Sep 12, 2020 Petike Nice to see you're still around. Feel free to read my new timeline (first signature link) whenever you'll have the time. Take care !
Nice to see you're still around. Feel free to read my new timeline (first signature link) whenever you'll have the time. Take care !
Jul 17, 2020 GauchoBadger I have a few ideas regarding the most recent WIP map you've posted, would you like me to elaborate?
Jul 30, 2018 GauchoBadger One more question related South Africa... have you ever thought of including a surviving Zulu empire on a map?
One more question related South Africa... have you ever thought of including a surviving Zulu empire on a map?
Jun 25, 2018 GauchoBadger Hey, i'd like to ask... have you ever tried doing a oneshot map about a Boer victory in the Second Boer War, including a Boer Cape Republic?
Hey, i'd like to ask... have you ever tried doing a oneshot map about a Boer victory in the Second Boer War, including a Boer Cape Republic?