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  1. 2023 Turtledoves - (Closes (26/02/23) - Best Spaceflight and Technology Timeline Nominations and Seconds

    I second the nomination for Best Spaceflight and Technology Timeline: Reach for the Skies: A Space Mad USA in 1876 by NHBL
  2. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    The mate product popular in germany is mainly this:
  3. Ocean of Storms: A Timeline of A Scientific America

    wow, what a chapter. Really wondering how that will shake up the politics.
  4. Black Gemini: Two Stories of the Secret Second Life of America's Second Capsule

    Cant wait to see what is coming this time. Just a few days ago i reread Morning of the Maple Leaf and Dawn of the Dragon. Hope someday we will get to see some more of the Kistler TL.
  5. When you Wish Upon a Frog (Book II of the Jim Henson at Disney saga)

    Great Post, never got into Sailor Moon. Was more into DragonBall than magical girls. Im kinda sad to see that even with disney having a big impact with totoro and other anime movies they still go the way of renaming characters. Also im sad to see ash gone. I like that the mc and his main...
  6. When you Wish Upon a Frog (Book II of the Jim Henson at Disney saga)

    As long as the team overall makes a profit the stadium itself loosing money isnt really a problem . You cant have a team without a stadium though. A new metro to Anaheim surely would also help park attendance and might reduce congestion in parking/driving which should help getting more people...
  7. Battle Royale: The Last Generation Of An SNES-CD Saga

    Following this post i need to share this gem:
  8. America's Funniest President: Mo Udall Presidency & Beyond

    Interesting. I wonder if they will invest a lot more into nuclear reactors. The three mile island accident was only a few years back. But chernobyl hasnt happend yet.
  9. A Hippie in the House of Mouse (Jim Henson at Disney, 1980)

    I just finished my reread of this amazing story but now im wondering how this Disney is gonna handle the emergence of streaming and "youtube". With their involvment in hardware/software production for video editing etc. i could see them jumping on it super early compared to otl. I could see...
  10. Dollar gets a make over

    Dont think they could slash the value of the old bills for a long time. Only thing you really can change is that you cant pay with old money. You can still change d-mark into euros to this day at the central bank. The local banks did it for years after the euro change as well. And with dollar...
  11. Osman Reborn; The Survival of Ottoman Democracy [An Ottoman TL set in the 1900s]

    Im wondering about the amount of food they were still consuming. In Germany OTL they were down to around 1000 to 1500 calories during the harshest moments of ww1. A quick google check shows that currently a normal man should need around 2500 calories. So the amounts mentioned in your post look...
  12. Boldly Going: A History of an American Space Station

    Interesting design choice to move the lander with the ascent station. If there is just a slight hiccup with one of the mules during transport that could end up bad especially if you need to use all four of the available mules so no backup for that operation. Also how reusable are the habitats...
  13. A Hippie in the House of Mouse (Jim Henson at Disney, 1980)

    Disney with the D&D publisher. I wonder if they bring something like Astropia to the screen. The mix of real world and fantasy world could fit.
  14. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    IG Farben was only created in the years between the first and second world war. Bayer is far older than that. IG Farben was the merger of Bayer, BASF and a few other companies.
  15. A Hippie in the House of Mouse (Jim Henson at Disney, 1980)

    Lets hope Disney never gets into it like the japanese idol scene. Thought i could see something like Hannah Montana earlier.
  16. Silver Road and Golden Stripes, Yet Another Football TL

    Good showing from the dutch. Already had a song for their defeat prepared :)
  17. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    Not too sure about a motor racing track on tegel. Berlin could still have the avus( maybe even extended with dedicated modern racetrack(similar to nürburgring after the big round became unsuitable to newer races) since germany after ww1 is so...
  18. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    not sure about this: In germany normally the court serves all papers(And mostly just through the post. IIRC Personal serving should only happen after the person didnt react to it.). So Gregor should be a court official and there is no conflict of interest. Or he works for the lawyers working...
  19. A Hippie in the House of Mouse (Jim Henson at Disney, 1980)

    need to look through the posts but iirc it was an interview or flashback part. Edit: Couldnt find it. But maybe it was just me reading to much into the third idiot nephew post and than shoddy memory :)
  20. A Hippie in the House of Mouse (Jim Henson at Disney, 1980)

    Nice chapter but now im kinda confused about the timeline of events and posts. Didnt one of the earlier posts already cover the outcome of this? IIRC ron and roy reconciled. Still nice to see how it happend.