The Lords of Iron
History of the Galatians and the Oikouménē where Hannibal defeated Rome
The Lords of Iron
History of the Galatians and the Oikouménē where Hannibal defeated Rome
Ancient Gaul was for a long time a terra incognita, something that was barely worth mention except to highlight what Rome, the civilization, was.
Strangely, it’s not because ancients scholars weren’t interested : Celts, and particularly Gauls, were one of the four corners of the known world for Greeks, who negotiated with their princes in exchange for tin and wine.
But what Greeks as Poseidonios, Romans as Caesar, had to say about Gaulish society and development was ignored.
Nevertheless, archaeology and re-evaluation of literary sources increased our knowledge and appreciation of ancient Gaul a tenfold in the last decades.
We can now have a glimpse of a developed and complex civilization, benefiting from Mediterranean influences, but still its own original creation.
Still, there is much uncertainty, in no small part due to the fact Gauls didn’t wrote down their history, and their defeat meant their institutions, religions and way-of-life disappeared in mere generations. Many of my choices may be based on historical red herrings, but there’s no escaping this.
I propose you, modestly, to look at window to what-could-have-been, in the light of knowledge, hypothesis, and speculation. I hope you’ll enjoy it.
May Sucellos, the striker, take his mallet for me, and allows me a glimpse of the world below and to listen to the rumors of its dwellers, as there is no longer druids in this world to carry on their knowledge.
May Lougous, master of all the arts, teaches me how to write the best and not the worst, as there is no longer vates in this world to interpret the signs for me.
May Belenos, the bright, gives me inspiration and knowledge, as there is no longer bards in this world to teach me how to reach the hearth of men.
May Lougous, master of all the arts, teaches me how to write the best and not the worst, as there is no longer vates in this world to interpret the signs for me.
May Belenos, the bright, gives me inspiration and knowledge, as there is no longer bards in this world to teach me how to reach the hearth of men.
This timeline, while unfolding from a Point of Divergence happening outside Gaul as Romans have to surrender to Carthaginians and their allies, will be focused on the region between Atlantic and Alps, Rhine and Pyrenees; as Gauls themselves might have thought their political horizon.
I’ll try to update regularly this timeline, at least twice per month, with allohistorical updates (mostly focused on Gaul, but from time to time explaining what happens in the wider world), maps, graphics or cultural updates.
Still, I’d want this to become as well as a space for discussion : not only because it’d be thanks to you wondering, questioning or debating that I’ll have ideas or a clearer idea of the development; but as well because it would be rather a nice way to complete the regular updates with new details or explanations.
I'd want to address my special thanks to @Atamolos and @RiseofBubblez for their help, and to everyone that mentioned their interest for this TL and supported it.
- The ancient paths, Craig Hil
- Armements et auxiliaires gaulois, Lionel Pernet
- Bibracte et les Eduens : à la découverte d'un peuple gaulois, Christian Goudinau
- La Celtique Méditerranénne, Dominique Garcia
- Les Celtes, Histoire et Dictionnare, Venceslas Kruta
- Les Celtes de Gaule méditerranéenne. Définition et caractérisation, Dominique Garcia
- Des philosophes chez les Barbares, Jean-Louis Brunaux
- Dictionnaire de la langue gauloise, Xavier Delmarre
- Dictionnaire Français-Gaulois, Jean-Paul Savignac
- Equality, inequality, and the problem of ‘‘Elites” in late Iron Age Eastern Languedoc, Benjamin P. Luley
- Gaulish personal names, Ellis Evans
- Les Gaulois du Midi, Michel Py
- La Langue Gauloise, Pierre-Yves Lambert
- L'hellénisation du Languedoc méditerranéen et du Roussillon jusqu'à la conquête romaine, Hubert Gallet de Santerre
- Histoire des Gaules, Christine Delaplace & Jérôme France
- Les aventures d'Astérix le Gaulois, René Goscinny, Albert Uderzo
- Peuplement et Territoires protohistoriques du VIIIe au Ier siècle avant J.-C. en Languedoc oriental, Laure Nuninger- Armements et auxiliaires gaulois, Lionel Pernet
- Bibracte et les Eduens : à la découverte d'un peuple gaulois, Christian Goudinau
- La Celtique Méditerranénne, Dominique Garcia
- Les Celtes, Histoire et Dictionnare, Venceslas Kruta
- Les Celtes de Gaule méditerranéenne. Définition et caractérisation, Dominique Garcia
- Des philosophes chez les Barbares, Jean-Louis Brunaux
- Dictionnaire de la langue gauloise, Xavier Delmarre
- Dictionnaire Français-Gaulois, Jean-Paul Savignac
- Equality, inequality, and the problem of ‘‘Elites” in late Iron Age Eastern Languedoc, Benjamin P. Luley
- Gaulish personal names, Ellis Evans
- Les Gaulois du Midi, Michel Py
- La Langue Gauloise, Pierre-Yves Lambert
- L'hellénisation du Languedoc méditerranéen et du Roussillon jusqu'à la conquête romaine, Hubert Gallet de Santerre
- Histoire des Gaules, Christine Delaplace & Jérôme France
- Les aventures d'Astérix le Gaulois, René Goscinny, Albert Uderzo
- La Politique des Gaulois, vie politique et institutions en Gaule chevelue (IIème siècle avant notre ère - 70), Emmanuel Arbabe
- Le port de Lattara : premiers acquis sur les phases préromaines et romaines, Dominique Garcia
- Les noms d'origine gauloise, La Gaule des activités économiques, Jacques Lacroix
- Les peuples gaulois, Stephan Fichtl
- Les religions gauloises, Jean-Louis Brunaux
- Les royaumes celtiques, Miles Dylon, Christian-Joseph Guyonvarc'h, Francoise le Roux
- Religion et société en Gaule, Christian Goudinau, Dominique Garcia, Bernard Lambot
- Rome's ennemies, Gallic and British Celts, Peter Wilcow, Angus McBride
- Les Salyens dans les textes historiques grecs, Didier Pralon
- La Société celtique, Christian-Joseph Guyonvarc'h, Francoise le Roux
- L'univers spirituel des Gaulois, art, religion et philosophie, Jean-Louis Brunaux
- Vercingétorix, Jean-Louis Brunaux
- Vercingétorix, chef de guerre, Alain Deyber
- Le port de Lattara : premiers acquis sur les phases préromaines et romaines, Dominique Garcia
- Les noms d'origine gauloise, La Gaule des activités économiques, Jacques Lacroix
- Les peuples gaulois, Stephan Fichtl
- Les religions gauloises, Jean-Louis Brunaux
- Les royaumes celtiques, Miles Dylon, Christian-Joseph Guyonvarc'h, Francoise le Roux
- Religion et société en Gaule, Christian Goudinau, Dominique Garcia, Bernard Lambot
- Rome's ennemies, Gallic and British Celts, Peter Wilcow, Angus McBride
- Les Salyens dans les textes historiques grecs, Didier Pralon
- La Société celtique, Christian-Joseph Guyonvarc'h, Francoise le Roux
- L'univers spirituel des Gaulois, art, religion et philosophie, Jean-Louis Brunaux
- Vercingétorix, Jean-Louis Brunaux
- Vercingétorix, chef de guerre, Alain Deyber
Other Celts (Brittons, Celtiberians, etc.), Germans and Iberians
- Celtic Linguistics, Readings in the Brythonic Languages
- Celtic Warrior, Stephen Allen, Wayne Reynolds
- Etymological Glossary of Old Welsh, Alexander Falileyev
- The Forts of Celtic Britain, Angus Konstam, Peter Bull
- Rome's ennemies, Spanish armies, Rafael Trevino, Angus McBride
- Celtic Warrior, Stephen Allen, Wayne Reynolds
- Etymological Glossary of Old Welsh, Alexander Falileyev
- The Forts of Celtic Britain, Angus Konstam, Peter Bull
- Rome's ennemies, Spanish armies, Rafael Trevino, Angus McBride
Carthage, Rome and Italy
- Between Rome and Carthage, Southern Italy during the Second Punic War, Michael P. Fronda
- Carthage, Khaled Melliti
- Carthage must be destroyed, the Rise and Fall of an Ancient Mediterranean Civilization, Allan Lane
- Cannae 216 BC, Hannibal smashes Rome's army, Mark Healy
- The Crisis of Rome, The Jugurthine and Northern Wars and the Rise of Marius, Gareth C. Sampson
- The Carthaginians, Dexter Hoyos
- Grand Atlas de l'Antiquité Romaine, Christophe Badel, Hervé Inglebert
- Illyricum in Roman politics, Danijel Dzino
- The Punic Wars 264-146 BC, Nigel Bagnall
- Tarentine Hoseman of Magna Graecia, Nic Fields, Sean O'Brogain
- Carthage, Khaled Melliti
- Carthage must be destroyed, the Rise and Fall of an Ancient Mediterranean Civilization, Allan Lane
- Cannae 216 BC, Hannibal smashes Rome's army, Mark Healy
- The Crisis of Rome, The Jugurthine and Northern Wars and the Rise of Marius, Gareth C. Sampson
- The Carthaginians, Dexter Hoyos
- Grand Atlas de l'Antiquité Romaine, Christophe Badel, Hervé Inglebert
- Illyricum in Roman politics, Danijel Dzino
- The Punic Wars 264-146 BC, Nigel Bagnall
- Tarentine Hoseman of Magna Graecia, Nic Fields, Sean O'Brogain
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