, including children and the elderly, are forced to train under their martial environment under the pretext of preparing them for any incoming incursion beyond their territory. Curfews are frequent in order to, based on their own words, "To safeguard the security of Libya and her loyal soldiers."

    They face difficult relations with their brothers-in-arms ruling over the coastal regions of the surrounding north. Despite condemning their treasonous and rather feudalistic regime, with their new Field Marshal accusing them of deliberate sabotage of the state, they also understand the necessity to unite all the remaining commanders under their banner. This also leaves them to become idle over the disregard for their people, not wanting to risk further friction between either side. Their ties with the Free State of Sabha is nebulous: While rumors conveyed by the Mediterranean accuse Khalid Ibn Khammas of sharing a certain amount of respect for Martin Geoff and his economic ventures, others such as the Northern Front rebutted this claims, pointing out their frequent raids to disrupt slave caravans to free the captives. The army shows deep concern over the recent triumphs made by the Green Army, especially after the uprising ignited over Al-Marj and Al-Bayda. They fear that the contagious euphoria might reach the minds of their people as well as they could potentially encourage them to revolt against the soldiers. Below Eastern Libya, their relations with the Toubou tribe is met mostly with indifference, but cordial enough to trade with them for the produce cultivated from their oases and irrigated farms.

    Free State of Sabha

    “It’s disheartening to hear that some will rather live in dehumanizing servitude than returning home in shame.”
    Charlotte McLamb - CEO of The Mediterranean recollecting the testimonies of runaway slaves.​

    The Free State of Sabha is referred to by their Head Representative - Martin Geoff, as the Pearl of Fezzan. While he and his confidants described themselves as a Libertarian community guided by the conscience of free men who seek the prosperity of their domain, many condemned them as a morally-dubious rogue state that revived a once shunned practice into an open and ridiculously-lucrative market. Forming businesses and constructing paved roads from the hot desert, their relative prosperity has brought the ire of many human rights activists and neighboring nations for their abuses against slaves but also sympathy from fringe anarcho-capitalist groups from the United States and to some extent, Europe

    The military is divided between two main contingencies: The Jaysh Al-Khaddam, also known as the Army of Servants, and the Sabha Core Army. The former consist of 87,000 slaves levied into service and equipped with a standardized set of weapons and gear bought from the black markets surrounding the Sahel Desert. Despite their numbers, they merely act as a supporting force meant to either garrison recently conquered settlements and to support the main spearhead of their core equivalent. The latter is the main shock troops serving as the head component of their campaigns. While numbering over 25,000 and mostly consist of Serbian mercenaries and white (mostly American) volunteers, at least according to Mikhail Budyonny, they act as the main spearhead of the army. Most of them are tactically-sound and well-equipped, and as they salvage and manufacture heavy vehicles during the months of their campaign, they become mobile enough to commit proper maneuvering, albeit dependent on their levied slaves to serve as tactical support.

    Their economy, regardless of the condemnations received by the international community, is considered to be ludicrously affluent. The UNHCR recently estimated their gross income to be higher than the countries across the Sahel region such as Niger and Chad, and reports from the Mediterranean suggest that the local economy of South Libya is booming exponentially and far more prosperous compared to the rest of the warring factions. With anarcho-capitalist volunteers from the United States and Europe funneling through after their early successes, their expertise has allowed them to develop their primary industry with efficiency and eventually allowed them to develop heavier industries such as inland shipbuilding in Brak. However, their economy is solely reliant on the lucrative and internationally condemned practice, one that built the very foundation of his so-called paradise: Human Trafficking. After the fall of Haftar’s government, most Sub-Saharan African trying to seek a better life traveled through the southern hemisphere of Libya to reach over the coast. This crisis has proven to be an opportunity for the Free State as they begin to form raiding parties to capture lone caravans, some were paid to lure them into a trap in the middle of the lone desert. From construction, maintenance, to even menial work, the state is dependent on their labor and manpower to fulfill one of the Sabha Council’s ambitious projects. They also encourage (or force) desperate settlements to serve as outposts: some operate as camps for their raiders to reside while others have turned into local hubs to accumulate income, the city-state of Hun has become the most egregious example of this practice.

    Martin Geoff describes his state as, in his words, “the jewel of opportunity where everyone could rise regardless of race, religion, or gender.” Despite this alluring call, he contradicts himself in 2023 by claiming that society should be organized under a racialized pyramid and divide each race according to these discriminative categories: the Whites will serve as the intellectual and entrepreneur elite of Sabha, the Arabs will handle the local trade and businesses, and the Africans will, in his word, "will handle the menial and productive labor due to their inherited racial strength." The Free State of Sabha in practice is racially segregated between the West Africans and their Whites and Arab captors, albeit the former has more of a say in the matter than the latter. Life in their capital is described as paradise by some and the local constituents lauded the Council’s efforts to rejuvenate the once-decaying city into its currently prosperous state. The stalls are full of fresh produce and the streets are clouded with blissful joy, no longer need to worry about the prospect of war or famine. And according to Charlotte McLamb’s sources, quality of life under their rule is relatively higher compared to the surrounding nations of the Sahel Desert: Their water system provides gallons of clean water for surrounding towns and food is so plenty that they export their surplus through the entire warring state. The alluring picture of fine living encourages some Libyans from every corner to migrate into the shining city, bringing their families into the fold and enjoying the splendors of the free market. However, the Africans are coerced into unpaid labor and face discreet humiliation in the public scene: According to The Mediterranean, the Sabha Council has established many discriminative rules against them such as they can't appear in public view without the permission of their slaver and they are forbidden to speak unless spoken to. They live outside the fringes of the cities and cramped insides camps, each occupied by 5-7 people as they're squeezed in under a tight space. But they're provided with rations and basic education for the enslaved children, and if they're fit enough for service, they'll be moved to Ubari to receive a meager apartment and limited right of movement. Charlotte McLamb reported a disheartening statement from a runaway claiming that some of them will rather live in servitude than returning to their home country in shame.

    The Free State of Sabha has considerable influence throughout the warring country. Many factions such as the Islamic States and Hun received the attentive support from the Council, lending aides ranging from food surplus to even boats to exacerbate the Neo-Barbary Crisis. Many villages from the coast, excluding those ruled under the Green Army, also benefited from their support as they helped them to improve their fisheries, albeit to the dismay of the nations of the surrounding Mediterranean. They also lend their support to the Islamic States with manpower and vehicles as a means to project their influences across the Mediterranean, receiving an ample sum of their income made from their ransoms and kidnappings. The City-State of Hun is a puppet nation for the Free State and serves as an economic hub funneling from Southern Libya to the coastal shores of the Gulf of Sirte. Ljubomir points out three factions as the most credible threat to their libertarian society: Their relations with the LNA are mildly complex since they frequently disrupt their human-trafficking routes but frequently trade with their caravans at the same time. Their most fearsome adversary, however, is the Green Army: Their campaign across Western Libya has broken any chance of courting over the bickering warlords and city-states once scattered throughout the region and threaten to disrupt their trade routes and shut down the water pipelines funneling to Sabha.

    Islamic States of Libya

    “Don’t be fooled by their change of heart! They’re still the marauding jihadist who burned Syria and Iraq.”
    - Dimitry Vasily - Main contributor to the Northern Front expressing his doubts on the Islamic State of Libya.

    The Islamic State of Libya, commonly-known as Daesh, are remnants of the original Islamic State who splintered from their home region. Establishing a small but resilient foothold over the surrounding Sirte, they eventually developed their own interpretation of the original mission and defined themselves by replacing the overarching goal to establish a Pan-Islamic caliphate and replace it with a more moderate approach by appealing to local affairs. Securing the shore surrounding the Gulf of Sirte, they have a considerable monopoly over the situation concerning the Neo-Barbary Crisis, allowing local corsairs to use their lands as a platform for their operations and became a haven for fishermen carousing over the Mediterranean Sea.

    Their forces are divided between the hardened veterans and the local militias. The former serves as the main vanguard of their entire army: They are battle-hardened fighters who fought during the earliest years of the Islamic States, foreign volunteers who came under numerous nationalities across the Ummah, a quarter of them are Chechen serving the elite bulwark. The local militias serve as garrisons protecting their territories and supporting guards to accompany their campaigns. Most of them are recruited from the local towns and sometimes young men from local tribes, some independent units such as the Misrata Brigade pledge their loyalty in exchange for territorial autonomy. The Islamic States are the only few forces to wield a navy, at least in the broadest sense. Unlike the highly-equipped warlords of Eastern Libya, their flotilla consists mostly of improvised speedboats meant to protect their fishing fleets from harm and also used by the corsairs who lurk among the hollow streets of the European side of the Mediterranean; speeding across the seas as they kidnap their victims.

    Economically, they inherited a meager and underdeveloped backwater wedged between two populous and industrial regions. Despite these challenges, the Islamic State has managed to accumulate a consistent flow of income through three major supplements: An efficient taxation system, a consistent flow of tribute from autonomous states, and a rejuvenated fishing industry. They managed to develop a cohesive form of taxation under a fair sum and even allowing the local netizens to pay according to their wage and living, which leads them to garner enough funds to develop their lands without alienating the people through cumbersome demands. With the city of Misrata and the Shura Council pledging their allegiance under their wing, they managed to collect a form of tribute from them through the consistent flow of either material assets or literal cash. Lastly, they turned the loose fishing sprawls spread across the Gulf of Sirte and beyond into a lucrative market which supplies them a surplus amount of food for their subjects and their soldiers: Aided by their beneficiaries from Sabha, they capitalized the flourishing fishing zone flowing with tuna to great effect. Despite being an economic hub for corsairs operating across the Mediterranean Sea, their actual contribution to their treasury is nothing more but negligible due to expenses demanded by the Free State of Sabha for their aid. Despite lacking any industrial power, they managed to control the city of Misrata: An economically-prosperous city housing many powerful industries, including the third-largest steel factory throughout the African continent.

    Just like the Free State of Sabha, they are foreign interlopers only tolerated by the locals due to their competent bureaucracy and unusual leniency over the matters of possible dissidents, more so compared to the likes of the Green Army. The new Caliph and his local accomplices have managed to develop a court system far less brutal than those exercised by their western rival and less corrupt compared to the phony jurisdiction favored by the local cliques over Eastern Libya: Many constituents within their territory consider their jurists to be fairer and more considerate than those from both ends, especially after dealing a detrimental property dispute that they managed to apprehend coherently in 2022; and most of their sentences are milder and corporal when it comes to criminal punishment, sentencing offenders ranging from disclosed caning to lengthy confinement in prisons. They still exercise the jurisprudence of the Sharia code under the ideological context of the Salafi Movement, punishing those who commit solicited vices under their rule. However, they give some exemptions in the name of pragmatism: they allow tribal politicking to exist to keep them in check and include secular laws to address the local challenges present throughout the gulf. What separates them from their brothers mucking around the Levant, however, is their ideological invention: They completely abandoned the original call for an Islamic superstate and replace it with a more nationalistic take where each state, or Dawlat, locally addresses their religious duties under their own volition.

    Considered by rivaling powers as a foreign interloper interfering with the local affairs surrounding the Warring State, the Islamic States is wedged between a zealous proto-state cursing for their downfall and the remnants of the LNA pledging to destroy their presence in Libya. The Green Army, despite the cordial exchanges between the Qayid and the Caliph, still present themselves as the biggest threat to the Islamic States: They launched frequent raids against their fishing boats and waged a campaign to take over the valiant city of Misrata, only to be brokered by a rather fragile peace deal that many considered to be dubious in practice. The LNA also presents itself as an imposing threat towards their survival: Their men are mustered to launch an offensive against the feeble but strategically-important city of Zelten, threatening to attack their core territories from their underbelly and seeking to establish a forward base to form a platform for future campaigns. However, they managed to bring key powers such as Misrata and the Shura Council under their influence and garnered enough support from Sabha to lend their equipment and expertise to provide aid for their corsairs.
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    Author's PSA
  • --- Author's PSA ---
    11/5/2018: For those interested, here's an alternative link DeviantArt. I'll provide supplementary content to provide context that will contextualize the war.

    01/04/2019: Yes, I barely post anything substantial since the publication, but that's mostly because I don't really have any plans to expand without proper scheduling. However, with the recent strawpoll, I can now fill it with enough content to make y'all satisfied.

    I'll be expanding on the "Ghost of Muammar" as a character and make maps for the Green Army and Sabha and Hub. Stay tuned, my friends!

    03/19/2019: If you guys are not aware, I made a poll on which maps should I make first. Obviously, people love the idea of Napoleon screwing around the British Isle. That doesn't that no one voted the stuff related to the series. So here are the following list of stuff I'm going to make in the future:
    1. The Neo Barbary Corsair Crisis - Remastered
    2. Battle of Bani Walid (2025)
    3. Pre-Green Army Tripolitania (2023)
    4. The Hijacking of FS Latouche-Treville (2026)
    5. Julia Kaufmann, An Introduction
    Well, I think that's the stuff I need to address. Goodbye, Y'all.
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    [Media] TIME - Nightmarish World of Libya
    By Paul Robbins


    [Author's Note]
    Check out the recent PSA to get some context on why I didn't post much since, and what to expect in the future.​
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    [Map] Warring State of Libya - A Political Revamp
  • jat5izr.png

    [Author's Note]

    With the recent revamp, it's inevitable that I'm revising some of the stuff I wrote and add some new ones. Go check out the Faction section to know what changed.​
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    [MEDIA] Leaked Files: LB-2026-10103 - Follow-up
  • I leaked this considering the main board are asking everyone in the office to burn it. Most of my pals are fired because they're late to return it. Kinda draconian even for them but they seem to be very sensitive with this kind of subject matter. They don't even let us keep a photocopy of it.

    So, consciously, I tried to leak 1GB worth of files to the internet. I thought that 4chan might be an ideal place to leak it out to and oh boy, I was wrong. They make fun of me at first and hacked through my hard drive, shoving in a virus that corrupt most of my files. This is why I can only restore five pages and not much else.

    I hope you guys spread it out across the internet, they keep censoring us whether we mentioned him the board
    [Map] The Great March of Tripolitania
  • -- Great March of Tripolitania --


    -- Description --
    The Great March of Tripolitania is seen by many as one of the greatest military triumphs in recent history. While the Algerians failed to even pierce through its southern hemisphere, the Green Army manages to overwhelm the entire region with tremendous speed and elegance. It's a successful military campaign that has manifested the old nostalgia for Muammar Gaddafi that surrounded Tripolitania into a revolutionary euphoria that contributed greatly to their rise to prominence.

    The Great March was the brainchild of the Ghost of Muammar resolve and imagination; an idea that was previously seen by his comrades as a risky endeavor. But as he proven himself in the Battle of Bani Waleed and later the Battle of the Plains, the sense of doubt amongst his skeptical troops has now transformed into fierce loyalty.

    Assisted by his two companions - Omar Rashid and Idris Busayf, the Green army has conquered the entire region in the span of 9 months. Both are valuable companions that showed their own sense of foresight and martial experience.

    But the Ghost of Muammar sets his eyes upon the entire country, not a single region. With Tripolitania finally secured, he can now prepare for another campaign of liberation across Libya.
    [Map] Free State of Sabha - The Pearl of Fezzan
  • -- Free State of Sabha --
    -- The Pearl of Fezzan --


    -- Description --
    The Free State of Sabha, the once meager town has now bloomed into one of the most powerful factions in the civil war - an economic powerhouse that lies within the confines of Fezzan. Its heart lies the great city of Sabha, a metropolis filled with thousands of rich personalities - with free-minded people across the world enjoying the fruits of their labor. But behind the pillars of white and green lies the suffering of many lost souls across the continent, a life stifled with torment and humiliating servitude.​
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    [Writing] The Society of Warring Libya
  • The Society of Warring Libya
    “One man’s heaven is another man’s hell I guess.”
    - Julia Kaufmann, Travel Journalist​

    [1.1: The Massacre of the Martyrs, 27 hours later after Haftar’s Death]
    Libya is experiencing a short but consequential change throughout their society. Ever since the death of Haftar, the very institution that meant to lead them has collapsed entirely and what’s left of them have either left to their sanctuaries or crumbled under the pressure of the squabbling militias.

    The U.N-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) was exiled from its base and settled in the United States. The House of Representatives (HOC) was forcefully abolished when almost all of are arbitrarily slaughtered by marauding militias (with the exception for Aguila Saleh Issa, being exiled to Toulouse). Leaving Libya with no institution considered to be legitimate by the international community.


    [1.2: The remnants of Haftar's loyalist who regrouped in Southern Cyrenaica]
    Six years since Khalifa Haftar’s passing, the social and political landscape of the country has become more diverse than before, with many viewpoints different from all corners of the nation and political powers projecting those mentalities into something they can manifest - both physically and socially.

    ISIS thrived within the following chaos and set a permanent foothold within the confines of the Gulf of Sirte. New movements such as the Green Army rose from the ruins of the blunders of the National Army, paving the way for the Ghost of Muammar and his eventual campaign.


    [1.3: One of the following markets suffering in Northern Cyrenaica]
    Quality-of-life can also be subjected to relativity, people ranging from Tripolitania to Sabha may have different standards when it comes to their perspective of good living: with the former living in communal harmony while the latter prefers the qualities of abundance.

    Economic sanctions imposed by the U.S has prevented many useful incentives such as medicine and food surplus to flow through the populace. This has a drastic effect surrounding the coastal regions of Libya, although various factions have supplemented this with alternative and potentially dubious means of sustaining their economy.


    [1.4: A flock of enslaved West Africans in Es Sultan Camp]
    Slavery has become a common market in Libya, a profitable and surprisingly easy commodity to exploit. While people outside may see this as a barbaric and morally wrong, some might justify it to be only the way to sustain themselves as the local marketplace either no longer reward the talents of artisans or it’s a relatively easy compared to other jobs.

    Refugees mostly from West Africa desperate to reach Europe has become a huge commodity in the slave markets. Preferred by slavers due to their great numbers and their wicked view of racial strength, they played roles in all shapes and form: from a meager slave militia to even the highest position available.


    [1.5: Brigi Rafini, one of Sabha’s notorious corsairs]
    For those living in the shores, especially in the Gulf of Sirte, piracy has become an eloquent market. From hijacking wandering ships to kidnapping people from the northern hemisphere, the new generation of corsairs has thrived within the chaos and civil strife; with no one in Libya ever dare (or try) to break it up.

    The Europeans living within the coast are vulnerable to kidnappings, especially during the night. They, especially the women, are one of the most desired commodities within the market. They could either be ransomed for a ludicrous amount of cash or enslaved for whatever reasons they consider desirable.


    [1.6: Massive euphoric marches in the square after Muammar’s Liberation of Tripoli]
    Gaddafi, once the tyrant that they despise, has become a reminder of Libya’s once stable past. Regardless of its realities, most of the people cannot bear the years of economic instability and look to the past to cope with their lives - with bread becoming more expensive than a meager phone. While some reminisce the good-old-days, others have manifest this nostalgia into something more euphoric - thus came the rise of the Green Army.


    [1.7: A man left with nothing.]
    Libya is no longer a nation of peaceful development experiencing democratic harmony. It’s a country confused, wondering about whatever future that lies ahead for them. They either succumb to the torment forever or see their country united once more. But who knows.
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    [Character] LordBrit111 - Your Fellow Whistleblower
  • LordBrit111 - Your Fellow Whistleblower


    1.1 [Not my real face, but wouldn't it be cool?]​

    Sup guys, The name's LordBrit111 (big fanboy for Lord British, btw). I'm the dude who leaked those documents from the higher-ups and all that other nonsense y'all probably don't care. It's weird for me to be more candid with this kind of stuff since i'm trying to stay anonymous as possible, but I feel cocky this time so I might add some personality into this whistleblowing stuff. I work in the intel department, basically a place where people fuck around with whatever reports these people gave us and make something out of it.

    You might be wondering why I'm posting this shit here and why not in 4chan or give it to mainstream journos or whatever. For starters, 4chan tried to delete an entire worth of info and threaten to bomb my house (but really, the virus they sent to me makes my computer wack). Secondly, I tried giving it to them but told me it ain't news-worthy (IKR, WTF?!?!). So y'know, rather than relying on dummies, I might as well post it here.

    Also, people keep accusing me of making hoaxes and trolling... really? As if risking my life is the funniest shit I've ever done in my life. Just be thankful that I'm leaking these important files without expecting any compensations. And here's proof that I'm working in this stupid institution of old cunts:


    1.2 [This where the parents drop off their kids, btw]
    Anyway, if y'all have any questions related to Libya or even the Battle of the Spratly Islands, just ask! I got time.
    [Character] LordBrit111 - A Follow-up
  • [Follow-up]
    Since I'm trying to elaborate on the war through a series of narrators (at some levels), I thought introducing Lord Brit first might be a good idea to insinuate such attempt. I love the idea of people giving their own experiences and stories through their lense. The problem with most threads I read is that they write anything like a novel and most of the dialogue being too hoaky for my taste. The perspective from the everyman feels better for this type of fiction, IMO.

    Criticism and feedback are welcome if you guys don't feel the same about it.
    [Map] The Neo-Barbary Crisis
  • --- Neo-Barbary Crisis ---


    --- Description ---
    With Marshall Haftar dead and the rest of his ilk bicker over the sands, the people of Libya is left to fend for themselves. Their neglect has led the desperate to either scrounge through the ruins or sets their eyes on a new path for living. From trafficking slaves to smuggling contraband, the chaos has given them new opportunities for the ambitious to revel. But it wasn’t until the total collapse of its institution that they set their eyes on the seas; with the Islamic State making a comeback to secure the Sirte Gulf and Free State of Sabha setting a new market.

    Named after the corsairs that once ruled the Mediterranean Sea, the Neo-Barbary Crisis has plagued the soothing coast of the north and south - what was once a land of peaceful living and content has now crumbled and led the state of paranoia the people there are experiencing. They sail across the ocean to plunder and enslave, to carry as much riches as they can and lure the foolish or desperate to the clutches of their palm.

    Stretching from the southern coast of Valencia to the sturdy island of Rhodes, these corsairs has an unusually terrifying amount of influence they’re operating in: they exploit the corruption crisis that troubles Europe and twist it to their own ends, leaving either none to oppose them or neglect those realities due to the influence they have.

    The corsairs plunder ships that sail across the Mediterranean. Viewing the ocean as a vast haven for the market. they hijack the unfortunate vessel and dragged them to one of their bases; stripping every cargo and scrap they can wield. Slavery, with the patronage of the Free State, lure the desperate and foolish. The people of the shores begin to fear the night as the tales of their cruelty has reached to the hearts and minds, they pull their organs piece-by-piece and ransom them to the highest bidder.

    The crisis has turned one of the busiest shipping lanes into the most dangerous areas in recent history. With leaders baffled and afraid and generals outsmarted by pure treachery and cunning, the corsairs are free to sail once again as their ancestors did as the world offers them opportunities to prosper. It’s up to the people of Libya to condemn this crisis as an act of barbarism or accept this their new way of life.
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    [Map] Battle of Bani Walid - 2025

  • Background
    Libya burns as the wrath of warlords scour throughout the sands. For many years the populace is under the whim of the ambitious and ruthless: From rich slavers to enigmatic cults, the chaotic strife has paved the rise of these factions to fruition. One of them resides within Bani Walid - a humble town of thousands unscathed by the calamities of war. Bounded by fringe clansman and adventurers, these people hold the ideas and values of Gaddafi’s vision, bearing the name of his color - the Green Army.

    Toppling their tyrannical mayor for hoarding their bushels of grain, the townsman cheered as they begin to share it amongst them. Weeks since then, the army begins to sloth away as their rule has become paramount and complacency seeps to the core. Their commander slumps into vanity as he begins to view himself as a man of excellence - stamping himself with thousands of titles inconceivable by his own.

    Their indulgement over their victory ended abruptly however as news from the south shocked them. The Ali Clique, hungry for spoils and loot once more, has declared their intent to raid the unscathed town and demand the screams of the entire populace for the thrill of war. Frightened, they scrounge every plan of defense and muster every man, women, and children into their fold. This causes a chaotic streak as their mismanagement has wasted valuable resource for nothing. They slumped to their lowest point as the commander, fearing for his torturous demise and leaving his men the abyss, ended his own life with a gun to his head.

    His death shocked them all, their leader who once leads to their triumph has fallen to his own despair. Weeks before the clash, they begin to vote for whoever should lead them all but none of them are willing, fearing that their guidance could inadvertently lead to their fall. But as they begin to bicker over who should take charge, a knock echoed through the halls. They open the door and met a man with white tattered clothes and dark skin. They ask who he is and why he came uninvited.

    He offers them his help and comes by with a simple name - Za’im the Tuareg.

    Army Composition
    Green Army: The Green Army is composed of more than 2000 men, half of them are levied from their homes. Originally intended to amass more than 20,000 into the fold, it was ultimately scrapped as Za’im argued that the premise was insane and reduced to the most capable. From technicians to even carpenters, these levied militias will eventually provide their trade and skills to bolster their defense - improvising deadly traps and complex fortification. The thousand original members of the army are people who fought since the first civil war, they’re experienced soldiers and committed to cause albeit they can’t be described as disciplined.

    Their weapons are mostly leftovers from the Bani Walid Airfield and the mayor’s arsenal near the former, hundreds of rifles and 7 artillery were used during the fight. Trucks scrounged from the streets was also used during the conflict, served to quickly mobilize their troops.

    Ali Clique: Being one of the remaining splinter factions of Haftar’s Army, they have more than 9000 soldiers ready to raid villages and hamlets and reaping the spoils of their onslaught. Infamous for their brutality and recklessness: they’re one of the most dysfunctional bands of marauders to seep across the lands as the tumulous amount of infighting between officers has caused more of their men to die than fighting against others.

    Stolen from the Haftar’s Great Arsenal before the collapse, the cliques wield hundreds of trucks and ten of their most valuable tanks - provided by both the Russians and French. The latest of their generation, its technological prowess gives them an edge against their larger foes.


    Za’im the Tuareg: Bearing an Arabic surname despite his heritage and appearing to their doorstep coincidentally after their old commander’s death, he was an enigmatic personality to the Green Army. Despite this, however, he’s one their gifted and determined of his new brethren: he provided detailed defensive plans and reformed their structure from a formless band to resilient force. He also taught the militias everything from reloading a gun and manning an artillery gun.

    His plans to win the battle to form a flexible line of defense covering the route of their raid: from the unnamed district of the north to B’ir Sawabir and Manasir. They’ll flank both sides as the enemy pushes deep into the center, striking them at the right time and place.

    Clique Officers: Unlike the rest of their comrades, they’re not humbled by a single commander but rather squabble as a series of officers united under the splendor of raiding for spoils. Despite this entropy, however, they can be described as pseudo-democratic; at least they’re willing to vote on their actions before coming to fruition - leading their army under the whim of their slow decision-making.


    Bani Walid is a simple town that houses more than 90,000 people. It’s one of the few cities spared from the first chaotic days after Haftar’s death, despite its decaying infrastructure. It has managed to sustain itself for many years due to taking advantage of the Great Manmade River, wells, and the natural riverbed called a Wadi for each heavy rainfall. It’s also a town marked hills and valleys surrounding the city as it covers almost the entirety of Bani Walid with narrow corridors and tall hilltops, shadowing some of the local neighborhoods.

    Chronological Order of Battle
    Prelude: Za’im sends seven of his sharpest men to the hillsides to watch over the highway leading to Bani Walid. Provided with radio comms, smoke signals, and their last remaining horses from the town fair, they galloped to the highest peak and set their camps at midnight - waiting for the impending battle.

    It’s dawn and the clique has arrived in droves, with hundreds of trucks and soldiers funneling through the interstate. They set their post at an isolated hamlet far away few kilometers away from Bani Walid and wait for the rest of their detachment to regroup - with more than 2000 men left behind to prepare their own stockpile.

    (1) 09:15: Before retreating to the hillsides, the scouts launched their smoke signals upon the idle forces. Alerted by the hailing green smoke, the orchestra fired upon the hamlet. It was a lukewarm endeavor, however, as they inflicted less than they expected, albeit managing to destroy have of their supplies.

    With no other choice, Ali Clique rushed themselves to march through the town in order to avoid another barrage and to secure the north and even the town center. By this point, the Battle of Bani Walid has begun.

    (2) 10:15: A detachment of the Green Army ambushed the hastened clique as they scuttle through like a horde. They barraged them with gunfire and firebombs from both of their flanks as they trek deeper into the empty alleys and streets. They shot down one of the tanks caterpillar tracks as their exposed flank give them an opportunity to pierce it through.

    Accompanied by tripwires and improvised mines, some of the officers’ men have the unfortunate mishap to stumbling through their traps planted across the neighborhood. With each house bursting with debris and dust, nearly half of the casualties they’ve inflicted are caused by their well-hidden traps.

    (3) 13:20: After hours of bickering from their officers and logistical woes, their detachment from Bir Dufan has finally made it to the eastern fringes of Bani Walid. They struggled through the same onslaught as their western comrade faced, albeit to a lesser degree.

    They managed to stop their tanks trekking through the narrow streets and razed the crowded trucks into pieces of scorched scraps. But despite their efforts to slow them down, they were unable to cover the vast plains without cycling through to each district with the numbers of men they have. Forcing them to splinter as they cover both sides with numbers too few to defend the area.

    (4) 14:25: With their men from the north suffering from the chaotic onslaught, the forces from east splintered into two smaller detachments: with one supporting the main bulk and the latter to push further south. This decision has elevated the suppression of their maneuver with the Green Army surprised by their proximity.

    Some of the defenders were pushed back near to Al-Mdrom bridge while the rest were forced to retreat to the abandoned detention center, reinforcing them with a piece of block and furniture as they can muster.

    (5) 15:05: As the half of the eastern detachment merged with the northern regiment, they faced another challenge as they begin to view the facility as a threat to their rear and eventually to the rest of the troops still mustering over Aswaah.

    The siege over the Detention Center was a disastrous endeavor as the Green Army valiantly defended it with great determination and zeal. Hundreds have died fighting from corridor-to-corridor, blasted from every corner they turn to as the makeshift barricades proved to be more resilient than they anticipated.

    (6) 15:45: Some of the officers have finally pushed the defenders off from the bridge and the gateway to Al-Mdrom but at a great cost. The narrow hills and corridors provided them the advantage as they kill them one-by-one by gaining the higher ground and they can’t coordinate through the alley and smaller valleys without facing the potential fear of ambushes.

    This advantage also slowed down the clique as they prepare to mobilize their counteroffensive from the Bani Walid Airport, with their toughest men riding behind the back of their armored gun trucks to haul them over.

    (7) 16:25: After hours of struggling to reach the town center’s roundabout, they have finally secured the area - including the pristine Bani Walid Museum. However, they sign for relief has not come to save them as the rest of their forces are still idle within the confines of Aswaah. Desperate, they begin to rally their men for a retreat.

    But their hopes to secure Bani Walid has dissipated as the shock troops from the airport was mobilized, cutting through their salient and eventually trapping them inside a tiny pocket surrounding the roundabout.

    (8) 18:35: The remaining forces are stuck, clinging to every corner they see as the fear of Green Army seeping through their barricades. Many officers have taken their own lives just to spare themselves from the impending retribution they’re going to face. But eventually the last of the commanding officers surrendered to the Green Army as the sun begins to set, thus ending the war.

    The last remaining soldiers from Aswaah has arrived, but instead of a camp full of lights and drunken men, they witness an abandoned hamlet and hazing trails of smoke flying over the horizon. Communications fall blank; nothing more endless static. Few have escaped and survived, recounting the ferocity of the battle and the futility to turn the tide. With nowhere to go and the skies falling dark, the officers of the detachment returned to their holdings - leaving the town alone for good.

    The Green Army celebrated this triumph and the people chants songs of their victory, but it was abrupt as Za’im begin a formulate for another campaign to crush the Ali Clique once and for all. Some of his men refused; argued that Bani Walid and their numbers were enough but he convinced them eventually. They propelled their campaign to crush the remaining forces on March 15th, securing Aswaah, Qaryat, Bir Dufan, Al-Jeen, At Matim, and Duyaib in over a week With their territories secured, they acquired plethoras of loot accumulated by the clique since the start of the Third Civil War.

    The army eventually respects him and put aside their suspicions over his ambiguity and kinship: even forming a camaraderie with his two commanders - Omar Rashid and Idris Busayf. With their boundaries secured, Za’im falls back to the shadows and plans over the details of his next campaign.

    [Map] Green Army - Back From the Dead
  • Green Army - Back From The Dead


    --- Description ---
    From the humble abode of Bani Walid, a band of militias marched their way through in a glorious drive for glory. Backed by both zeal and ingenuity, they reunited Tripolitania under a swift and triumphant campaign. Hundred of thousands has joined their struggle; to rekindle Gaddafi’s legacy once more. It erupted from a vein piece of nostalgic memory into a euphoric cry for his return.

    Here's an alt-link if you guys are interested: [Reddit]|[DeviantArt]
    [Map] Warring State of Libya - April 12th
  • The situation of the conflict has dissipated since the start of the year. Despite skirmishes being a prevalent feature across the country, the climactic scale of deaths has dropped to a minimum. Factions have become less invested in expanding their territories as they begin to focus on their own local matters – either developing their own military further or putting their resources on repair old infrastructure.

    Despite the dissipation of clashes, the militias are evolving into something more from being a band of volunteers they used to be. Years of conflict and the sanctions imposed by the U.S and their following coalition has forced them to innovate – becoming resilient and ingenious in the process. And with the black markets taking advantage of this opportunity, the blockade has proven to be less effective as time passes.

    Libya, for now, has become relatively peaceful compared to its traumatic years. But the militias are evolving and the military build-up that accompanies them have become more apparent. If the situation is not dealt with, the Mediterranean will face another violent uproar that erupted during 2021.

    --- International Update ---
    1. The Presidential Council - the remnants of the GNA, has announced the formation of an army of their own - backed by the legitimacy of their institution and the trained under the supervision of the United States.

    2. A report from the NATO – published in March 21st, has stated that more than 750 cases of corsair-related kidnappings have occurred during 2025, lower compared to its highest peak in 2023.

    3. A satirist was found murdered with a shoe on his mouth - investigation suggests it was perpetuated by the Free State of Sabha.

    --- April 12th, 2026 ---
    1. TIBESTI MT. & HAMARIA - The towns Tibesti, El Maruf, and Hadir have pledged their allegiance to the Islamic State after years of political isolation. This was met with indifference from the locals as their way of living has remained unchanged, despite the implementation of their religious law.

    2. JADID ZLITEN, MERADA - With most of their forces moved to Ajedabya, salient of Jadid Zliten was occupied in order to expand their territory and influence.

    3. ZINTAN, WEST LIBYA - Overwhelmed by the Green Army, the local warlord of Zintan pleaded for assistance from the Mansur Clique in exchange of the town of both Cabo and Tiki.

    4. JEBEL BEN GHNEMA - The Free State pushes through to Tegerhi in order to overthrow the Khattuf Clique and replace them with a more “friendly” client.

    5. MASQAN, FEZZAN - Due to the recent action from the Free State, the Magarha tribe has joined the Confederation to unite their local militias with the larger party of the union.

    6. MISRATA, WEST LIBYA - Once again, the contingent forces of the Green Army marched to the city of Misrata, to secure the highway of their isolated city of Abugrein.

    7. AL-MARJ, EAST LIBYA - The Hussein and Mustafa Clique has joined forces to carve up the Green Army enclave in Al-Marj, using whatever means necessary to overthrow them.

    Alt-link - [Reddit] | [DeviantArt]
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    [Writing] Warfare in Warring Libya
  • --- Warfare in Warring Libya ---



    Loyalist fighters during the Scourge of Tripoli, 3 days after his demise. More than 100,000 civilians left to evade the chaotic onslaught brought by the squabbling factions.
    Warfare has become the fact of life ever since Khalifa Haftar’s death. The militias, once scuttling in the shadows to avoid retribution, has emerged powerful once again and carve the pieces for their own. But ever since the collapse of the Libyan Government, they have become more integrated into some prominent aspects of society. No longer the power brokers they once used to be, they are now responsible over the daily needs of their people – protecting the market for the flow of cash and securing the peace to avoid chaos.

    The sanctions and 14 years of conflict have also driven them into improvising one of recent history’s most ingenious military doctrine – with formal military powers like the Algerian Army facing such catastrophes during their intervention over Western Libya.

    Brief History


    The charred husks of the Ali Clique's forces. The Green Army sent civilians to scavenge all of the remaining pieces to either be used or recycled, with three tanks left in working condition.
    In an attempt to reunite Libya once and for all, Khalifa Haftar – the Field Marshal of the Libyan National Army, has launched one of the most grandiose campaigns in the country’s history. From shock-and-awe to swift pincer movement to sever the Government of National Accord into chunks, he was able to claim the entirety of West Libya in only two months. This left him with few casualties from both his and the enemy side, with only 2000 people dead in total.

    However, his ambitious streak was short-lived as his death has triggered massive chaotic strife. His generals, once fearing their own lives for alleged conspiracy, are now running free to carve every piece of land as they please. The militias that once hiding from his regime has risen once again to do the same. The term super-militia, coined by Sudarsan Raghavan, has become paramount after its national institution has collapsed. Leaving the country to be nothing more but a shattered collection of factions.

    In 2022, Algeria has intervened to secure the boundaries of the Illizi Wilaya (province); incentivized by U.S support ranging from supplies to intelligence. Their early entry was a success, enabling them to secure Western Fezzan. But their goals have extended into the coastal regions and this military escapade have triggered an outcry from the Libyans. For the first time, almost all of the warring factions united their forces under a temporary coalition, decimating 20,000 soldiers by forcing them into a pocket through a pincer movement.

    While they were fighting against a foreign invasion, a peculiar band of mercenaries and their savvy client has taken the city of Sabha for his own and launched a thorough expansion that leads them to cripple the local warlords surrounding the city. With the formation of Jaysh Al-Khadam – an army of disciplined African slaves, they were able to hold the labor of their conquest and secure them from enemy fronts. And with the increasing market of human-trafficking and shrewd diplomacy, they’re able to hold a large swath of land without facing retaliation.

    In 2025, The Battle of Bani Walid has paved the rise for the Green Army – a clash between an idealistic band of misfits and battle-hardened soldiers. Led by a commander they barely met, they slowly reunited the entirety of Tripolitania when it was deemed impossible by many. The mix of their ingenuity in strategy and the rising euphoria over Gaddafi’s legacy was the main following reason for their success, eventually amassing the largest army in the conflict (500,000).

    Equipments & Economics


    One of many Pashtun gunsmiths crafting shotguns on the bustling street of Al-Aziziyah. Emigrated during Haftar's reign, promising economic lenience to build up their armament.
    After the onslaught of Operation Unity – crushing the GNA’s influence across the western region, Haftar realized the necessity of supplying his men with their own military firearms. In a world where allies are few and far from their reach, the sanctions imposed by the United States and France have put them in a position where any form of massive arms deal is no longer a viable option without surrendering his power to the GNA. Manufactories were constructed across the nation, with materials and tools coming from their allies through dubious means. The pride of this endeavor was the Haftar’s Great Arsenal – the largest factory in Libyan history.

    The most infamous project under his sleeves, however, is his attempt to revitalize Gaddafi’s chemical program. Scrounging all of the leftover components throughout Libya and reclaiming some of them from the extremist and militias, he was able to replicate a deadly prototype. If it wasn’t for his personal intervention, the project would’ve leaked across the local hamlets of Fezzan – saving them from potential exposure and probable intervention. It helped them produce sarin and mustard gas, stored inside secret facilities in the region.

    After his passing, many of the manufactured weapons – licensed by their foreign partners, have spread out across the country after the Great Arsenal and its equivalents were looted by the militias. More than 1,250,000 firearms have been scattered throughout and eventually falling to local hands, with equipment ranging from AK-74s to RPGs. While the quality of the manufacturing is questionable, it was nevertheless reliable enough to be used for combat, having the ingenuity to repair them through creative thinking.

    The chaos has also created a new market for firearms throughout Libya. From the amateurs to the artisans, gunsmithing has become an important trade for local communities. With factions and independent hamlets demanding more ammunition, guns, and even improvised artillery to fill their coffers, the incentive to produce them have become paramount. And with the sanction cutting their imports from the sea, they set their eyes on the southern hemisphere of Africa for materials, establishing trade links with locals and opportunistic suppliers in exchange for cash.

    The rarity of tanks and the demand for a cheap and modifiable convertible have made technicals becoming the mainstay of motorized warfare in Libya. Either purchasing them from third-party sellers from Africa or recycling old husks lying throughout the country, these vehicles take the majority of the fight while the advanced weapons such as tanks, self-propelled artillery, and APCs have become special equipment for their most elite troops. What makes them deadly, however, is being modularity: they allow quick mobilization of their squads and can mount themselves with weapons for a variety of purposes from Anti-Air to light artillery.



    A Tuareg militia fighting against the Free State of Sabha under a temporary alliance with the Khattuf Clique. 500 cavalrymen participated to fight against the slavers.
    Determining the total number of men participating in the conflict can be difficult due to the asymmetrical nature of the conflict. Nevertheless, some have described the war into having more than 1,500,000 men fighting over whatever side they have joined. This excludes the numbers of women, slaves, and even children who participated – frowned upon by the international community as a violation of human dignity and innocence.

    The necessity to mobilize more personnel into the fold means the gradual change in regards to the role of women in the conflict. Either voluntary or drafted by their local leaders, they have become more active in the participation of warfare – ranging from being a medic, military staff, sniper, and even shock troops. Children, while uncommon, have also become more lenient to the tragedies and succumb themselves to the new reality; either fighting for the sake of thrills or forced by one of their lords.

    The rise of human trafficking has also contributed to the escalation of the conflict. Mostly centered around Fezzan, slave-states such as the Free State of Sabha (Jaysh Al-Khadam) and Hun have trained and equipped some of their own into a functioning armed force. In return, they were offered leniency in their lives: from the limited right of movement to free housing and daily rations for their families for their loyalty. They make a quarter of the overall participants in the third civil war and their presence have become an ethical dilemma for human rights institution.

    Adventurers, mercenaries, and ideological sympathizer have also become a recognizable mainstay of the conflict. Despite being meager in numbers, mostly numbering over 50,000 men and women, their skills and expertise have was valuable in a time of economic sanction. From Sabha’s elite troops to the Green Army’s Brigade of the International, they have become prominent figures in recent years – with infamous folks such as Ljubomir becoming the de facto leader of Sabha’s military force.

    Tactics and Doctrine


    A Libyan technical carrying an MLRS during the Algerian Intervention, firing barrage of missiles against their exposed flank.
    Despite the diverse set of methodologies employed by various faction, there’s a common trace on how most of them wage war against each other. Ever since the Algerian Intervention, there are two most instrumental factors that come to play: the adaptive capability of a foot soldier and the necessity of fast transports to deploy them and their heavy armaments. Since then, it has influenced many of the tactics and doctrines used by the warring factions – from setting fortified chokepoints in urban areas to locking enemies under a tight pocket.

    With their industry crippled and the tools to produce have become scarce due to the international blockade, forming a mechanized force – composed of well-produced tanks and disciplined infantry, have become less reliable to conceive and sustain. Infantry forces, with the rapid spread of technical, have become the growing staple of the Warring State. From grenadiers, anti-tanks, to anti-air, their adaptability and size have made them become less dependent on the support of tanks as the numbers dwindle, especially in around the urban regions such as Tripolitania and Cyrenaica.

    The proliferation of technicals has also emphasized the necessity of fast deployment of infantries and towed artillery, especially in a field where most of the terrain in the country are composed of flat desert. Their modular frame was a preferred choice for most militias who cannot afford high-quality tanks or APCs. They’re mostly used for raiding operations across the country and to quickly capture enemy territory. But in some cases, they’re also used as stationary facilities like radio stations or medical facilities.

    Other vehicles such as MBTs and APCs are still valuable assets to those who wield it, especially for the Libyan National Army. Their tremendous speed and thick armors was a weapon of choice when fighting in the endless desert, but they’re nothing more but a support vehicle when it comes to fighting under the compact environment of cities. Horses have made a comeback in the field of battle: the Tuaregs utilizes them to traverse through some of the hilly terrains of the south, enabling them to extort local hamlets and organize skirmishes against the Free State and the Khattuf Clique.

    Fortifications are also important, to the point that militias around the country are trained to dig up trenches and given shovels if available. Most of the fortifications outside the urban limits are mostly composed of compact trenches and simple pillboxes, usually constructed in places of high elevation. In cities, however, they’re usually placed in specific chokepoints where they expect the enemy to funnel through. Most strategies behind their implementation mostly consist of layers of defense (defense-in-depth) compared to a strong but singular line, a strategy used perfectly in the Battle of Bani Walid.

    In the coastal regions of Libya, urban warfare dominates the military landscape. Trying to differentiate from friend and foe have been a difficult task due to the asymmetrical nature of this sort of battlespace. The verticality of the buildings and the complicated and unpredictable environment gives the defending forces a massive advantage, with booby traps and sniper teams acting as harassing forces to slowly decimate their forces. The Libyans population have become accustomed to this dangerous way of life, to the point that it forces civilians to dig up their own makeshift bomb shelter when the need arises.

    Desert warfare is a different case, however. Its vast and empty space emphasizes the advantage of mobility over numerical superiority. This is where vehicles like technicals come to mind, they can carry any sort of weapons for specific situations and have the speed to deploy them quickly. Infantry is mostly supported teams accompanying them for extra firepower and fight In smaller numbers. Factions like the Free State of Sabha and the Libyan National Army take this fact to their advantage, enabling them to occupy a massive swath of land at a quick pace.

    The Libyan slowly adapts to aerial superiority as they develop tactics to evade enemy fighters. The Algerian Intervention has taught them that traveling in very loose waves is better than and riding through the highway in a large but tight column formation, especially when traversing through the region of Fezzan. In cities, some military facilities are constructed or renovated to be indistinguishable with their civilian counterpart, leading to confusion to the opposing force and unintentionally causing a public outcry.

    Warfare in Libya is evolving into something more sophisticated compared to their previous days. While the earliest phase of the crisis is mostly characterized by ill-disciplined militias controlling a meager swarth of territory, they have evolved into a rigid force responsible in managing the everyday lives of their people; either through benevolence or tyranny. And with the Algerian Intervention and the Al-Faid plot being a colossal failure, the world takes more consideration on how to deal with stubborn factions.

    Algeria refused to join an international coalition proposed by President Lars McCallum after their recent failures and Tunisia is weary on the consequence of participating in their military escapades. Egypt is under a state of peril due to the new generation of officers undermining the status quo and Israel have become a subject of a conspiracy that threatens the relation with their American allies. While the threat Libya imposed is growing larger, any firm action against the dilemma was met with silence.
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    [Media] TIME - The East Is Red: The Tragedy of the Spratlys and the Creeping Threat of China

    July 14, 2025


    --- Description ---
    In July 14th, 2025, TIME has published their first debut approaching the matters of China and the subsequent consequences of the Battle of the Spratlys. Despite receiving a few appraisals from a handful of people, it was met with massive controversy. People are split on how they felt on the discussion itself: while some experts of international politics and few echelons of the U.S Military have praised it for being the only centerpiece tackling an otherwise taboo subject, it faced a bipartisan backlash from both spectrums of the United States, some activist alleged the piece for fearmongering and implicit orientalism.

    Other than the main article, there are also three subjects tackling on other matters: from the resurgence of Pan-Arabism in Egypt, the legacy of Farrakhan after his demise, and the elaboration of the West Bank months after the annexation imposed by the IDF.

    --- Excerpts ---
    The East is Red

    “...despite the rapid development in terms of military technology and infrastructure, their greatest advantage, however, is the army’s increasing emphasis on combining the martial and the political - synthesizing them into a cohesive doctrine that the United States has never managed to develop or replicate. “

    “The battle was a tragedy, but also a reminder of America’s oversights when it comes to the current stage of warfare and people begin to question the effectiveness of the U.S Army in conventional warfare.”

    Rise of Neo-Nasserism

    “Sisi’s regime over the past couple of years has been harmful to the people of Egypt and now they begin to adopt a more radical ideology that threatens to destroy whatever is left of its democratic institution. Nasser’s cruel personality has risen again from the rubble of democracy...“

    “...and we must intervene diplomatically and economically to destroy both sides of this conflict and give a space for the people to decide their own fate. We did this with Libya and we could do it again in Egypt too.”

    Farrakhan's Legacy

    “Louis Farrakhan has passed away since 6 months ago yet his visage still lingers, despite the meager size of their organization. A man of controversy, he has a sizable but debatable amount of sway over the black community...“

    “Hope still lingers, however. Despite the resurgence of anti-black racism, the growing presence of the Democratic Socialist of America - the DSA, in the political stage might hold and eventually dissipate the growing presence of far-right movements in America…”

    Death of Palestine

    “...and his parents struggle to get their monthly barrel of water while struggling to trek through every checkpoint present in Nablus. The high stories housed by settlers overshadows their old neighborhood, blackening the once lively abode. Soldiers are everywhere as they marched with rifles in open arms…”

    “Gaza was annexed after the Palestinian Authority has crumbled, the 4th Intifada has sealed the fate of the Palestinians under the tribulation of the IDF.”
    [Meta] Plans for the Foreseeable Future: September-December
  • Plans for the Foreseeable Future: September-December
    Sorry for being silent for the past couple of weeks. I’m working on a huge undertaking akin to a tutorial; something that requires intensive effort and more than just basic graphic design. So far, progress has been great: half of the scenes are set and I’m planning to publish the video this week before heading here publishing more content into the scene. Other than that, there are some college duties and personal diatribes I have to deal with so time is a little bit short in my part. However, since all of those charades are over and I have a lot of free time to waste my time over, I can finally head back and set the machine into motion.

    Anyway, here are the following subjects I'm going to cover for the next 4 months:
    1. TIME Magazine - The East is Red: I promised that I'm covering the entire segment of the news outlet, ranging from the political situation that's brewing in Egypt to elaborating the details on the West Bank under the control of the IDF. This is going to be the first content I'm going to focus on since the creative process is simple design-wise, the only challenging part is the writing and how to make them feel unique with one another.
    2. Julia Kaufmann, an Introduction: I mentioned this before, back in the early days of this thread. She's a character I had in mind since the series inception and I want her to be the guiding hand of the entire lore, the everyman (or everywoman) who explores the warring landscape under a naive and gullible lense. So the basic premise falls into the idea that she's a lone journalist trying to get her big break in an oversaturated industry, trying to encapsulate what's happening in Libya since few cared enough to look through.
    3. The Liberation of Tripoli: Another map will come sooner or later, and it will elaborate on one of their most triumphant victories since their formation. Not much to say here actually.
    There are more things to come other than the ones I laid out, from the mysterious Raiders of the Free to the naval scandal occurred in Toulon, I brainstormed a lot and managed to write them as "grounded" as possible. I know this is just me promising stuff but believe me when I say, I will never this project until it's over. I love putting details into the world I'm building and make sure the series will have an actual ending.

    Well, I think that's all I need to say. Bye, folks!