**2014-2017:** **4 March, 2014 -** Disney and Toei Animation jointly announce a planned Phineas and Ferb-Pretty Cure crossover to air around 2015. **3 September, 2014 -** Japanese PM Shinzō Abe approves a controversial constitutional amendment (pending approval in both houses of the Diet) that will amend Article 9 of the constitution and allowing Japan to field a army of its own. This clmes as tensions over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands continue to escalate **5 October, 2014 -** In a joint session of the Diet, the controversial "War Powers Amendment" passes by a wide margin. China and South Korea protest. **January 12, 2015 -** The first component in Japan's worldwide medical hub programme is established in Brazil as part of a multi-billion dollar endeavour to provide sophisticated Japanese-style medical care and expertise in foreign countries. The São Paulo centre is the first such iteration, specialising in cancer diagnostics and intensive regenerative therapy. With facilities set to be established in the Indo-Pacific, Middle East, and Eurasia, the latter focus even including branches in Russia and China, the rollout aims to expand the Home Islands' medicinal market to 1.5 trillion yen by 2020, in addition to the management of sixteen such overseas 'hubs.' (an expansion of the initial plan of ten in 2013) Further centres slated to be inaugurated before the end of this year are those in Hanoi, Abu Dhabi, and Khabarovsk. Administration is a joint public-private affair, with both the hands of the native and Japanese governments maintaining the hubs with the support of Japanese educational institutions and multinational corporations such as Tokyo Medical University and the Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. **18 June, 2015:** The Japanese space agency, JAXA, performs Stage 2 in tests to reduce the sonic boom of their experimental airplane designs. The test called D-Send #2 Drop Test uses an unmanned 7.7m model of experimental airplane S-Cube S3CM for short). The test is deemed a success, with the sonic boom impact dropping by more than a half for the design. **Mid-late 2015 :** Japanese Emperor Akihito dies, leaving Crown Prince Naruhito to take the throne, ending the Heisei Era. **June 14, 2016:** The Japanese government announces plans to build a trio of gas turbine-powered aircraft carriers in the 36,000-ton range, each one roughly 900 feet long and 110 feet in beam, and designed to handle 45 aircraft and with three catapults. The three carriers were provisionally named JS Fuji, JS Tate and JS Haku, after Japan's three "Holy Mountains". **March 15, 2017:** The JS Iwate (DDH-184) is commissioned into the Japanese Naval Forces as the second Izumo-class helicopter destroyer. **21 August, 2017:** The International Civil Aviation Organization sets into motion a set of regulations for the standard values for commercial aviation regarding sonic booms for super and hypersonic commercial airplanes. **October 1, 2017:** The People's Republic of China conducts naval wargames in the South China Sea with the Russian Navy, with both countries contributing an aircraft carrier. The exercise is closely watched by Japan and the United States, both of which are wary of growing military friendliness between China and Russia. **October 5, 2017:** In a surprise ceremony, the governments of the Russian Federation and People's Republic of China sign the Agreement of Mutual Assistance. It is a significant economic and military partnership, bringing the two countries closer economically but, more importantly to Tokyo and Washington, bringing China and Russia together as official military allies. Both countries, considering themselves victims of an aggressive American foreign policy, are feeling increasingly threatened and so have banded together to present a stronger defence against America as a deterrent against aggression. **November 20, 2017:** A Japanese F-2 fighter jet is shot down near the Senkaku Islands, triggering an international incident. Both China and Japan deploy forces ready for conflict, as does the US, while Russia puts its forces onto standby. **November 21, 2017:** An emergency session of the United Nations manages to gain an agreement from all parties to stand down their military forces, while not blaming any one side for the confrontation. The United States prepares to increase its military commitment in Asia, ready to double the number of troops deployed in Australia. **February 4th, 2018:** The Chinese Air Force announces the active service of the J-20 stealth fighter with serial production of several hundred models of the 5th generation fighter jet to begin later in the year. China also announces a marine version of the J-20 capable of landing on the flight deck of China's home build aircraft carriers, the first of which was launched from Shanghai in 2016. The completion of China's Beidou or compass gps system will allow the J-20 and other aircraft to carry out precision strikes aside from the civilian applications in mapping and navigation. China's official military budget surpasses $265 billion for 2018, surpassing the rest of Asia combined. It is more than four times the military budget of Japan. It is expected to surpass $350 billion in 2020. Several nations, including Japan and the Philippines, embroiled in territorial disputes with Beijing over minor islands, buy 5th generation aircraft from the United States out of fear of Beijing's growing regional military hegemony. Although the move is not specifically directed against China, Delhi announces plans to complete the purchase of the first batch of of 5th generation P-51 stealth jets, developed jointly with Russia by 2020. **[February 9, 2018] -** The Opening Ceremonies of the XXIII Olympiad in Pyeongchang take place, putting on an extravagant affair suited to the $6-8 billion thought to have been budgeted for the two-week spectacle, much of it on new sporting and transportation infrastructure. Of much note was the joint entrance of the North and South Korean delegations, heralding the flag of a United Korea (both teams still planning to compete separately). Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un is unexpectedly one of hundreds of international leaders to count themselves in attendance, sparking an intense media frenzy over the figure's intentions. Nonetheless, the celebrations would feature the longevity and richness of Korean history from the Goryeo to Joseon dynasties, including a dramatic in-stadium naval battle. Showcased was the country's longstanding naval tradition, as the medieval exploits of cannon-equipped Korean ships repulsed a reenacted Mongol invasion. Praised as setting a new cultural bar for the Winter Ceremonies, the event is watched and streamed by 2.5-3 billion people worldwide. **May 23rd, 2018:** US President Howard Dean formally inaugurates the trans-Pacific partnership in Manila. The trans-Oceanic pact includes parameters for the reducing tariffs and increasing trade, investment and cooperation in defense throughout the Pacific Rim. Founding members include the US, Canada, Mexico, Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Thailand, Indonesia, Panama, Chile, Peru, Nicàragua, Australia, New Zealand and South Korea. China has "observer" status while also leading the SCO and SREZ. Many observers see the TPP as a counterweight to China's growing economic and military power. However, China is the largest trading partner of every member and has particularly close ties with some of the Asian members including South Korea, Cambodia, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. The TPP is not a formal military alliance like NATO. Nonetheless, Japan and the Philippines breàth a sign of relief when Dean reaffirms American defense commitments to the Asia-Pacific region and promises to increase the America troop presence in Australia. The TPP highlights the complex, multifaceted nature of international relations in the Asia-Pacific region. It remains to be seen whether the TPP becomes the premier international body of the Asia-Pacific region or is gradually replaced by a Chinese led system due to that countries economic significance. **May 18, 2019-** The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) launches the world's first ever space junk cleanup operation, deploying a flexible magnetic 'net' into Low Earth Orbit (LEO) after liftoff from Tanegashima. Hailed by most astronomical scientists as a necessary step in ensuring the future safety of off-earth missions, as well as the continued operation of orbital communications satellites, increasing space traffic has multiplied the amount of space debris into the tens of thousands in recent years. With the casting of the 'net', JAXA chief administrator Naoki Okumura promises a full-fledged cleanup system as early as this December, with the primary goal being to preclude the possibility of the dreaded 'Kessler Syndrome.' Representatives from the ESA and the CNSA report studies into their own such projects, the latter hinting at the possibility of scientific collaboration with JAXA - the first such overture between either respective agency. **July 24th - August 9th, 2020: Tokyo Summer Olympics:** The Japanese capital hosts its second successful Olympics games signaling the nations rebound from the 2011 Tsunami and Fukushima nuclear disaster. Unlike Beijing, Sochi, Rio de Janeiro and Pyongchang, Tokyo does not build massive new stadia or transportation infrastructure improvements for the games since it's existing facilities are more than adequate. The expanded Russian Federation, China and the USA top the medals table with Japan placing sixth after Germany and Australia. This games marks the best Russian perfôrmance since the collapse of the Soviet Union which experts attribute to the inclusion of Belorussian and Ukrainian athletes on the Russian team as well as years of investment in sports facilities and training programs by Putin and Medvedev. The Chinese performance marks decades of investment in sports by that country as well. 3rd place marks the worst USA Summer Olympic performance in decades although still respectable by any standards. **August 9, 2020 –** The number of fast-charging EV stations exceeds 210,000 internationally. From Tesla Motors' continental Supercharger networks to the Japanese TEPCO consortium’s CHAdeMO grids, electric charging is estimated to have coverage over 90% of the developed world. Plugless charging is also in the race to power the world’s roads as parking spaces from Tokyo to New York accelerate the implementation of wireless charging pads, with power exchanged through streamlined transceivers. In another huge leap, the South Korean government leads the way in inductive charging, transforming all high-occupancy vehicle lanes in the country to enable mobile charging – which functions through sub-pavement electromagnetic fields. Seoul boldly vows to electrify all HOV lanes as early as next year to the tune of billions of won. **2021-2024:** **March 20th, 2022:** The 2022 Climate Change Action Conference finishes, with substantial promises from all governments in attendance. President Jones congratulated world leaders on the agreement, which she hopes will "slow or reverse the alarming rate of natural disasters the United States and the world now face". The agreement, which requires a vast investment in clean energy and sweeping fuel-efficiency standards, was ratified by every government in attendance, even after the Japanese envoys threatened to leave the table following the talk of substantial nuclear energy expansion in seismically active areas such as Japan itself. President Dean, who has remained fairly quiet on his successor's Presidency, congratulated her "valiant efforts to combat the most dangerous foe the United States faces today". **31 March, 2022:** JAXA releases their supersonic commercial airplane, the NEXST 3, for commercial deployment. Qantas and Japan Airways are the first too buy the JAXA NEXST 3 to run their America-Asia/Oceania routes. This is the first commercially available commercial jet to go into service since the grounding of the Concorde. **27 December, 2024:** Thousands of dollars in damages occur alongside 14 deaths are recorded as a block of sub-urban houses are flattened outside of Toronto as a result of a sonic boom coming from a Qantas NEXST 3. News reports equal the damage to a F3 tornado in strength. **2025-2032:** **3 January, 2025:** Results from investigations into the sonic boom created from the NEXST 3 in Toronto reveals a deadly issue with cold conditions and de-icing, destabilising the drag reduction and having an impact on the now famous “no power sonic boom”. All NEXST 3 planes are grounded in airports experiencing cold and icy conditions and their routes are replaced by older planes. **April 13th, 2025:** Japan announces the opening of the Tokyo-Nagoya maglev system, providing 300+ mph service between the two cities. This marks the successful completion of first phase of the Chuo Shinkansen system between Tokyo and Osaka, Japan's two largest cities. Although originally planned for completion by 2045, Japanese transportation planners pushed ahead the completion date for the entire system to 2030, which would reduce the commuting distance between Tokyo and Osaka to under an hour nonstop. **June 29th, 2026: ** Japanese investors announce plans to use Japanese maglev technology to help build a maglev link between Los Angeles and Las Vegas as part of a larger high speed rail system in the American southwest. They win out over rival bids by China and German multinational giant Seimens to build the Southwest Maglev System. Construction is due to begin later in the year with a 2029 target date for completion. **July 14th, 2026:** Despite the tragic Toronto sonic boom disaster, Jaxa announces plans to build off its success in supersonic passenger aviation with a manned lunar mission by 2035. Jaxa becomes the seventh nation or institution after the USA, Russia, China, the European Space Agency, India and Iran to plan or execute manned lunar missions. Jaxa hopes to follow up a successful lunar landing with a permanent lunar base, a goal echoed by other space faring nations. **February 19th, 2027:** Japan wins a contract for a high profile maglev connection between in the United Arab Emirates between Dubai and Abu Dhabi again outbidding its Chinese and German rivals. The scheduled date for completion is in 2031 with possible future extensions to Riyadh, Mecca, Jedda, Doha and Kuwait City. Despite the chaos engulfing much of the greater Middle East, the wealthy gulf states surge ahead with these and other infrastructure projects in collaboration with Japan and other foreign investors. The Arabian peninsula has seen huge increases in desalination, greenhouse farming and solar power generation in collaboration with foreign, mainly Chinese and Japanese companies. Dubai is the largest financial center of the Middle East by market capitalization. Despite a dramatic decrease in wealth, power and influence relative to fast growing emerging Asian economies led by China, India and Indonesia, Japan revives its reputation as producer and exporter of advanced technology and high quality products through its overseas medical clinics, advances in supersonic aviation and high quality maglev trains.