DBWI: (US POLITICS) What if the Democrats became the Left-Wing Party and the Republicans the Right-Wing Party

OOC Disclaimer: My Double-Blind scenarios have a history of confusing people, so I'll just put this here in case you don't know what's going on. This is a Double-Blind scenario (in this case a Double-Blind What If), a scenario from the perspective of a timeline where things went a different way asking what if things went the way they did in our timeline. I am aware that the Democratic Party, in our timeline, is the left wing US political party (well, at least if we're being generous) while the Republicans are the right wing political party. Now, with that out of the way, let's get on to the actual DBWI.

Okay, so I know it seems unlikely, as the Republican party is the party of Lincoln, the president who freed the slaves and received a letter of congratulations from Karl fucking Marx; and Roosevelt, the man famous for creating national parks, doing insane amounts of trust busting, being the only president to win three terms, and giving women the vote; but until about the mid-20th century the parties were divided mostly along regional and (where black people could get through the insane amount of voter suppression) racial lines, with the democrats being the party not only of wealthy southern aristocrats and religious fundamentalists but also of poor, rural working class southerners (Huey Long comes to mind), while the Republicans, though they were unquestionably the party of feminists, progressives, and anti-segregationists, were also the party of wealthy northern industrialists and big business.

Though admittedly a bit of a stretch, I could see a scenario where populists like the aforementioned Huey Long come to power in the south and try to form some unholy coalition with northern progressives based on an agreement to kick the whole "racial justice" can down the road a few decades, while once the progressive elements of this populist coalition start actually implementing racial justice, the big business republican types try to use the opportunity to try and snatch up the votes of disillusioned white southerners. This wouldn't happen all at once, it'd be more of a ship of Theseus type deal, but we saw something similar (albeit to a lesser extent) with the more big-business Republican types gradually leaving the Republican party as the progressives became more and more influential, while the less reactionary economically-populist democrats joined the Republican party (though admittedly this was less impactful than the big business types leaving the Republicans).

So, what do you think would happen if the Republicans became the Liberal/Right party while the Democrats became the Progressive/Social Democratic party? How would this incredibly cursed world be different from ours? How do you think this change would occur?
OOC Disclaimer: My Double-Blind scenarios have a history of confusing people, so I'll just put this here in case you don't know what's going on. This is a Double-Blind scenario (in this case a Double-Blind What If), a scenario from the perspective of a timeline where things went a different way asking what if things went the way they did in our timeline. I am aware that the Democratic Party, in our timeline, is the left wing US political party (well, at least if we're being generous) while the Republicans are the right wing political party. Now, with that out of the way, let's get on to the actual DBWI.

Okay, so I know it seems unlikely, as the Republican party is the party of Lincoln, the president who freed the slaves and received a letter of congratulations from Karl fucking Marx; and Roosevelt, the man famous for creating national parks, doing insane amounts of trust busting, being the only president to win three terms, and giving women the vote; but until about the mid-20th century the parties were divided mostly along regional and (where black people could get through the insane amount of voter suppression) racial lines, with the democrats being the party not only of wealthy southern aristocrats and religious fundamentalists but also of poor, rural working class southerners (Huey Long comes to mind), while the Republicans, though they were unquestionably the party of feminists, progressives, and anti-segregationists, were also the party of wealthy northern industrialists and big business.

Though admittedly a bit of a stretch, I could see a scenario where populists like the aforementioned Huey Long come to power in the south and try to form some unholy coalition with northern progressives based on an agreement to kick the whole "racial justice" can down the road a few decades, while once the progressive elements of this populist coalition start actually implementing racial justice, the big business republican types try to use the opportunity to try and snatch up the votes of disillusioned white southerners. This wouldn't happen all at once, it'd be more of a ship of Theseus type deal, but we saw something similar (albeit to a lesser extent) with the more big-business Republican types gradually leaving the Republican party as the progressives became more and more influential, while the less reactionary economically-populist democrats joined the Republican party (though admittedly this was less impactful than the big business types leaving the Republicans).

So, what do you think would happen if the Republicans became the Liberal/Right party while the Democrats became the Progressive/Social Democratic party? How would this incredibly cursed world be different from ours? How do you think this change would occur?

Well, you could have Wilson defeat Hughes in 1916. In OTL Hughes helped win WWI and create the International Community of Nations, but he took the blame for the strikes and economic depression that happened after 1918. Wilson was able to make a comeback in 1920, with his supporters claiming "he would've kept us out of war," only to die in of a stroke in 1923. However during the 1920s the Democrats took a fairly lax approach to regulating financial speculation which many blamed for the Great Depression. Had Wilson won in 1916, a Republican would have won in 1920. This could have altered the trajectory of the GOP to make it more conservative in the long run.
Well, you could have Wilson defeat Hughes in 1916. In OTL Hughes helped win WWI and create the International Community of Nations, but he took the blame for the strikes and economic depression that happened after 1918. Wilson was able to make a comeback in 1920, with his supporters claiming "he would've kept us out of war," only to die in of a stroke in 1923. However during the 1920s the Democrats took a fairly lax approach to regulating financial speculation which many blamed for the Great Depression. Had Wilson won in 1916, a Republican would have won in 1920. This could have altered the trajectory of the GOP to make it more conservative in the long run.
Yea, that's pretty plausible. Hughes may have been instrumental in winning the Great war, but he was a rather lackluster successor to Roosevelt and, unlike Teddy, I could see him losing to Wilson.
Yea, that's pretty plausible. Hughes may have been instrumental in winning the Great war, but he was a rather lackluster successor to Roosevelt and, unlike Teddy, I could see him losing to Wilson.

OOC: Is the list of Presidents up until 1916 still McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, then Wilson?
OOC: Is the list of Presidents up until 1916 still McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, then Wilson?
OOC: No, I explicitly stated in the first post that Roosevelt won three terms. I pretty heavily implied that he got the Republican nomination in 1912 but he could've just run again in 1908 and had Hughes succeed him in 1912. I'll leave that up to you.
OOC: No, I explicitly stated in the first post that Roosevelt won three terms. I pretty heavily implied that he got the Republican nomination in 1912 but he could've just run again in 1908 and had Hughes succeed him in 1912. I'll leave that up to you.

OOC: Oh I see, that wasn't clear at first.

DBWI: Yeah, by comparison to TR Hughes wasn't as great a leader. But to be fair 1901-1913 were pretty good years for the US and Roosevelt benefited from this politically, while Hughes was stuck with WWI and an economic downturn. Still, I wonder if Taft might have made a better President had he run in 1916 instead of being appointed Chief Justice in 1910. Root could have done an able job as well but he was too old, this paved the way for Hughes to run in 1916. At any rate, had Wilson won in 1916 we wouldn't have had the James Cox presidency in the 1920s.
I feel like a big thing was that it was the GOP that turned the Philippines into the states of Luzon, Mindanao, and Roosevelt after 1943, and by the fact it was a GOP led court that declared the Chinese exclusion act unconstitutional. It helped broaden the GOP's base beyond progressive whites and African Americans by what amounted to mass enfranchisement of the two biggest asian ethnic groups