So I was quickly wondering what would happen if Labour got into a majority in 1935, per say the National Government doesn't happen and instead Conservatives and Liberals form a coalition government which is voted in 1935. This means that there's a Labour Government lead by Clement Attlee in power five years before World War 2.

What would be the effects?

I know that there was a large contingent of appeasement advocates in Labour but also there were many who supported ideas like a Popular Front against Fascism which could have some effects on the Spanish Civil War.

Also this Government would try some Nationalism ideas but also there wouldn't be a NHS or similar ideas on the table.
An important thing to remember is that Attlee only really became Labour leader in the first place because he was one of only three ex-Ministers to hold his seat in the landslide defeat in 1931, which meant he became Deputy, and then took up the post temporarily for the 1935 Election when Lansbury stood down. If there had been a Tory-Liberal coalition instead, with no MacDonald, then Labour would probably not lose by the same margin in 1931, and have a lot of its leading lights still knocking about in the Commons. MacDonald might try and hang on to the leadership, but he probably wouldn't last until 1935, given his health, at which point someone else would take over. Herbert Morrison perhaps?
An important thing to remember is that Attlee only really became Labour leader in the first place because he was one of only three ex-Ministers to hold his seat in the landslide defeat in 1931, which meant he became Deputy, and then took up the post temporarily for the 1935 Election when Lansbury stood down. If there had been a Tory-Liberal coalition instead, with no MacDonald, then Labour would probably not lose by the same margin in 1931, and have a lot of its leading lights still knocking about in the Commons. MacDonald might try and hang on to the leadership, but he probably wouldn't last until 1935, given his health, at which point someone else would take over. Herbert Morrison perhaps?
MacDonald would probably leave after the 1931 election, he was intending to leave anyway and his support of a coalition would probably piss of the MP's anyway. I could possibly see Morrison winning the leadership election and his forceful behaviour could work for Labour during the late 30s, although at the same time it could piss off many of the other members.

Still Morrison as Prime Minister during the prelude to World War 2 would be interesting, I could see him not appeasing to Nazi's.