The British Election of 1945 is one of the most famous upsets in political history: despite Winston Churchill's popularity the Tories lost in a landslide.
Was there any way the Tories could've won in 1945?
no not key to the election. It was lost on the domestic frontIt would help if Churchill realized that British Colonialism was on its way out and planned for that fact.
He would also have to accept the Beveridge Report and outline clear proposals for postwar rebuilding and reform.
no not key to the election. It was lost on the domestic front
The Tories were too closely associated with the UK’s economic woes of the Thirties. You would need them to adopt polices designed to boost the economy when they came into power in the early part of that decade.
The British Election of 1945 is one of the most famous upsets in political history: despite Winston Churchill's popularity the Tories lost in a landslide.
Was there any way the Tories could've won in 1945?
Because Tories won a landslide in 1931, and you ignored the fact that Labour won over 100 seats in 1935.The Conservatives were massively re-elected in 1935 and the economy continued to improve from then until the outbreak of war.
The problem is appeasement and austerity had become a Tory thing, so even new gen candidates would have been tarnished anyway, even if he came out to endorse the Beveridge Report.(1) Ditching Winston Churchill, preferably for someone like Anthony Arden, in other words, not tarnished with pre war failures and representing a new generation, a change of guard if you all
Because Tories won a landslide in 1931, and you ignored the fact that Labour won over 100 seats in 1935.
Then you combine it with Tories' disastrous appeasement politics, which were basically only a Tory thing by 1938.