Peshwehr Lancers Redux: Latin America

Hawaii's Secretary of Defense Thomas had talks with the Brazilian Government regarding their request to purchase Hawaii' old carrier and 5 of the Weapons class DDG ( the weapons class was similar to the Charles F Adams class of the USN on our time line). The Brazilian Navy would gain 6 warships that were in excellent condition for a fraction of the cost of building new ships. The Secretary had spoken with the Prime Minister before he left and several times by phone from Brazil.
The Hawaiian House voted its approval of the sale of the 6 warships to Brazil. The vote was 314 in favor and 10 opposed. The opposition came from the Social Democrats and 5 members of the Liberal Democrat Party. The Vote however showed bipartisan support for maintaining ties with Hawaii's oldest friend in Latin America. The Brazilian Emperor and Government said that the agreement reaffirmed the strong relations between the two Nations.
The House Armed Services committee passed the new Naval budget which called for the construction of a further five Charles Bishop class destroyers. The third destroyer would be named the Wilcox after the former Prime Minister and the fourth ship the Charles B Kamehameha.
Brazil was asking for Hawaiian government to allow it to buy conventional powered submarines constructed by the Hawaiian Ship building industry. The submarines would be similar to a design that was going to be built for the Royal Hawaiian Navy. Brazil was also asking to buy 2 additional Weapons class destroyers.
Brazil's Prime Minister Flew to Hawaii to make the case for additional arms sales to Brazil. Brazil was determined to be the largest Military power in Latin America. Its Defense Minister felt that if Brazil was that big a power it would not face any threats from any of the other South American powers.
Brazil's Intelligence Service was carefully unraveling the thread that had been found in Bolivia. The Imperial Brazilian Army had a Special elite unite that was prepared to carry out an operation in Bolivia. Hawaii had moved a Special Unit to Peru to be there to Assist the Brazilians.
The Brazilian Intelligence Service located a site that a source indicated had information regarding the horror that had taken place in Africa. The Brazilian Army dropped a Special Forces unit a short distance from the building the Brazilians were wearing uniforms . The unit totaled 30 men and there was preparation to drop nearly 2 companies of elite Paratroopers to back them up. The Hawaiian Unit was placed on alert and 12 Royal Hawaiian Air Force F-14 H aircraft were in Peru and were prepared to carry out as strike aircraft.
In a small town in Bolivia the Brazilian Special Forces unit had stormed an estate. They had been reinforced by two companies of elite Paratroopers. The Hawaiians had landed their Special Fprces unit which had directed air strikes by the F-14Hs based in Peru against Bolivian armored unit nearby and against the nearsest Bolivian air Base.
The Brazilians used firepower and skill to overwhelming the defenders of the estate. The Brazilians welcomed the arrival of the Hawaiian as they had with them the people with the skill to go through the captured documents. The Royal Hawaiian Air Force's F-14 H struck the Bolivian Air Base and the armored unit that was nearby. The arrival of the Brazilian Paratroopers allowed s more determined defense of the estate. The Brazilians moved a Helicopter gunship unit to the area.
Intelligence experts were searching the estate for documents while those prisoners that were taken were removed to Brazil where they would answer questions. Several documents were uncovered.they were in Arabic, Turkish and Spanish. A Mixed Hawaiian _Brazilian team uncovered video tapes that were of interest as well as some maps. The Maps were transmitted both to facilities in Brazil and Hawaii. Uncovered were stored containers of Sarin Gas.
The information gained helped to enable the Group to move forward with its mission of finding those responsible for the mass murders in Africa and to ensure that nothing like it happen again.
The Brazilian Government was briefed upon what had been found out in Europe. There was strong concern regarding the threat. Brazilian officials asked more about the Black Cross organization> The Russian Government had informed the Hawaiian government that the Black Cross Organization seemed to trace its existence back to after the period of The Fall. It had gone from an organization that wanted to restore Russia to one that sought to destroy other countries to allow Russia to dominate the World. The Czar had ordered the elimination of the organization but Black Cross continued to survive the threat. He was shocked that they were part of the mass murder in Africa.
In Bolivia and Northern Argentina a series of explosions took place. It took a while for Argentine officials to reach the area of the blast but it was clear that someone had struck hard and fast. The Royal Hawaiian Air Force had provided air support to the Brazilian Special Forces. Using precision guided weapons the Hawaii n Special F-14H hit targets neutralizing defenses and thus allowing the Brazilians to strike hard and fast. Information and prisoners were taken and the facilities were rigged to be destroyed. In Bolivia a similar operation was carried out. Thus the treat in South America was removed.
An earth quake hit northern Chile causing landslides and destroying bridges and roads. Hawaii and Brazil offered assistance in helping to restore links with isolated communities.
In Argentina a Military coup overthrew the leftist government of the country. Surprisingly the Military government moved to end claims to the Falkland Islands. It was part of an effort of reform to improve relations with the British.
In Bolivia there was an uprising which overthrew the government which had gotten the country in such a mess. Brazil and the Northrtn power both offered to send peacekeeping forces to Bolivia. The new government accepted the offer.