Dec 10, 2023 1 InfernoMole Apparently John Whitmire beat Sheila Jackson Lee and will now be the next Mayor of Houston. What do you make of it?
Apparently John Whitmire beat Sheila Jackson Lee and will now be the next Mayor of Houston. What do you make of it?
Aug 31, 2023 InfernoMole Hello! I wanted to ask you for some info on a state legislator that could be useful for a scenario or two What do you know about Erin Zwiener?
Hello! I wanted to ask you for some info on a state legislator that could be useful for a scenario or two What do you know about Erin Zwiener?
Dec 6, 2020 2 Steve Brinson Everything you learn becomes a brick in the wall of your understanding of the world. And a wall will still stand if a few miscellaneous bricks happen to be made of cream cheese
Everything you learn becomes a brick in the wall of your understanding of the world. And a wall will still stand if a few miscellaneous bricks happen to be made of cream cheese
Apr 26, 2020 1 Steve Brinson The earth’s not a square, it’s a circle. You like circles. Today is going to be a good day!
Jun 10, 2019 1 Steve Brinson My performative worship of Lyndon Johnson covers for my genuine conflicted admiration for Lyndon Johnson.
My performative worship of Lyndon Johnson covers for my genuine conflicted admiration for Lyndon Johnson.
Jun 10, 2018 1 Steve Brinson "Everything has already happened, you're just slow to experience it." -Jon Bois