To the Victor, Go the Spoils (Redux): A Plausible Central Powers Victory


One interesting thing I'm rather curious about will be what Bulgaria does here, given they somehow managed to win a lot of what they wanted from the war.

Granted holding and beating down the minorities will be hard but in some ways the situation will be never be better, the Ottoman empire is rather isolated, Austria is crippled, Britain and France are soul searching and Russia is on fire while Germany is struggling along this period is the golden age for them to act in the Balkans, though they lost a lot in the war they might keep a lot of it.
Indeed. There’s not much left though for them to take. Greece was slightly punished and is now German leaving. Albania has a German prince. Romania is the only one left to have anything they can take without angering Germany directly. Bulgaria also won’t have any money to invest in other nations and exert influence via soft power. Can see them trying to make south Slavs = Bulgaria, I could see them spinning that
Seems like Bulgaria has a golden chance not for further adventurism but rather for consolidating their gains and perhaps becoming another economic anchor in the German bloc so as to increase their salience as an ally to the Germans (particularly given the Austrian troubles).


The only things they didn't get were Thessalonica and Constantinople.

And of course, there was never any chance of the latter!
Yeah on Constantinople save for the ottomans suddenly running into a figurative brick wall and collapsing. Greece won’t let anything else go and Germany will be investing a lot into them and won’t want Bulgaria messing about there. I could see Bulgaria trying to get all Romanian territory south of the Danube save the for the condominium part there


Seems like Bulgaria has a golden chance not for further adventurism but rather for consolidating their gains and perhaps becoming another economic anchor in the German bloc so as to increase their salience as an ally to the Germans (particularly given the Austrian troubles).
I think if they give large plots of farm lands to people that can afford some sort of mechanized farming, they’ll produce enough to be able to invest in their own heavier industries. But that is a big if and they will be short of money. It’s hard to get away from basically serf level farming without a massive investment. Which will be hard as Bulgaria is coming off of basically 6(?) years of wars
I feel like Bulgaria would do best to establish themselves as the Germany to the Balkan’s Europe. Obviously this becomes a lot easier if/when AH goes head under, but the groundwork can be laid down now. Serbia, Albania, and Greece are all tiny compared to Bulgaria, and as long as the Germans allow it, Bulgaria shouldn’t have too many problems ordering them around and forcing some... less than fair economic treaties, phrased as “mutual economic integration of southeastern Europe” of course. If Austria Hungary collapses violently they could “help” the Germans establish the desired borders in exchange for a limited hegemony in the balkans. Romania, especially if it reaches full size, Moldova included, will probably be too big and too eyed by the Germans to manage, but everything else excluding possibly possibly Hungary and Croatia could be put squarely under the Bulgarian sphere of influence. This seems like a smart thing for Bulgaria to me. The only other places they can expand territorially are towards the straights or further into the already chopped up Balkan states, and both of those things might make even the Germans become wary of how strong their ally is becoming on their doorstep, and make Bulgaria seem a tad overly ambitious for the Germans, while a Bulgarian southern Balkan sphere would probably be easier to enforce with the friendly German giant sitting just to the north, and would keep Bulgaria firmly in the German alliance. The Germans also should be trying their best to placate the Bulgarians, they are now the dominant Balkan power, and if they become snuffed and side with any anti-German pact, they not only present an immediate threat to the southern front, but Germany would have to build up a whole new state in the balkans large enough to defend German interests in the region, something I assume they thought Bulgaria was going to do in the first place.
If Austria-Hungary collapses entirely, it's in Germany's interests to carve as many countries out of it's corpse as possible, rather than giving that land to anyone else. Rather than give Transylvania to Hungary, they should make Transylvania it's own thing, Separate Croatia and Bosnia, maybe even break Croatia up , etc. A lot of piddly small puppet states are easier to control.
One thing I want to complement @TheReformer on is how much this TL captures the absolute chaotic, anxious clusterfuck the years 1918-20 were IOTL that is such a mess it’s hard for experienced historians to keep track of. That energy is very well channeled here and it’s to his credit it’s so easily digested in reading the TL
If Austria-Hungary collapses entirely, it's in Germany's interests to carve as many countries out of it's corpse as possible, rather than giving that land to anyone else. Rather than give Transylvania to Hungary, they should make Transylvania it's own thing, Separate Croatia and Bosnia, maybe even break Croatia up , etc. A lot of piddly small puppet states are easier to control.
That also raises the chance of some kind of unification movement though. Whether the Germans would think of this particularly idk, however their own experience before the Prussian/German empire may help them in that regard. In my mind the best idea would be to keep states nationally focused, but as you said, split up enough to not pose a threat. I think Croatia should get Bosnia, if for nothing else, to put a check on Serb revanchism. Romania should be expanded to its “maximum” borders, to keep Bulgaria honest in the balkans, and to check Hungary, which will be trying to maintain at least the crown of St. Stephen in the wake of any austro-Hungarian collapse. Slovenia would likely remain with Austria, Bohemia possibly as well, although that’s more likely if a German annexation of Austria happens, Bohemia would, in my opinion, come along with Austria and Slovenia in that case. Even without annexation though, I wonder about the prospects of an independent Bohemia, it will have been ruled by Germans, and considered a part of “Germany” for a long long time, but is also majority Czech, even at this time, if I’m not mistaken. The bohemian Germans will not exactly appreciate being ruled by a Slavic majority, and Germans in Germany proper will be inclined to support them over the Czechs, while at the same time, both groups would like ALL of Bohemia to be theirs, and a linguistic based partition of Bohemia is practically begging for constant war and ethnic cleansing, something that the German government would like to keep away from its direct borders, and the German people would not like their fellow German speakers to be on the receiving end of. Keeping Bohemia in Austria allows the bohemian Germans to be, if not the majority, a PART of the majority, while the Czechs would not have to be completely shut out from the electorate in order to retain German dominance, though any Czech separatists are not likely to be treated kindly. The polish and East Slavic parts are the easiest question to answer: annex to the German puppets, done, The Polish populations in some cities in Ukrainian areas could be a complication, but the fact that a number of poles remain in the German empire proper, I find it likely that the Ukrainians are preferred in that dispute. Vojvodina could be kept in Hungary or made into an independent state, depending on who makes more trouble during the A-H collapse, and who looks more likely to massacre the German populations of the region, between Hungary or Serbia. Slovakia is a tricky one. The Slovak national consciousness was not fully developed at this point, and largely tied to Czechoslovakism, while the Czechs have the bohemian Germans standing between them and full Czech-led independence, but if Hungary is particularly troublesome during the collapse, the Germans could try a little nation building in a puppet Slovakia. Of course distinguishing the Germans as “liberators of the Slovak people” in an attempt to tie Slovak nationalism itself to the acceptance of German domination. At least this is how I would do it if the German government assigned me to enforce a partition on a collapsing Austria-Hungary. It generally follows national lines, at least as close as meaningfully possible, with the notable exceptions of a few “repressed” nationalities that would or have been harmful to German interests. (the Transylvanian Magyars and the Bosnian Serbs primarily) This arrangement also keeps the various states small enough to be kept fully and unquestionably in line as long as Germany remains strong and Bulgaria remains a German ally, while being large enough to (hopefully) prevent any popular transnational unification movement aimed at throwing off the German-Bulgarian yoke. Additionally, a number of the states will be too pissed at each other for any attempt at “pan-balkanism” to be more than an entirely unrealistic, and likely socialist, pipe-dream. the Bosnian and Vojvodina Serbs will earn the anger of the Serbs in Serbia, aimed at any non-Serb state that controls their land. The Magyars will be pissed at pretty much everyone. The ethnic cleansing going in in Bulgaria will piss of the Serbs, Greeks, and Albanians. And the Romanians know that if given any opportunity to do so, the Magyars will be gunning for Transylvania.


If Austria-Hungary collapses entirely, it's in Germany's interests to carve as many countries out of it's corpse as possible, rather than giving that land to anyone else. Rather than give Transylvania to Hungary, they should make Transylvania it's own thing, Separate Croatia and Bosnia, maybe even break Croatia up , etc. A lot of piddly small puppet states are easier to control.
True. And with the CP way of things at that time, make the new kingdom or principality a German one. Try at is have the ruling monarch be from a German royal family


Oh big question from a minor detail here. Germany got squeezed by the blockade and countries like the Netherlands and Denmark were trading partners and despite the Netherlands owning rubber plantations, very little was allowed to be shipped into the Netherlands and little made it to Germany. Now, what is Germany going to do about a future blockade and ensuring that the Danes and the Dutch are able to trade or have stockpiles? Plus the Germans might be big on having large granaries to ensure they aren’t ever going to be worried about being slowly startled again. Which may lead to rotating the grains out to ensure they are fresh and creating some sort of dole or a discounted flour source.
I do sorta question the ability for Germany to try and manage the Balkans for some time, while it may be in their best interests to support a bunch of very small puppet states are they actually in the position to enforce it right now and pay the cost in blood? It's one thing to say Transylvania should be independent or keep the Slavs down it's another to to spend years forces these ideas on the grounds in a very poor economy.

Though for that same reason I suspect Ukraine might if manages to keep experiencing in the current form for a while something I'm admittingly not entirely confident about given Kiev changed hands so many times in this period that Germany might try to try a couple of grand duchies to keep it small enough to manage, given almost overnight comparatively it's now one of the largest states in Europe with a lot of room to grow and given the Austrian empire is collapsing making sure it does not collapse is going to require a lot of German soldiers.
I do sorta question the ability for Germany to try and manage the Balkans for some time, while it may be in their best interests to support a bunch of very small puppet states are they actually in the position to enforce it right now and pay the cost in blood? It's one thing to say Transylvania should be independent or keep the Slavs down it's another to to spend years forces these ideas on the grounds in a very poor economy.

Though for that same reason I suspect Ukraine might if manages to keep experiencing in the current form for a while something I'm admittingly not entirely confident about given Kiev changed hands so many times in this period that Germany might try to try a couple of grand duchies to keep it small enough to manage, given almost overnight comparatively it's now one of the largest states in Europe with a lot of room to grow and given the Austrian empire is collapsing making sure it does not collapse is going to require a lot of German soldiers.
I believe Ukraine is being set up as a political and economic satellite anyhow. The overwhelming majority of Ukrainian wealth and resources are going to be sent on a train straight to Germany. The only Ukrainians with any political or financial weight to throw around meaningfully will be German collaborators. If this pisses the Ukrainians off enough it gets tricky, because if they kick out the germans, they could go it alone or accept becoming a union republic of the USSR with autonomy and certain rights. It’ll be a hell of a fight though either way because Germany has their own wealth, and that of Ukraine + the other puppets they’d have been “borrowing” from for a while at that point. Any Ukrainian separation from Germany will be starting three steps behind, and as long as Ukraine remains a puppet, it will not be able to pursue any independent foreign policy without Germany’s permission.
I believe Ukraine is being set up as a political and economic satellite anyhow. The overwhelming majority of Ukrainian wealth and resources are going to be sent on a train straight to Germany. The only Ukrainians with any political or financial weight to throw around meaningfully will be German collaborators. If this pisses the Ukrainians off enough it gets tricky, because if they kick out the germans, they could go it alone or accept becoming a union republic of the USSR with autonomy and certain rights. It’ll be a hell of a fight though either way because Germany has their own wealth, and that of Ukraine + the other puppets they’d have been “borrowing” from for a while at that point. Any Ukrainian separation from Germany will be starting three steps behind, and as long as Ukraine remains a puppet, it will not be able to pursue any independent foreign policy without Germany’s permission.
The thing seems to be that you let yourself be guided more by a propagandistic distorted image of Germany in your thought experiments than by a real Germany, especially if you consider the different distribution of power ITTL.
ITTL the Emperor was forced into a kind of proto-British system, which means that he can no longer act without having the Reichstag in mind. In the Reichstag, the SPD is currently the strongest force and thanks to their cooperation with the Centre they have a majority of votes.
Both parties have no great interest in colonial adventures and will not support policies that involve Germany in such things.
This means that in addition to the restrictions based on strategic considerations, there are further political restrictions that limit the actions of the Imperial government.
The strategic considerations with regard to Ukraine and, to be honest, with regard to almost all states in Eastern Europe, with the exception of Poland, look something like this in my opinion:
First, these countries are to serve as buffers and bulwarks against Russia and the Bolsheviks, respectively, which forces a certain flexibility from Germany in how far they will influence local politics.
I think that from the German side there will only be a handful of demands on these new states, namely membership in Mitteleuropa and a monarchy as a form of state with a German prince as head of state. How much power this prince will have and how the state is otherwise structured will not really interest Berlin.
Secondly, Germany is interested in the local mineral resources and the products of agriculture, the latter especially to negate the benefit of a second blockade.
This is one of the few areas that would be feasible in a colonial relationship, but market mechanisms in the framework of Mitteleuropa should be good enough for that.
Thirdly, I assume that these states should serve both as targets for the export of German goods and as targets for investment, as they already were before the war.
This would also be possible in a colonial relationship, but Germany has already made the very costly experience that colonies are really not suitable for this.
Therefore, I do not expect Germany to interfere too much in internal affairs, except of course to put down a Communist revolt, since Germany can achieve more or less everything it wants without expensive colonialism and can thus present itself as the guarantor of the independence of these new nations from Russia.
And that would be something that could find support in the Reichstag.
I believe Ukraine is being set up as a political and economic satellite anyhow. The overwhelming majority of Ukrainian wealth and resources are going to be sent on a train straight to Germany. The only Ukrainians with any political or financial weight to throw around meaningfully will be German collaborators. If this pisses the Ukrainians off enough it gets tricky, because if they kick out the germans, they could go it alone or accept becoming a union republic of the USSR with autonomy and certain rights. It’ll be a hell of a fight though either way because Germany has their own wealth, and that of Ukraine + the other puppets they’d have been “borrowing” from for a while at that point. Any Ukrainian separation from Germany will be starting three steps behind, and as long as Ukraine remains a puppet, it will not be able to pursue any independent foreign policy without Germany’s permission.
I myself agree entirely but it could however be much easier to control the total area of it if it was a couple of puppet states than one giant one, that way if one the local collaborators revolted or collapsed it won't take all of the entire region with it.

That said this is my opinion I think Germany dominion of Ukraine will be where their newfound empire is made or broken, given the experience of being starved from the blockade I can very much see the army, state, and civilian government be willing to expend enormous amounts of blood and money to keep their control of it.

That said Ukraine between nationalists, communists, rebels and many others ect I think Germany could lose small pieces of it for years to other factions before getting them back under control or maybe cutting their loses if it's not that big.
All Germany needs to economically control what they need from Ukraine is to get a handful of cartels sweetheart deals and extraction rights.
The thing seems to be that you let yourself be guided more by a propagandistic distorted image of Germany in your thought experiments than by a real Germany, especially if you consider the different distribution of power ITTL.
ITTL the Emperor was forced into a kind of proto-British system, which means that he can no longer act without having the Reichstag in mind. In the Reichstag, the SPD is currently the strongest force and thanks to their cooperation with the Centre they have a majority of votes.
Both parties have no great interest in colonial adventures and will not support policies that involve Germany in such things.
This means that in addition to the restrictions based on strategic considerations, there are further political restrictions that limit the actions of the Imperial government.
The strategic considerations with regard to Ukraine and, to be honest, with regard to almost all states in Eastern Europe, with the exception of Poland, look something like this in my opinion:
First, these countries are to serve as buffers and bulwarks against Russia and the Bolsheviks, respectively, which forces a certain flexibility from Germany in how far they will influence local politics.
I think that from the German side there will only be a handful of demands on these new states, namely membership in Mitteleuropa and a monarchy as a form of state with a German prince as head of state. How much power this prince will have and how the state is otherwise structured will not really interest Berlin.
Secondly, Germany is interested in the local mineral resources and the products of agriculture, the latter especially to negate the benefit of a second blockade.
This is one of the few areas that would be feasible in a colonial relationship, but market mechanisms in the framework of Mitteleuropa should be good enough for that.
Thirdly, I assume that these states should serve both as targets for the export of German goods and as targets for investment, as they already were before the war.
This would also be possible in a colonial relationship, but Germany has already made the very costly experience that colonies are really not suitable for this.
Therefore, I do not expect Germany to interfere too much in internal affairs, except of course to put down a Communist revolt, since Germany can achieve more or less everything it wants without expensive colonialism and can thus present itself as the guarantor of the independence of these new nations from Russia.
And that would be something that could find support in the Reichstag.
I don’t think Germany will meddle in their internal affairs. But they will absolutely get the first cut of industry and agriculture, as you said, as that, beyond getting Russia off the border, was the entire point of the puppets. And of course they won’t be allowed to ally with Germany’s enemies, but you seem to agree with that as well. I think our difference in opinion stems from what impact the German social-democrats or the elected government in general will have. History is full of liberal or left leaning governments with foreign policy that doesn’t necessarily live up to the domestic platform. At the end of the day, Ukrainians don’t vote in German elections, and if one party is promising to feed Germans with Ukrainian grain, and let German businessmen take all the contracts and factories in Ukraine, that party will find more support in Germany, if not Ukraine, obviously. The Germans are in a position to effectively do whatever they wish with Ukraine, and certainly different political parties will have different approaches, but if a particular party is seen at all as treating Ukrainians as of equal importance to Germans, or threatening the well-being of Germans via a looser grip on Ukraine, the German demographic that would be fine with that is exclusively on the fringe. If Ukraine is especially unrestful, certainly things can be loosened up as a preventative measure, and that could definitely be supported by many Germans, if it seems the alternative is losing the region in entirety. But, at least at first, I expect any German government, social-democrats included, to use Ukraine to benefit the German electorate by which they maintain their power, while allowing Ukrainians to get whatever isn’t necessary to accomplish that goal. Politically, besides some Uber-conservative and nationalist parties, the Germans will likely leave Ukrainian politics to Ukrainians, outside of explicitly anti-German or communist movements. Economically though, the Germans and German companies will dominate, British and American companies may also be included if the Germans wish to fully secure their access to the world trade, as the threat of confiscating American and British factories in Ukraine would make blockading Germany a much harder decision to make. There will surely be native Ukrainian industrialists and whatnot, but they will have to compete in a field that prioritizes foreigners, and in which foreigners already have established industry to expand in the first place, whereas Ukrainian industry will have to be built almost from the ground up. I’m not saying this system is guaranteed to collapse, there are plenty of countries today with less than mutually beneficial economic relationships with bigger powers, but this system will be a system of exploitation, in some form or another, the only way I see it not being that way is a socialist Revolution in Germany itself, but that seems increasingly unlikely as communism begins to look to the average German not as a means of liberation from capitalism, but just as “the eastern menace.”
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I know everyone has probably been busy for the holidays and I 100% get it lol. And I’m certainly not trying to rush the writer. But it has sucked a little bit not being able to read updates and discussions on here every day.
So, this is going to sound a bit odd but would Belgium increase their colonization efforts in the Congo as a result of this war? By that how much they lost in this war and failed the idea of say trying to build up their largest province and largely safe from any grand European war could seem very tempting.
So, this is going to sound a bit odd but would Belgium increase their colonization efforts in the Congo as a result of this war? By that how much they lost in this war and failed the idea of say trying to build up their largest province and largely safe from any grand European war could seem very tempting.
I think so, even beyond the points you made. France will likely become obsessed with the colonies as their only way to remain relevant, and will drastically push francification + French settlement to secure them. The UK will recognize the empire as all that keeps them on equal footing with Germany, and likewise focus even more than OTL on the colonies. Germany has few colonies left but will almost definitely try and make them unconquerable so they don’t lose ALL of their colonies in the future. Belgium will be left behind if they don’t follow suit. Though I wonder how this process will be affected with Belgium becoming much more Flemish than French. Will we see Belgium fully embrace the Flemish language or will they hold onto French dominance in the hope of regaining lost territory?

addition: given the situation in Europe and the US being in a worse position to push around the European powers, we could see the colonial empires last a lot longer, perhaps even in perpetuity. It’d be interesting to see how the European governments go about integrating or suppressing the colonies in the modern era. (They’ll likely do a bit of both)
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