
  1. Padric1938

    1912: The Progressive Century

    Roosevelt and his campaign managers huddle around the radio. After months of Campaigning around the country, it’s finally time for America to decide who they want for president. And after hours of casting votes the results are in....... Teddy Roosevelt beats Taft and Wilson, and becomes the...
  2. El_Presidente

    AHC/WI: FDR Dictatorship

    So, faced with more opposition to New Deal from industry and the Supreme Court (thr details are up to you) FDR decides that soft authoritarianism is what America needs, and through dubiously legal and democrstic methods pass legislation like the NIRA. What would happen?
  3. If not Taft, who?

    Suppose TR had appointed Taft to the Supreme Court at some point in his presidency. Who would TR have chosen to run in 1908 if Taft isn't available? Besides himself I should add.
  4. Rorke

    A Bull Moose in Office

    I am starting a TL about what if Roosevelt won in 1912 and brought the US into WWI early.
  5. WI: Roosevelt Enacts Universal Health Care

    In 1938, the Senate formed a committee to examine health policy with the ultimate objective of creating universal health care. This policy was a major domestic goal of President Roosevelt who tried and failed on multiple occasions to enact UHC. But by the time the finished bill was proposed as...
  6. Marklin

    WI: FDR doesn't die in 1945

    So we all know how FDR died almost as soon as his 4th term began, but what if he lived to see his 4th term all the way through (or at least, most of the way). Because I have heard that FDR was sympathetic towards the Viet Minh in Indochina and was a staunch Anti-Colonialist, which made things...
  7. GrayJ12

    For Peace and Prosperity - A Different 1944 Election and Beyond

    1944 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION CHICAGO Before the Democratic National Convention, it was a foregone conclusion that Franklin D. Roosevelt, the incumbent 3-term president, beloved by many, would be re-nominated by his party and more than likely win the general election in November. That...
  8. Incanian


    In the Olympics in Nazi Germany, Black Athlete Jesse Owens competed in the 1936 Olympics. He competed in the Men's track and field. Winning 4 gold medals for America. Hitler watched the event, but never shook his hand. However (I believe) he didn't shake hands with any of the other athletes at...
  9. Great Depression is even more devastating for the U.S.

    I have a timeline idea that would benefit tremendously from economically weakened United States that are more inclined to stay isolationist. My idea is that Roosevelt never becomes the democratic nominee. Maybe he never runs in the primaries because is health is to fragile ITTL or one of his...
  10. With Liberty and Justice For All
    Threadmarks: 2 Emancipations

    This is my somewhat fanciful scenario of bringing Liberal Democracy to all the people of the world by the 1960s March 3, 1861 St. Petersburg, Russia Peasants gather to hear of their new freedom Tsar Alexander II issued a proclamation declaring all privately owned surfs are to be emancipated...
  11. Is there agreement that FDR's New Deal. . .

    Was a good thing for America and slowed the Depression, or did it lengthen it? I keep seeing books along those lines. I don't believe they are true, but I would like some information about it, because if the same things Hoover did are continued, then revolution would not have been far off.
  12. emk163

    What if Theodore Roosevelt won in 1912? Collab Timeline

    What if in the wild election in 1912 Theodore Roosevelt comes out on top not Woodrow Wilson? I will post occasionally on this thread. Have fun with this scenario
  13. Gukpard

    WI Roosevelt as POTUS joins WWI in 1914

    A year ago i asked here in the forum what would be the most belligerant president on america's history, and the answer was Theodore Roosevelt let's say that Roosevelt wins the election of 1912 under the progressive party, and he declares war on Germany as the battle of the marne starts, what is...
  14. ronaldo

    Plan Rubber The US Invasion of Brazil

    Plan Rubber was the codename given to US military plans for the occupation of the Northern coast of Brazil during World War II. The plan was raised in response to concerns that Brazil would enter the war on the side of the Axis, or would at least act in a manner sympathetic to the Axis cause...
  15. Simon

    An Earlier End to WWII and the 1944 Presidential Election

    Suppose for a moment that things go better for the Western Allies with WWII ending roughly a year earlier with Japan surrendering in August or September of 1944. Now this is after the Democratic and Republican Party conventions so it would be the same Roosevelt vs. Dewey competition as in our...
  16. The Strange Case of Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. was born kicking and screaming in a modestly-sized apartment in New York City on October 27, 1858. The ten-pound baby make the building quake, the nurse said. Otherwise it was an OK day. “Teddy” was a force to be reckoned with from the very beginning. His mother, Martha...
  17. Indicus

    WI: No FDR

    Let's say for whatever reason FDR does not run in 1932. Who would be nominated in his stead and what would the '30s look like?