Explain the AH Quote

"As painful as it is to admit our current economic policies have failed and we have no choice but to change course."
The famous quote by Margaret thatcher on the failure of the attempted Neoliberal reforms in the UK. Unlike at the begining of the 1980s where hopes of Neoliberal reforms were high. Failure to crush the unions along multiple fianancial crashes had forever shaken the British publics faith in the neoliberal project. The final straw had been the disatiourous privitisation of British rail which forced the tories into a more Kenyansen postion.

This would not be enough and the 1992 election would be won by Tony Benns labour ushering decades of democratic socialism on Britain.

“Now listen Charles, we've all done something unforgivable. “I've betrayed my pirate honour, you've betrayed science and Mr bobos betrayed the animal kingdom”
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"As painful as it is to admit our current economic policies have failed and we have no choice but to change course."
Doge Nicolo da Ponte (reign 1578 - 1585) to the assembled Collegio of Venice, after having the realization that monopolizing the trade in the eastern Mediterranean would not be enough to keep the Republic afloat in the long term, following the discovery of the Americas, and the increasing flow of trade into India and Asia through the Spanish territories.

To address that, Nicolo proposed a new plan, inspired by the success of the Portuguese in Asia, and funded trading expeditions in cooperation with the Portuguese and Spanish into America and Asia. This would prove remarkably successful where, following the formation of the Iberian Union, the Venetians would play a vital role in aiding the Iberians as fellow Catholics in their attempts to subvert Dutch efforts in the Pacific and Indian Ocean.

One of the most famous acts was contact between Venetian Traders and the Kingdom of Ryukyu, with the Ryukyuan King Sho Nei purchasing firearms and manufacturing techniques from them, and, in turn, allowing the Venetians to open a new port within his domain in exchange. This proved pivotal, as it allowed Ryukyu to maintain its independence from the encroaching Japanese, giving Venetian, and later Portuguese merchantmen a stable base of operations in the Pacific. This relationship would reach one of its high points at the Battle of Amami, where Venetian Mercenaries under the command of the future Doge Marcantonio Memmo, would fight alongside Ryukyan forces at repelling a Japanese invasion. Contrary to other imperial powers, such as the Spanish, the Venetians never showed any actual interest in territorial expansion, nor in the establishing of colonies beyond trading outposts, with their approach still being much the same as how they had operated in the Mediterranean.

Venetian traders would remain a common sight in Asian ports for centuries, and even after the fall of the Republic in 1799 during the War of the Second Coalition, where, despite its wealth and power, it could not compete on land with the troops of the French Empire, and the numerous outposts of Venice in Asia simply continued their work unimpeded, but increasingly leaned upon the British and local rulers for support, until the Republic was re-established in 1813, following the final defeat of Napoleon. Even to this day the now-Republic of Ryukyu has a notable ethnic Italian minority, with its language having adopted many loan words from the foreign traders, and small towns with seemingly Italian names can be found spread across Asia from the coast of India to Korea.

"Janissaries? I asked you for help and you send me Janissaries? What comes next? The Egyptian Sultan comes in here, offering me elephants?" "Uh, Mister President?" "...that was a joke, John."
“Now listen Charles, we've all done something unforgivable. “I've betrayed my pirate honour, you've betrayed science and Mr bobos betrayed the animal kingdom”
A line from the 2015 children's claymation film "The Pirates! And The Merry Men of Trinidad", the popular sequel to The Pirates! Band of Misfits. The scene in question was discussing Charles Darwin's reluctant aiding of the outlaw pirate Pirate Captain, and the joke included an earlier bit where Mr. Bobo, his pet dodo bird, attacked another rare dodo to protect Pirate Captain in an attack.

"I vow, with all my strength and honor, to defend and protect the city of Eureka, Jefferson, so help me God..."
"I vow, with all my strength and honor, to defend and protect the city of Eureka, Jefferson, so help me God..."
The final known words of Samson Davidson, leader of the free state of Jefferson. It is unknown what happened to him after the capture of Eureka, though some have claimed he fled and lives a solitary life in a wood cabin somwhere in the forests of Jefferson.

Ultimately Eureka was captured and the rebellious state was reintigrated back into the United States of Texas.

"The handles come off now, I’ve a good mind to take this case back to where I bought it from, trouble is they were bombed out during the war”.
"The handles come off now, I’ve a good mind to take this case back to where I bought it from, trouble is they were bombed out during the war”.
Ah, yes, Willy Brandt, famous detective. But otherwise pretty much exactly the same, so that's ten years not in Germany, and overall quite far from a
case. It's 1946 now, and the victim's family is still grieving and angry. Can Brandt solve the case when the scene of the crime is gone?

"Ha! This diplomatic move can't be any more controversial! We've shocked the world now!"
"Actually, Mr. Chairman, this means nothing."
"Ha! This diplomatic move can't be any more controversial! We've shocked the world now!"
"Actually, Mr. Chairman, this means nothing."
Chairman Dean Howardson of the peoples american union being informed by his vice chairman that the man they assisinated was not in fact the president of the united socialist mexican states but in fact someone who just looked like him.

“This is why everything is a fucking website these days”
“This is why everything is a fucking website these days”
Comedian Peter Buttigieg ranting about the troubles he had with print media in his Blockbuster netflix stand up special "Driven".

"There is no dumber statement in the entire english language then 'Winners don't quit,' because by god so many people have fallen when they didn't throw in the towel, and more to the point, great men who won knew when to have enough."
Comedian Peter Buttigieg ranting about the troubles he had with print media in his Blockbuster netflix stand up special "Driven".

"There is no dumber statement in the entire english language then 'Winners don't quit,' because by god so many people have fallen when they didn't throw in the towel, and more to the point, great men who won knew when to have enough."
Remark made by Lyndon B. Johnson upon Hubert Humphrey's 1968 election victory, in reference to Richard Nixon. Nixon had been viewed as a strong GOP contender to win the presidency due to the social unrest and rioting of the year, but Humphrey had pulled off the slimmest of margins in Missouri, Illinois, and Ohio to carry him when the dust settled. Thus, Nixon's reputation was now that of a two-time loser and left the political stage.

"Remote fountains are of little help to nearby fires."
"Remote fountains are of little help to nearby fires."
A Georgian (Caucasus) political commentator on the formation of the Coalition of Peoples' Democratic Nations (or is it People's? not sure) and similar expansions of the Global Democratic Front. Not to denigrate those landmark accomplishments, says the commentator, but we in Georgia feel a bit ignored. They still border both the Ottoman State and the Azeri Order, and many Georgians feel that all the great-anti-nationalist-united-front stuff is a bit too broad when Azerbaijan is so threatening. (Opponents of this commentator's thoughts would say that the formation of the CPDN means cooperation with Iran on combating Azerbaijan.)

"Why wouldn't you want to live in Minsk? It's perfect for you!"
"...never mind. I'll go there."
"Why wouldn't you want to live in Minsk? It's perfect for you!"
"...never mind. I'll go there."
2 anarchists arguing over whether they should leave the marxist dominated united socialist councils (formally the ottoman empire) for the Belerussian free territory.

“If you need me I'll be at the bar trying to work out Thurmats last theorem or something a little more tricky like how on God's toast did you become leader of the country”.
2 anarchists arguing over whether they should leave the marxist dominated united socialist councils (formally the ottoman empire) for the Belerussian free territory.

“If you need me I'll be at the bar trying to work out Thurmats last theorem or something a little more tricky like how on God's toast did you become leader of the country”.
The last line of the 31 season show "Mr. Simpson" which started in 1989 and focused on the Simpson family, primary Mr. Barney Simpson, his wife Marge, son Bart and daughters Susan and Elanor. What was unique about the Simpsons was that we watched the characters age in real time, face real world situations like the 2008 crash, the death of Elvis in 2004, and even the election of Donald Trump which they predicted back in 1996 when the movie came out. The series ends with Susan becoming the president of the United States, this is when Barney Simpson utters the famous line.

"What do you mean the Latter-Day Saints are reallowing polygamy? What is it 1870? What's next are they going to pull out a second set of golden plates?"
no contribution here! the quote to reply to is still Watcher's.
The last line of the 31 season show "Mr. Simpson" which started in 1989 and focused on the Simpson family, primary Mr. Barney Simpson, his wife Marge, son Bart and daughters Susan and Elanor. What was unique about the Simpsons was that we watched the characters age in real time, face real world situations like the 2008 crash, the death of Elvis in 2004, and even the election of Donald Trump which they predicted back in 1996 when the movie came out. The series ends with Susan becoming the president of the United States, this is when Barney Simpson utters the famous line.
the simpsons if it was good
"What do you mean the Latter-Day Saints are reallowing polygamy? What is it 1870? What's next are they going to pull out a second set of golden plates?"
I have a theory that the Bible, Paper Mario, and Star Wars are all the same.

First entry: A classic (Old Testament, PM64, New Hope)
Second entry: Masterpiece (New Testament, TTYD, Empire Strikes Back)
Third Entry: Controversial (Book of Mormon, SPM, Return of the Jedi)

what would the Bible 4 mean for this interpretation?
“If you need me I'll be at the bar trying to work out Thurmats last theorem or something a little more tricky like how on God's toast did you become leader of the country”.

De facto former, de jure still-Reichsführer Gerhard Suhlener after being de facto couped out of power by the Wehrmacht in 1942, in the midst of an alternate World War II. The recipient of this statement, general and leader of the coup d'état, Peter Maier, rued his decision to de jure keep Suhlener in office.

Suhlener had Peter Maier arrested by loyalist forces, but instead of a quick power struggle, a full-blown civil war broke out in Germany which cost them a probable victory and allowed France to retake Alsace, for communists to take at least temporary control over Berlin under Ernst Thälmann and Günther Jäger. In 1944, Germany had to unconditionally surrender. The nation was divided up by France, Poland et al. with the help of the US, the USSR and Great Britain. Poland regained not only the Polish Corridor, but parts of Hither Pomerania and more of Silesia beyond the Odra river. France regained Alsace.

When the communist government of the German Democratic Council Republic - which had gained control over the Ruhr area and major cities in Northern Germany as well as mining-dominated regions of Saxony and Silesia - was recognised, several more parts seceded. The secessions of Baden, Württemberg and Bavaria were recognised by France and, to many people's surprise, former Oldenburg and areas west and south of it, including all of the Münsterland, seceded as the Republic of Germany, recognised by Britain, the Netherlands and Belgium.

Many thought that this new divided Germany was stable. However, by 1949, the USSR, overtaxed from World War II, struggled to support its network of communist nations around the world - and the first domino to fall was the German Democratic Council Republic (DDRR) under Günther Jäger and Ernst Thälmann. From September 17, 1949, Berlin first fell into a power struggle after the premature death of Ernst Thälmann. Soon after, the DDRR fell into civil war and within months, the USSR was unable to stop a renewed ultraconservative reactionary quasi-fascist government (imagine Stahlhelm more than Nazi Germany) under former coup d'état leader Peter Maier from taking power of a new German Republic.

In 1953, a pro-German revolt in the newly-Polish parts of Hither Pomerania saw intervention of Germany, which started World War III. At first, it seemed like the Allies would once again win comfortably, but then, a certain Iosib Bessarionis dze Dzugashvili was found dead - most communists still claim he was poisoned - and the USSR would fall into a power struggle. Though no civil war broke out, the USSR under its new leadership, again dominated by the party, became more and more isolationist as well as a pariah state. Thus, the USSR could not intervene on the side of Poland. The German Republic invaded Poland once again - and this time, Germany won. In 1961, after a nuclear weapon destroyed the centre of Paris and more nuclear weapons destroyed Liverpool and Portsmouth, Britain, Poland, France et al. sued for peace and a rather harsh treaty was imposed on them. Among many other changes, Germany regained 1914 borders all around as well as annexing Austria.

Further to the east, Poland and the Baltic States fell under Germany's influence, as did Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Romania. The USSR slowly, but surely collapsed, already showing signs of political stagnation and lingering discontent in the late 1950s.

"Pay attention! Here is Section 284 of the Criminal Code: ... - and we will incorporate it into the verdict if applicable!"
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"What do you mean the Latter-Day Saints are reallowing polygamy? What is it 1870? What's next are they going to pull out a second set of golden plates?"
In the Reverse Cold War 2.0 timeline, Minister of Education John M. Tiefenbacher of the American Federation reacted with this sentence in a speech when he heard that the ominous figure calling himself Disciple Abraham or Abraham Smith - presumed to be an alias - came to power in the LDS Church and planned to not only reintroduce polygamy, but declare the independent Kingdom of Deseret as part of the Rocky Mountains Holy Kingdom. Soon after Disciple Abraham came to power, Utahn separatists affiliated with this newly radicalised LDS Church committed terrorist attacks in Jefferson and even Philadelphia, in response to which President of the American Federation Jack Peters declared the First Utahn War.

"Pay attention! Here is Section 284 of the Criminal Code: ... - and we will incorporate it into the verdict if applicable!"
In the Reverse Cold War 2.0 timeline, Minister of Education John M. Tiefenbacher of the American Federation reacted with this sentence in a speech when he heard that the ominous figure calling himself Disciple Abraham or Abraham Smith - presumed to be an alias - came to power in the LDS Church and planned to not only reintroduce polygamy, but declare the independent Kingdom of Deseret as part of the Rocky Mountains Holy Kingdom. Soon after Disciple Abraham came to power, Utahn separatists affiliated with this newly radicalised LDS Church committed terrorist attacks in Jefferson and even Philadelphia, in response to which President of the American Federation Jack Peters declared the First Utahn War.

"Pay attention! Here is Section 284 of the Criminal Code: ... - and we will incorporate it into the verdict if applicable!"
Infamous remark from judge Bork in the president orenthal Simpson trial

“Death to America! Power to the people!”
- Nancy Reagan
Infamous remark from judge Bork in the president orenthal Simpson trial

“Death to America! Power to the people!”
- Nancy Reagan
Life can take many strange and sharp twists and that was doubly true for young hopeful would-be actor Ronald Reagan, finding himself struck by a "perfect storm" of troubles, in dire financial straits, and forced to put his acting dreams aside just after arriving in Hollywood. Thankfully he found a way out, even if an unlikely one, wrestling.

After a few bland matches he started getting somewhere with the "heel" persona of the rabble rouser "Nancy", fighting the patriotic "face" "America", it wasn't a particularly good match purely from a wrestling point of view but it he managed to make quite entertaining, striking a good chemistry with his opponent and interacting a lot with the audience, and that got him noticed.

As the opportunity for better matches came he would drop "Nancy", which let's be honest, wasn't that good of a character, and perfect the character that made him famous, the futuristic and dashing "Ronnie Raygun".

They've been deep frying hot dogs since 1928!
They've been deep frying hot dogs since 1928!
Line from the 1995 North Japanese Propaganda sitcom "Hataraite iru hito", which followed an idealized working class family in a fictionalized suburb of the Urban center of North Japan, Sapporo, which, though flawed, stayed true to the Japanese People's Republic ideals of Socialism, from the 4th episode of the 3rd season. The episode involves a satirization of the growing trend of American tourists crossing the iron curtain to North Japan. It shows 2 fictitious Americans: John Smith, who is depicted as a bumbling idiot who doesn't understand the virtues of Communism, and Thomas Rand, Who is depicted as an evil saboteur who tries to convince the children main characters to swear an oath of loyalty to the Japanese Emperor. The full line mentioned is "Yanks, coming to Sapporo? What want would those decedent tourists have for this city, when they've been deep frying hot dogs since 1928?" The quote soon became a meme in the State of Japan, and eventually in the states itself, Mocking North Japan's lack of knowledge of the outside world. Deep fried hot dogs are often a symbol of satire on America, with Countryball comics often showing America with one.

"While at the time it was believed to be the wrath of god, science proves that the great burning of 1219 was caused by a large asteroid impact in the North sea. This impact destroyed much of England and Northern France, and the tsunami damaged Castile and sent it into civil war. The Long winter that followed, famously ending the Mongols at Samarqand, was most certainly an Impact winter." ~ Lecture from the Imperial university of Konstantinopol, 1934 AD
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USSR cracked down hard on Anti-Communist rebellions throughout the Warsaw Pact, culminating with the deployment of VX nerve agents on pro-democracy protestors in Prague and the nuking of Warsaw. Faced with an irrational USSR Nato launched preemptive strikes, with Dengist China providing further aid. The war would kill billions, with Russia being reduced to a bombed-out wreck of a country, and the rest of the world reeling from various nuclear strikes across the globe.
Death of russia ripoff