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Malê Rising

This page serves as a record of all side-stories and spin-offs of the Malê Rising timeline by Jonathan Edelstein. The original thread and comments can be read on the forum here.

Note: All of these installents are located at the member side of the forum and thus requires an account for viewing the content.

A) The Surreal Urban Spectrum

Installment #1: Ten Pages from the Gazetteer of Time

A post about ten unusual cities, each one as unique as they are otherworldly. Based on a post about an in-timeline author.

B) The Neo-Galactic Universe | The Mutanda-Verse (based on in-timeline author)

Installment #2: The Stars That Bore Us (a more detailed rendition)

Here, Jonathan reworks the story by removing any elements related to the original TL and, in his words, “replaced them with flashbacks to earlier parts of the main character's life”. The protagonist is in search for a way to speak with the ancestors. However, his journey would take him to the ends of the galaxy, and beyond.

UPDATE: As of 2020, the short story can now be found off-site on

Installment #3: First Do No Harm

A poor medical trainee studies his hardest to become a proper surgeon and cure a disease that is ravaging his landlady, all in the shadow of a once-mighty metropolis.

UPDATE: as of 2015, the short story can now be found off-site on Strange Horizons

Installment #4: The Starsmith

A beginning blacksmith seeks a hand in marriage, but he must first prove his worth by smelting the near-unsmeltable.

UPDATE: as of 2016, the short story can now be found off-site on Escape Pod

Installment #5: Iya-Iya

An old woman reminisces her life that she once lived and the memories she held, in the process of weaving cloth on a distant colony. Off-site.

Installment #6: The Stranger in the Tower

A Mutanda-verse story that Jonathan wrote for the magazine Andromeda Spaceways in 2019. Unfortunately, there is no online version that is accessible.

Installment #7: Dark Eternity

Installment #8: And Where I Go In Dreams

C) The Past, or, The Fantastic Historia

Installment #9: Of Letters They Are Made

A lady storyteller and her children investigate the words of a long lost tale, set amongst a city at the edge of war.

UPDATE: as of 2017, the short story can now be found off-site on Beneath Ceaseless Skies

Installment #10: The Purim of the Philosophers

A Jewish official in service to the French crown visits a city under siege in an alternate medieval Europe.

UPDATE: as of 2020, the short story can now be found off-site on

Installment #11: The City of Kindness

Installment #12: The Speech God Understands

timelines/list_of_male_rising_spin-offs.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/13 02:28 by al-numbers

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