So, I've noticed that there's been some interest in timelines where Persia becomes Christian instead of Rome like "A Light Shines East" by Merovingian which makes me wonder about the reverse happening. A timeline where Rome becomes Zurvanist or a Hellenic equivalent to Zurvanism. I would classify the latter as follows: a religion with three main divinities, one good and the creator of the physical world, one evil and is the adversary of the former and the third from which the the former two originate from.
Yes, I already know about Aletheism from "To Ourselves, To New Paganism" I kinda consider that one cheating. I don't really count manicheaism either.
So aside from those two, would a hellenic equivalent of Zurvanism be possible, what would it look like and what would the chances be of Rome converting to this hypothetical religion?
Yes, I already know about Aletheism from "To Ourselves, To New Paganism" I kinda consider that one cheating. I don't really count manicheaism either.
So aside from those two, would a hellenic equivalent of Zurvanism be possible, what would it look like and what would the chances be of Rome converting to this hypothetical religion?