
  1. PolishMagnet

    Latest possible PoD to restore Egyptian religion?

    What is the latest possible PoD for some form of Egyptian religion to be restored/founded (in Egypt, of course)? It must be an Egyptian religion involving worship of at least one native Egyptian deity IE Ra, Set, Isis, Osiris, etc, not a syncretic religion like Hellenism and not a composite...
  2. Avrorrange

    WI Jesus was handed over to the emperor and executed in Rome?

    Suppose Pilate decided that the Jesus Christ problem was too big of a problem for him(not likely but not ASB) to decide and instead sent Jesus to his superiors in Rome where they confirmed the decision to kill him, how would that impact Christianity and the impact on politics? Rome is likely to...
  3. Sierra

    Syncretized Roman Christianity in the Late Principate/Early Dominate

    In the Late Roman period, Christianity was a fast growing force, the rough number of Christian converts increasing at exponetial rates from its rough founding during the reign of Tiberius until Christians were the majority in or around 350 AD. At the same time, as has been well hashed out, here...
  4. Perfectus Romae (What if Rome didn't fall?)

    So in this timeline, Aurelian survives the assassination attempt by some of his officers. Executing those responsible, he launches campaigns in Germania but is killed a year in by a plague. Aurelian is succeeded by Tacitus, who finished the wars of his predecessor but was killed in a battle...
  5. What was Mark Antony's title and official position as a Triunvir?

    The Second Triumvirate is quite famous. Octavian, Mark Antony and Lepidus divided control of the Roman Republic among themselves. Mark Antony got the East, where he would live and eventually become involved with Cleopatra and her family. But it is also known that the power of the Triumvirate...
  6. Sarthak

    Carthage 'wins' the Third Punic War

    By win, I don't mean march to Rome like Hannibal did. At this point, though economically prosperous and militarily recovering, Carthage had no ability to do that anymore without a land link through Iberia and due to the Numidians. What I mean by 'win' is repel all Roman invasions of Africa...
  7. A Light Shines East: The World of a Christian Persia
    Threadmarks: Foundations of the Church

    From “History of the Apostolic Church” by Afshin Khorrami Even after the death(and some say resurrection) of that certain man from Nazareth, the young religion of Christianity continued to gain new members in spite of official persecution. The young church ran into increasing issues with its...
  8. Flavius Phocas

    WI: The Donation of Pepin restored the Exarchate of Ravenna.

    IOTL, after the Exarchate of Ravenna fell to the Lombards, the Pope turned away from Constantinople as his traditional protector, and looked to the Franks for aid. Following Frankish intervention, the territories of the Exarchate of Ravenna were restored, but not given to the Exarch as the first...
  9. Mecanimetales

    The Kingdom of the Romans and Goths | Visigoth-Roman ATL

    Do not take this timeline as something really serious, this is just a project to check how good can I simulate realistic alternate history scenarios, and doing them in a Wikipedia-Biographic format. Also a review on my grammar and my imagination. Still I hope you enjoy...
  10. WI: Anti Slavery Roman Republic

    Historically Rome had no problem with slavery, and I would argue that it was a major driver of Late Republican expansion, as well as later Republican instability. What if that was not the case? I don't think the reason really matters, maybe instead of Geese warning Rome, it's a Slave (Supplicia...
  11. AHC : Western romance speaking europe united

    Your chalenge, with a POD not earlier than the fall of the WRE, is to have a state with this borders in AD 2022. Bonus point if there is a common lenguage spoken by the vast majority of the population.
  12. No Rome:Seleucid civil wars still happen?

    if Gauls destroy Rome from existence in 390 BCE would Seleucid civil wars still happen lead to their conquest by parthians?
  13. Ides to Ashes: Planning Thread

    Hey everyone! I’m a longtime lurker on the forum, and I just wanted to gauge interest for a new project I’ve been working on lately: Ides to Ashes. The basic premise is that Julius Caesar avoids his infamous assassination, allowing him to accomplish most of his planned goals before his death...
  14. Frederick II of the HRE

    Regnum Romanum
    Threadmarks: Fall of Tarquinius

    Regnum Romanum By Fredrick II Book I From the fall of Tarquinius until the Gallish sack In 244 AUC (510 BC), Roman King Lucius Tarquinius Superbus went to war with the Rutuli, a very wealthy nation, whose riches Tarquinius was keen to obtain. However, the king failed to capture the...
  15. Roman Political Revival

    It's the late 1300s and the war of the eight saints have just kicked off. Italian city states ( mostly the Republics ) vs the French Pope . What if , somehow, seeing the current pope as nothing but an illegitimate pupet the population of the city of Rome itself revolt . Seeing this as a chance...
  16. An Expansive Alternate Timeline - The Riotous 5th Century

    Shalom, I would like to share the first stirrings of a new timeline I'm working on. The scope is so unfocused and the divergences so numerous that I've elected to name this timeline "the Riotous 5th century." Right now the starting date for the timeline is 451 AD - the year that Attila, seeing...
  17. U.S adopts the Roman Consular system

    Hello! This is my first post here ! I am German, english wasn't my native language , so please forgive me if I make any mistakes! The U.S was founded on HEAVY Roman and Greek influence. During its foundation, the age and power of monarchy was still strong if not universal. Conditions were...
  18. killertahu22

    AHC: A More Eastern Focused Roman Empire

    Hello! With a POD no earlier than 509 BCE (the foundation of the republic), make Rome "focus" more on the east! I.e., make Rome's expansion focus shift more towards the east than IOTL. The Romans are still able to conquer western regions such as Gaul and Iberia, but the focus should not be on...
  19. what if Archimedes survived the sack of Syracuse?

    Hi all, just watching Ancient Impossible on the boob tube and I saw an recreation of his steam cannon used during the Roman Siege of his city. The Copper steam vessel and attached tube/barrel (heated by an open fire) propelled the cannon ball 150 feet and totaled an old wooden speed boat. (look...
  20. kasumigenx

    Son of Yangtze, a Chu Timeline(Austric/Hmong Mien China)
    Threadmarks: Son of Yangtze

    On 2000 AD, a minister from the Chu Empire, whose language[1] is distantly related to the Southern Islanders[2] and the Kingdoms of the South would talk to the minster of Ligurian Empire in the East whose people are descendant of the Italic which was majorly swamped out by the Etruscans and...