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Points of Divergence : Jews and Judaism

Judaism is the religion of the Jews, an ethnoreligious group originating from the Hebrews of the ancient Middle East. Jews have had a great influence on the development of Western Civilization, and thus there are many points of departure to consider. See also Israel.

This page lists links to discussions about various potential points of divergence in the religion's history - some more plausible, some more far-fetched, but all of them interesting options for alternate developments of Judaism and its interaction with other religions and predominantly non-Judaic OTL cultures.

Ancient PoDs

The Jews never leave Egypt

Temple not destroyed

Israel and Judah never deported

Judaism becomes the religion of the Persian Empire

Muhammad is Jewish

Jews become seafaring pirates

Challenge: Religiously Jewish Arabia (with a POD between January 1st, 303 and January 1st, 570 AD)

Know of any PODs or POD discussions ? Feel free to add them.

Medieval PoDs

Challenge: Religiously Jewish Arabia (with a POD between January 1st, 303 and January 1st, 570 AD)

World Religions without Islam

More peaceful co-existence of Abrahamic religions in Iberia

Could Jews have ruled their own cities in the Middle Ages ?

A Jewish monarchy in Christian medieval Europe

Could Jews have followed in the footsteps of the Crusaders and made their own holy order ?

Vladimir I. converts to Judaism

Discussion on a Jewish Russia

Plausibility check: Different relations between Catholicism and Judaism

An AH challenge concerned with having a Jewish state in Spain

WI the Jews of England were not expelled?

Know of any PODs or POD discussions ? Feel free to add them.

Early modern PODs

Challenge: A Jewish New World

WI/Challenge: Rise of Sabbatianism

Know of any PODs or POD discussions ? Feel free to add them.

Jews in East Asia

The possibilities of Jewish Mongols

AH Challenge: Jewish Japan with several short timelines

Know of any PODs or POD discussions ? Feel free to add them.

Jewish China

An in depth discussion with short timeline

Jewish Manchuria

Could China be majority Jewish by the present day?

Know of any PODs or POD discussions ? Feel free to add them.

Modern Day PoDs

Jewish Australia

WI: 50% or more of the US population was Jewish?

Would the Jews have moved to the American West?

Challenge: With a POD after 1750, Jewish settlers and natives in the Pacific Northwest create many small and medium businesses based on fisheries

Know of any PODs or POD discussions ? Feel free to add them.

Various PODs

Largest possible monastic state ?

Challenge: Largest possible Jewish homeland that isn't in the Middle East

WI: A sexually promiscuous Judaism

Know of any PODs or POD discussions ? Feel free to add them.

See Also


Israeli Points of Divergence

Alternate Israels

Points of Divergence concerning Christianity

Points of Divergence concerning Islam

Points of Divergence concerning Buddhism

Points of Divergence concerning Hinduism

Points of Divergence concerning various other religions

Points of Divergence concerning indigenous religions

Religious PODs Main Directory

Points of Divergence Main Directory