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The Commonwealth of Progressives, Socialists and Social Democrats

Ah, the Commonwealth of Progressives, Socialists and Social Democrats! Located in a theatre (the heart of culture), the CPSSD meet up and debate over various minutiae of leftism. Pictures of Karl Marx, Eugene Debs, Theodore Roosevelt, Clement Attlee, Tommy Douglas, Upton Sinclair, and several other famous leftists can be found in the ex-theatre. There exist a pub in the theatre where the CPSSD members can get drunk after a lengthy debate or argument. A log clubhouse exists opposite it, housing their rival, the Cordial Conservative's Club.

In reality, the CPSSD was founded by Megaman08 to counter the Cordial Conservative's Club and to unite the known-splitty left behind one political club. There is a membership roll, but it is very rarely updated and it is generally understood that anybody lefty who walks in can join. The second thread was made by Turquoise Blue.

If you're a leftist (progressive, socialist, socdem, communist, social liberal, whatever), you're welcome there, comrade!

offtopic/the_commonwealth_of_progressives_socialists_and_social_democrats.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:13 by

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