
  1. Onedotman

    Republican Spain in WW2 and the Cold War

    Suppose that the Republicans won the Spanish Civil War. After the Fall of France, Germany is most likely to invade Spain, since no way they would tolerate a socialist country right next to the Vichy. Now there are two scenarios at hand: one is that the Nazis successfully take over Spain and...
  2. Pacific War and Sino-Japanese War without World War II

    Hello, I am writing an alternative history scenario and I have a question about what would happen in Asia in the 30's and 40's with the absence of a Second World War. The divergence with OTL is with a German victory after the First World War, resulting in a status quo ante bellum on the Western...
  3. Decolonisation without WW2 and Soviet Union

    Before WW2 most of the world was ruled by European Empires. But WW2 bankrupted those empires. Britain could no longer afford to occupy India so it was given Independence. Netherlands was forced give independence to Indonesia and Britain was forced to give up Suez canal because of economic...
  4. TheDoofusUser

    Cold War after WW2 w/o American Intervention

    So the question has been asked quite consistently about what if America stayed neutral in WW2 but still gave Lend-Lease to the Allies and the response seems to be the Allies would've won the War in Europe (East Asia/Pacific too). My question is this : Without American Intervention, how far do...
  5. The Giant’s Vigor: An early exit from the Great Depression
    Threadmarks: Foreword

    Foreword The Premise In Paris on May 7th, 1919, Herbert Hoover would discuss the Treaty of Versailles with his friends John Maynard Keynes and Jan Smuts. They would agree that "The economic consequences alone would pull down all Europe" if it were unaltered. In 1931, Hoover would listen to the...
  6. What if the Polish occupation zone in West Germany remained and was established as an independent polish republic in the heartland of Germany?

    The Polish occupation zone in Germany was a military occupation area, under the administration of the Polish government-in-exile, located within the British Occupation Zone of the Allied-occupied Germany, that existed from 19 May 1945 to 10 September 1948. It was established from the territory...
  7. EasternRomanEmpire

    Xi'an Incident kills Chiang Kai-Shek

    The Xi'an incident took place in Xi'an when generals Chang and Yang from the North-Eastern Army took hostage Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek because they disagreed with Chiang's policy of trying to defeat the CCP before focusing his attention on Japan and since he repeatedly refused their request...
  8. Whiteshore

    WI: Vichy Without Petain

    Historically, Philippe Petain was the leader of the collaborator French State after the Fall of France and the Armistice with Petain, hitherto revered as a war hero, being someone who permanently stained his reputation with his collaboration with Nazi Germany, authoritarian domestic politics...
  9. How much can Romania improve its economy with a POD no earlier than 1925?

    Per wiki "Interwar Romania was one of the least developed countries in Europe, having a per capita income of less than half the one of Czechoslovakia. Despite having mineral resources and a state interventionist policy, Romania was not able to change the agricultural character of its economy...
  10. EasternRomanEmpire

    Barbarossa without the Great Purge

    POD is Sergei Kirov not being assassinated, I know Stalin still could've purged everyone but just assume he doesn't. The Red Army has officers however it still has some other issues such as outdated equipment. I assume the Red Army would be able to conquer Finland ITTL. Would Hitler still launch...
  11. EasternRomanEmpire

    WI: Belgium didn't exist

    Belgium remains part of the Netherlands. What happens to the Congo? Effects on WW1? Effects on WW2?
  12. Plausible alternate borders in Europe post-WW2?

    Asking for a map I am probably going to make sometime in the future, what are some plausible alternate border settlements in Europe after WW2 given the OTL war? There can be changes as far back as Yalta and other wartime agreements about the state of Europe post-war, but assume that the war goes...
  13. RangrimRumneheim

    WI: An Anti-Appeasement Popular Front in Interwar Britain

    About a month ago I made a post related to my brainstorming PODs for a timeline about pre and post-WW2 Britain. https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/the-possibility-of-a-change-in-british-government-during-ww2.552093/ In short that post’s idea ran aground in relation to the premise of...
  14. Would Operation Unthinkable have been launched if it was discovered that Stalin was having his own version of the Holocaust during WW2?

    Between Lend-Lease officials in the Soviet Union, as well as Allied and Polish military intelligence in Eastern Europe, let us say discover Hitlerian-style death camps are discovered in the Soviet Union. The Soviets certainly have the means (a dictatorship with a deep ingrained personality cult...
  15. RangrimRumneheim

    The Possibility of a Change in British Government during WW2

    Regardless I would still like to ask about and brainstorm any potential for changes of government in wartime Britain, seeing as I haven’t found any previous posts discussing that topic.
  16. Coqui

    Finno-Swedish Union

    So a friend of mine came across this book, (here's the back of the book and the text of the proposal in English if you don't speak Finnish for whatever reason) which touched on talks about a possible union between Sweden and Finland; where FInland's president and government and president would...
  17. FDR killed as president elect in 1933 and his VP is a Keynesian southerner who’s also interventionist on foreign policy (not Huey Long), what changes?

    I’m very curious on this because I’ve wondered about how having a liberal southerner being the one to implement the new deal without caring of budget deficits would change how US politics would look like. How much support would he have in congress? if he tried to court pack would southern dems...
  18. What if Yugoslavia was split in two after WW2?

    Let's say that during the war, the Western part of Yugoslavia (Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia) was liberated by the Western Allies and non-Communist partisans, while the Eastern part (Serbia, Montenegro, etc.) was liberated by Tito's partisans and the Soviets. Both sides set up their own...
  19. Japan invades a Russian Manchuria instead of a Chinese one

    Recently, reading some threads around East Asia in the 19th century, I've came across several points I find interesting, and now I would like to organize these multiple PODs to elaborate a more specific discussion Overall, the main idea is that the Japanese Invade Manchuria as usual during ww2...
  20. Operation Unthinkable goes ahead - how much longer does the war last?

    I have been looking into a number of threads about Operation Unthinkable as the idea has quite taken me, though something barely anyone seems to touch on is just how long a war between the Western allies and the Soviet Union in 1945 would last... Regardless of whether people believe it would be...