saddam hussein

  1. WI: Saddam Hussein killed on March 19, 2003

    First I'd like to post a disclaimer that in no way I approve the invasion of Iraq in 2003 or the way US conducted it. This is only a slight twist WI that people haven't explored and I am interested to know if there's any change to TL at all from this. In OTL, on March 19, 2003, US launched a...
  2. What if, somehow, Iraq managed to win the Iraq War?

    Through some series of blunders in planning/logistics by the American government, combined with the material and flukes necessary for Iraq to prevent complete and total American dominance over the skies, America fails to overthrow Iraq and the Ba'athist regime. What happens? Not just the...
  3. Commissar_Alfsky

    WI/AHC Iran lost the Battle of Khorramshahr 1982?

    Perhaps someone with a better knowledge of the Iran-Iraq War can enlighten on this issue. Iran pushed Iraq out of Khuzestan culminating in what would be known as the Liberation of Khorramshahr with thousands of Iraqis captured and would signal the start of the Iranian invasion including the...
  4. WI Saddam Hussein started paying Kuwait reparations by 2000? Could normalization with the rest of the Arab/Islamic world be possible?

    The POD for this timeline is rather simple, the crippling sanctions have their desired effect of bringing Saddam to the table. Scenario: The millenium has turned and the Iraqi president's heart has mellowed. Once the prideful wartime president, he now leads a country devastated by sanctions. He...
  5. WI: Colin Powell resigns rather than give his speech to the UN justifying the Iraq War?

    What if Colin Powell, rather than going along with the administration's justification for the Iraq War, followed his intuition that the war was wrong and resigned from his position as Secretary of State in protest? Would this kill Dubya's efforts to justify the war? Or would the US go to war...
  6. PakistaniGuyUK

    WI Saddam Hussein ‘does a Gaddafi’ in 1998; agrees to co-operate fully with the UN and IAEA. Sanctions lifted and Iraq no longer a pariah

    Saddam Hussein for whatever reason decides to drop his anti-American and anti-Western stance (and by extension his anti-Israel rhetoric) agreeing to all of the demands of the UN and IAEA and expressing a strong desire for Iraq to return within the fold ‘of the civilized world.’ The United States...
  7. What if Saddam died during Desert Storm?

    During the Gulf War, Coalition aircraft flew over 100,000 sorties and dropped more than 80,000 tons of explosives. Let's say that during one of these raids, an airstrike happens to hit where Saddam Hussein is by chance or design and kills him. Would this end the war sooner? Who might succeed...
  8. What would it mean for Yemen if the US fell into isolationism allowing Saddam Hussein to attack KSA successfully enough to force KSA into Iraqi influe
    Threadmarks: Iraq

    *Iraqi influence
  9. Commissar_Alfsky

    How would Desert Shield/Storm proceed without Egypt & Syria?

    Let's say that Secretary Baker is unable to convince the 2 Arab states to deploy troops as part of the Coalition. Would the Iraqis suffer slightly less? How does this affect American and International opinion?
  10. Commissar_Alfsky

    If Saddam isn't captured, how does the Iraqi Insurgency play out?

    From Wikipedia:
  11. Justinian

    A Different Gulf War Strategy: Saddam's Urban Warfare

    So lets say Saddam hires some kind of military advisor mercenary type from the west or former eastern bloc to advise him on military matters. He's already committed to the Gulf War, but the advisor recommends that he instead of deploying his army in the middle of the Kuwaiti desert against the...
  12. ChadMachine999

    US abandones Kuwait

    What would happen is during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait the US just says "not my problem" and leaves Kuwait to its fate.
  13. Etruscan-enthusiast35

    Saddam is killed in the attempted assassination of Qasim

    In october 1959 Saddam Hussein would be part of a group sent by the Ba'ath pary to assassinate Iraqi leader Abd al-Karim Qasim. The assassination attempt would fail however, with Qasim having only suffered injuries to the shoulder and leg. Now the assassination itself went wrong partly due to...
  14. WI: Saddam and Khomeni were full allies

    So Saddam in 1978 expelled Khomeni from Iraq after Iranian agents notified him of a pro-soviet coup being attempted. I'd imagine this didn't go well with Khomeini and influenced him to call on Iraqi’s to overthrow him. What if say Saddam didn't expell him and Khomeni after taking control of Iran...
  15. WI: Saddam Hussein dies in 1959

    On October 7, 1959, an attempt on the life of Iraqi dictator Abd al-Karim Qasim was made by assassins sent by the Iraqi Ba'ath Party, allegedly with backing from Gamal Abdel Nasser. Among the assassins was a young man named Saddam Hussein. While Saddam was shot in the assassination attempt, the...
  16. SunKing105

    WI: Iraqi Civil War between a surviving Baathist regime and rebels after the Arab Spring?

    The premise is that you have your usual Al Gore wins Florida POD, after making an extra campaign stop, and 9/11 fails to do as much damage as OTL, with only 1 tower being destroyed, with the other plane only grazing the second tower, and falling to a passenger revolt, plunging into the sea...
  17. SunKing105

    WI: Schwarzkopf doesn't agree to let the Iraqis use helicopters, 1991 uprising succeeds?

    The 1991 Iraqi uprising was a crucial moment in modern Iraqi, and by extension, Middle Eastern history, and very nearly succeeded in deposing Saddam. There were a variety of factors why they failed, but one damning mention that I have found is the acceptance by General Norman Schwarzkopf of...
  18. The Assassination of Tony Blair - A British TL
    Threadmarks: 26 June 1999

    BREAKING- Prime Minister injured in London Bomb Attack - BBC News - 26th June 1999 The Prime Minister Tony Blair and several other people have been badly injured in a bomb attack presumed to be targeting him in London. The bombing is reported to have happened near Aldgate Tube station, and...
  19. WI: Saddam's Iraq and Syria went to war?

    Okay, so let's say the Iraq War never happens and Saddam remains in power. That still means him and Assad will continue to butt heads, correct? So what happens if that happened? Say somewhere between 2005-2010 (maybe the Arab Spring causes it to happen) if war broke out between them. Who would...
  20. What if Saddam takes it further or gets peace?

    I read that, during the Gulf War, Saddam Hussein deployed about 100,000 troops for the initial invasion of Kuwait and an additional 600,000 troops in the following weeks/months (about 700,000 troops in total!). It seems like that would have made Iraq the fourth strongest military in the world...