latin america

  1. Aranda's memorandum: 3 kings under 1 empire
    Threadmarks: Chapter I: The memorandum

    The Count of Aranda Aranda was a former prime minister of Spain. He had taken control of the country after the Motín de Esquilache. His ability to renegotiate the demands with the uprisers and to pacify the situation made him the right hand of Charles the III of Spain during a certain part of...
  2. Post US Civil War, could the government resettle former Confederates in Latin America and the Caribbean? What would be the impacts of this program?

    Resettlement post wars, be they civil or otherwise, is fairly common throughout world history. After the American Revolutionary War, ~100k former loyalists were sent elsewhere. Post US Civil War IOTL, an unknown number of former Confederates settled elsewhere, such as Brazil or Mexico. But what...
  3. GameBawesome

    WI/AHC: Spanish Amazonas

    So, this is for a later POD on a timeline I'm writing. In OTL, Spain claimed the Amazon for themselves, but during the 18th Century, after redrawing of borders, the Portuguese controlled the Amazon. What if, the Spanish had explored and settled more of the Amazon during the 16th Century...
  4. FernandoPerla

    Japanese invasion of Latin America (WWII)

    I've read there's a Japanese document found by the Allies of WWII, in which a plan for an invasion of Latin America is detailed; specifically, a perimeter around the Panama Canal comprising Central America, parts of Colombia, parts of Venezeula, Ecuador, and Peru. I think it's called Tanaka...
  5. Brazilian WI: Ciro Gomes is elected president of Brazil in 2002?

    For a brief time during the first round of the 2002 Brazilian presidential race, former governor of Ceará and former minister of finance Ciro Gomes either led the polls or was just barely behind Lula, the favourite candidate and OTL winner. However, Ciro's numbers collapsed and he eventually got...
  6. Brazilian WI: Cristovam Buarque is reelected governor of Brasília in 1998?

    Elected in 1994, Cristovam Buarque (back then still a member of PT and an ally of Lula) served as governor of the Federal District for four years, from 1995 to 1999. His term was marked by social programs, the most famous of them being Bolsa Escola (the prececessor to Bolsa Família), large...
  7. Best case scenario for Brazil after a failed 1964 coup?

    Say that the coup against João Goulart fails for whatever reason - say more generals remain loyal, or the putchists control fewer important states (Carlos Lacerda, Magalhães Pinto, Ademar de Barros and Ildo Meneghetti all won their races by thin margins) - and the president remains in office...
  8. Brazilian dictatorship WI: Costa e Silva is assassinated?

    On July 25, 1966, a bomb went blew up in the Guararapes Airport, near Recife, killing 2 people and wounding 14 others. However, the main target of the attack, army general and future Brazilian dictator Artur da Costa e Silva, wasn't present because his plane malfunctioned and he traveled to...
  9. Brazil's Old Republic was overthrown in 1924?

    In July 5, 1924, a group of military rebels (the Tenentes) led by Isidoro Dias Lopes led a revolt in São Paulo against the Brazilian Old Republic and its president, Artur Bernardes. However, although they eventually took the city after a few days, by the time their control of it was secured they...
  10. Latin America in a Napoleonic Victory

    If Napoleon were successful in hegemonizing Europe and invades Britain soon after, what happens to his brother Joseph's empire in the Americas? They'd probably revolt, but was it possible for Joseph to keep the territories with France's aid. Also I've heard somewhere that latin America might've...
  11. "Revolution Plowed the Sea" What if Latin America was a Great Power?

    This is a series of maps originally posted to r/imaginarymaps that tries to portray a world in which Latin America became a Great Power through the alliance known as the "Panama Pact" and eventually getting into a Cold War with the German Empire, I'm not really sure how much lore I'm allowed to...
  12. 4bern1ng

    Order and Progress: A Brazilian TL
    Threadmarks: Note

    Order and Progress A Brazilian TL by kubitschek NOTE Hello! I have been a lurker for quite a time since the past months, and I have finally decided to write my first timeline. As such, I would love to receive, especially from the Brazilian community present here, any constructive criticism...
  13. Perón isn't overthrown in 1955, completes his second term?

    With a POD after 1951, could Argentine president Juan Perón do something to prevent the military coup that led to decades of instability, more coups, and dictatorships, the most brutal one by far being the National Reorganization Process? Could he have done something to diminish or perhaps...
  14. Mexico reforms in the 1970s?

    So I've made some research on prominent Mexican politicians during the 1960-70s, the most authoritarian years of PRI's perfect dictatorship, mostly because I was inspired by @Roberto El Rey's excellent TL. I eventually stumbled upon the name of Carlos Alberto Madrazo Becerra, who was governor of...
  15. A Drop in the Bucket: Brazil and Latin America in the Cold War
    Threadmarks: Part 1: A Divided City

    ------------------ Part 1: A Divided City Throughout practicaly all of Porto Alegre's republican history, most of its inhabitants had very little say in how the capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul was run. During the Old Republic, its mayors, like pretty much all other politicians of the...
  16. Brazilian WI: Carlos Lacerda doesn't become governor of Guanabara in 1960?

    This is a rather obscure WI so I'm calling in fellow Brazilians @Gukpard @Guilherme Loureiro @ByzantineCaesar @Gonzaga and @AdrianoChika. Carlos Lacerda was one of the more important political figures of the 1945-1964 era in Brazil. A journalist and politician who constantly agitated for a...
  17. Nixon's foreign policy if he's elected in 1960, especially to Latin America?

    Like it says on the tin. Would the Alliance for Progress still have happened? Would he have tried to get close to China like he did IOTL? What about the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis, would the latter still happen?
  18. GameBawesome

    CSA relations with Latin America

    With a POD, where the CSA won the war around 1862-1863, and gains independence from the USA, where does it go? The South IOTL had this idea, to conquer large swaths of Latin America, to create, the Golden Circle. But that could come later The question is, what would the Confederate States of...
  19. What would a stable Brazil actually look like?

    I've seen a lot of threads on the survival of Imperial Brazil or even a better Old Republic, but I haven't seen many that actually go into more depth about what this alt-Brazil would actually look like. For simplicity's sake (and my own personal preference) I'm just going to say the the Empire...
  20. Nationalist victory in China: consequences for the Cold War?

    Like it says on the tin. What could've been some major effects of the Nationalists winning the Chinese Civil war? Would the USSR focus most of its efforts in securing its empire in Europe, rather than trying to export communism to the Third World? Would we still have a Korean War? If so, Kim...