
  1. Alternative names for East Germany?

    Excluding Prussia, what could have been some alternate, other names that would have been used to represent east Germany? (Basically if it was referred to as something else rather than just East German Democratic Republic)
  2. AHC: Make Kaliningrad become independent following the collapse of the USSR while still being Russian majority

    Hello everyone! I have a challenge for you. Make Kaliningrad go independent following the collapse of the USSR while still being Russia majority, and being part of the russian SFSR prior to that.
  3. How could communist Romania have enlarged/increased its GDP?

    How could communist Romania from the 1950s to the 1980s have improved its economy and gdp? Perhaps becoming one of the largest economies in Eastern europe? (After USSR)
  4. What if Romania managed to aquire nukes in the 1980s? How would this affect the eastern bloc and the cold war?

    Romania (as the Romanian People's Republic) started a nuclear research program in 1949, focusing on radioactive isotopes in medicine and industry. Some have interpreted Romania's actions to have a dual purpose, as the military program began in 1978, jointly operated with the program for the...
  5. AHC: Redraw Soviet administrative divisions to prevent ethnic strife and future conflicts

    (reviving an old thread) By the late 1950s to early 1960s (after the repatriation of ethnicities of the Caucasus that were deported to Siberia due to Stalin's orders), re-organize and re-draw the SSRs, Republics, Oblasts, Okrugs, and other divisions of the USSR to diminish ethnic tension the...
  6. RelentlessFlowOfTime

    AHC: Socialism in Interwar Africa

    I've been looking into socialist movements during the interwar era and can't find much on it's influence in Africa. I was wondering if there was a chance for a socialist state to establish itself anywhere in Africa during the interwar period or even just a major socialist movement somewhere on...
  7. TheInnerMoon

    A People’s Alt-History: An Essay on the Fascinating Fiction of a Socialist US

    Hello everyone, Inspired by works both on and off this website, I wrote a fairly long essay about the particular AH scenario of a Socialist United States. After an initial breakdown of this premise, I move into a critical overview of some of the most prominent timelines in this category. I'm...
  8. AHC/PC/WI: Christian Socialist Russia

    In the October Revolution and Russian Civil War of OTL, Russia became an atheist Marxist state, abandoning its traditional religion of Orthodoxy. What if a Christian Socialist movement takes over Russia instead? It could be a Christianized version of the Bolsheviks, or perhaps the SRs or some...
  9. GameBawesome

    How Plausible is the rise of Socialism/Marxism/Communism in the CSA?

    This idea seems like a neat idea, that came from the Alternate History Writer, Harry Turtledove: The rise of Communism in the CSA, where in Southern Victory, black communists rosed against the Confederates during the Great War. So, this got me thinking, how plausible for...
  10. The East Berlin Series by Max Hertzberg

    I just finished the first instalment, Stealing the Future (there was a previous thread on that one in particular by @politicalnomad from 2017, but I didn't want to necro), and I'm already hungry for more. I'll just quote politicalnomad's take here before I offer my own perspective, which differs...
  11. African Yugoslavia: Redux Edition
    Threadmarks: Re-Chapter 0: Background

    Background (1940-45) “While In our present day we resent Paris I still must remember what it gave me. I learned of Marxism, and socialism in underground reading groups, and I dreamed of the world to be built in Africa. I dreamt of peace, and I dreamt of close ties to France, yet when I returned...
  12. TrashMammal2019

    What if the Socialist Party of America still exist?

    As the question asked, What if the Socialist Party of America still exists but the party was somewhat of a minor party as they still got a handful of seats in Congress and still popular with the Working Class of America, What will be the difference if the Socialist Party still exists? The...
  13. How many countries could remain communist after the end of the cold war?

    Right now, there are only a hand full of self-declared "Marxist-Leninist" states that remain after the end of the cold war: China, Vietnam, Laos, and Cuba. This has remained the case since the end of the cold war and especially following the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, is there any...
  14. What if there was no communist or socialist rule or parties during the 19th and 20th centuries?

    If that were true the. There would not be any Soviet Union or Cold War. However in order for this to happen the lower classes would need to be satisfied with the capitalist system. Workplace conditions would need to be improved and there would need to be far less economic exploitation of the...
  15. Meshakhad

    What would a Red Israel look like?

    The idea of a Red Israel has come up a few times (such as in A World of Laughter, a World of Tears), as a result of the US shifting to a pro-Arab position and the Soviets backing Israel. However, I've never seen it explored in much detail. So assuming that the Soviet Union did become Israel's...
  16. Cassandra Marie

    Breaking the Rod; A Southern Communist Timeline
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    For the yoke that burdened them, the pole on their shoulder, The rod of their taskmaster, you have smashed, as on the day of Midian. - Isaiah 9:3 (logo designed by Mariee) Introduction In the year 1861, after decades of compromises, concessions and procrastination over the issue of...
  17. What if the Soviet Union became truly Democratic-Socialist?

    I am not incredibly knowledgable in this area, so this is more of a question of inquiry. What would happen if the Totalitarian ideology of Soviet leninism and stalinism never manifested, or was snuffed out by opposing forces? Would the West and the Nazis develop a strong hatred of Communism, or...
  18. AHC/WI: Christian Socialist Greater Austria

    I remember reading before that one of the best places for Christian Socialism to grow into a larger movement (though probably a decade or two after the initial pod in all likelihood) is the former Habsburg empire. Seeing that at least some republicanism will be necessary for the Socialist half...
  19. The Right to Alter or Abolish: An Alternate Postbellum United States
    Threadmarks: The Unpopular Election of James G. Blaine

    The Unpopular Election of James G. Blaine Excerpt from As The Flower of the Grass: The Post-Bellum James G. Blaine was a talented politician and his nomination to the Presidency of the United States was a foregone conclusion when he arrived to the convention.[1] The Republican Party had...
  20. Und der Zukunft zugewandt - an alternate history of the GDR
    Threadmarks: Chapter I - The Rise and Fall of Erich Honecker: 1971 to 1984

    Chapter I - The Rise and Fall of Erich Honecker: 1971 to 1984 The 8th party congress of the SED in 1971 proved to be a watershed event in the economic developent of the GDR, since it marked the end of the NÖSPL (,,Neues ökonomisches System der Planung und Leitung" - "New Economic System of...