Map of the Fortnight: Main Discussion Thread

Oh goddamn that's perfect, I've been putting off making a new map for my deglaciated Antarctic superpower TL! My computer sucks so it won't be good enough to enter the actual challenge but I look forward to what people make.
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Congrats to @Libaton for winning MotF 291: Lay All Your Love on Me with their map of the Celestial Empire of Greater Peru.

Many thanks to @NeonHydroxide for subbing for me while I was out.

Don't forget to submit for MotF 292: Polar Opposites, closing on Monday, May 27th.
Some pf my older MOTF ideas:
This is Not Okie Dokie: Make a map depicting international response to a genocide, war crime, or other mass violation of human rights.
Goddammit, Mario!: Make a map depicting a country being "backstabbed" by a people, group, or other country.

Green is for World Domination: Make a map depicting an environmentalist movement.

Newspeak: Make a map depicting language reform.

Pick A God And Pray!
Make a map depicting the religious makeup of some area or entity.

What Happened to Dorcas?
Make a map depicting the aftermath of an assassination.

The Die is Cast: Make a map showing the outcome of a decision decided by chance (such as by flipping a coin, rolling dice, or rock-paper-scissors) or by a game. OTL examples include Julius Caesar's (alleged) rollimg of dice to confirm his decision to cross the Rubicon, Hewlett-Packard flipping a coin to decide who went first in the name, or Denmark and Norway playong poker to decide who got Iceland and Greenland.