====== 'Before 1900' Forum ====== In terms of its historical scope, no discussion forum of AH.com beats the "Before 1900" Forum. Points of divergence discussions, general AH discussion and various timelines and other AH works are posted in this discussion forum if their point of divergence is set before the year 1900 AD/CE. The "Before 1900" Forum is actually younger than even the [[New Board]], being founded on the 4th October 2005. This is due to the fact that it and its sister forum, "After 1900", were originally a single forum, and were only split off into two forums by [[Ian]] in October that year. The single major discussion forum was a holdover from the days of the [[Old Board]]. The [[http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=21938|split]] was necessitated by the increasing amount of 20th century AH discussions in the first year and a half of the [[New Board]] - splitting the original big forum into two smaller ones helps with sorting and finding the discussions and works more easily, to readers and writers alike. ---- ==== Official forum description ==== //General discussion about alternate history scenarios where the divergence from real history occurs before 1900 AD. Post "what if" questions and talk about the results.// ---- ==== Master Link to the Forum ==== **[[http://alternatehistory.com/discussion/forumdisplay.php?f=6|Click here]]** ---- ==== Navigation ==== **[[AH.com Structure]]** **[[offtopic:off topic|Offtopic Section Main Directory]]**