Its a common idea in alternate history for the 22nd amendment that created presidential term limited to never come into effect. As most know, the big reason it passed was due to the Republicans controlling congress in the late 40's and basically reacting to FDR being president for so long. Obviously if say Roosevelt were to die before 1940 or even just sat out, there'd be no reason for it. However, if things go like OTL, would there be a reason for the 22nd amendment NOT to pass? It seems like after World War Two, the Republicans were back in power in congress and in most states outside of the south AFAIK, so it was easy to get enough states to ratify it. However, were there any roadblocks to such an amendment that it might not pass, even if FDR still serves a third and fourth term? I feel like the 22nd amendment was always a forgone conclusion once Republicans got in control in congress after FDR. For sure, there were not any Republicans against such term limits from what I've read.