Photos from Alternate Worlds

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Beautiful oil paintings of Soviet Mechs of the 1920s



Deleted member 82792

On March 3rd 2005 , this photo appeared on on the front cover of Britain's famous (read infamous) Challenger Mens Magazine as the first in a series of raunchy photos of a very sexy looking woman. Mostly this would have gone unnoticed by the general public, but these photos would end up causing a constitutional crisis that would divide public opinion in the empire and bring a government to it's knees. This was because the women in the pictures was Princess Victoria of York, second in line to the British, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, South African, Rhodesian, East African, West African and other Commonwealth thrones, future Empress of India as well as future head of the Anglican Church and Defender of the Faith.

So shocking was the revelation that the Most Powerful and Recognisable Woman in the world to be would offer her self up like this that reportedly the Rate of Heart Attacks across the Empire/Commonwealth skyrocketed by 30 percent. However, the real problems started when the Conservative Prime Minister Lord Milton condemned the pictures in parliament as "A disgusting display of everything that is wrong with Modern Britain", backing comments made by leaders of the Anglican Church earlier that morning. however, to his surprise, he was received with a public backlash, with up to 70 percent of people polled stating that the pictures did not hurt the Image of the Monarchy and 40 percent believing that it actually improved it. However, Princess Victoria stayed silent for most of the crisis, further fuelling tensions.... (Who wants more :))

(ps: yeah, i know it's Meagan Fox, but from the descriptions i wrote, she is the closest hot chick from OTL i could find and yes, i know it's from those Armani shots she did not so long ago but i didn't show what on the inside of the mag didn't i.)


I'd want her to be Queen....


(mediocre photo-manip, I know. I have limited tools, and blurring edges isn't my strong suit. Photo made using the torso of an SS officer and Ted Bundy's head.)

Lieutenant General and Prefect William J. McGrady, at the time Director of Field Operations for the Imperial State Security Department. A candid photograph of General McGrady, some time in early 3271, in conversation with another officer (out-of-frame). A war hero and civilian intelligence officer from a powerful and influential political family, William McGrady became the chief of the infamous and feared Security Forces upon its foundation in 3270. Some few years after this photograph was taken, he was promoted to Chief Marshal and Exarch, and the ISSD became the Ministry of State Security.
This photo was taken not long after he acquired his signature "rogueish" scar across his left eye and cheek, a wound the General refuses to comment on publicly. It is assumed, due to his participation in the sport, that it was a fencing accident.

Behind the scenes, William is a sadistic sociopath who has a long history of violent behaviour. Capable of boundless cruelty and utterly devoid of remorse, his acts only for his own aggrandizement or for the prestige of House McGrady.

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(OOC: modified painting of Joachim Murat by François Gerard)

A portrait, by renowned painter Fiona Fachtna McGrady, of State Security General Xander Vox, painted around 3277. Vox rose from an impoverished childhood in Scranton, Pennsylvania to become a successful mercenary, government intelligence agent, police enforcer, imperial bodyguard, and State Security officer. Commissioned a General in 3273, Vox headed the Personal Protection Department, responsible for the protection of the Dictator and other Republic VIPs, as well as being made Colonel-in-Chief of the Capital Police. In 3281, he was promoted to be Director of Republic Security, commanding a vast array of agencies and bureaus that investigated and prosecuted political and constitutional crimes, collected and analysed domestic intelligence, and handled the immense prison and corrections system. Viewed by many as a dashing and charismatic figure, his rivalry with fellow State Sec general officer William McGrady is legendary. He was ennobled following his generalship, and recognized as a distant relative of House Rycon, with the title Prince of Tycho. His elder half-brother, Brian Kessar, is a fellow State Security officer, and a corps commander in the Security Forces of McGrady's Field Operations Agency.

(OOC: Xander is, like William McGrady, a sadistic sociopath. Unlike McGrady, he didn't have a politically powerful and wealthy family to piggyback off of, so he had to make his own way, learning to be discreet and to emulate social cues better than most. He is cold and calculating, and desires only power and domination of those around him. To these ends, he has presided over a campaign of state terror and political repression on a scale never before seen.)

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