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A small bit of Alternate History. I've always been fascinated with Mozambique and Portuguese colonization efforts in Africa.

After the discovery of a large reserve of natural gas and oil beneath the surface of the sea near Moçambique in 1982 the nation began to negotiate peace deals with the RENAMO anti-communist group which had plunged the country into Civil War a decade earlier. A Multi-Party System Government was set up for a breif time until the opposition was brutally crushed with the help of Soviet agents and intelligence.
Soviets invested heavily in Mozambique's Oil production as well as infrastructure in order to create a model communist nation in Africa from which to spread the revolution to all corners of Africa. Mozambique quickly adopted a Yugoslav-style market and working policy. Private investors from South Africa flocked to the oil rich nation; and began to establish international trade networks. In Modern times the nation is controlled by the ruthless Primier Ângelo Cunha who leads the nation more as a king than elected official. The nation is the 5th Highest Producer of oil after Iraq and the United States.

Larger Version Here

This is a map I made based off of the book The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia, by Alexander Dugin (or at least the summaries I could find).

The book is pretty much a plan for Russia to dominate the world, and end the control of the "Atlanticist powers" of the US and UK. This is accomplished by isolating the United States, getting the UK out of the EU, dismantling China and Turkey, and annexing lands that he thinks Russia should have. The Wikipedia article has a pretty concise summary of the finer details, so I won't repeat them here (

Because this whole scenario is pretty ASB, I haven't made a detailed write up, but maybe I will eventually; for now, there's this:

  • Russian intelligence agencies manage to get a successive wave of isolationist presidents elected. Coupled with Russian infiltrators causing racial tension across the US (Russian agents disguising themselves as police officers and executing people on the streets, then assassinating cops watching over the resulting protests), and recession after recession, the US is more concerned with internal affairs than playing world police man.
  • The UK withdraws from the EU, again due to Russian meddling, and has to deal with an economic crises and a new wave of both Irish as well as Scottish terrorism (guess who).
  • Far right parties rise up in both France and Germany, both of which are glad to see the UK leave, and both of which feel little obligation to defend the Eastern members of NATO.
  • Russia exerts it's dominance over Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland. Germany is bought off with Kaliningrad as well as influence over Estonia, while France is plied with favorable access to Russian energy.
  • All this global uncertainty is causing a massive recession in China, as well as an upsurge in separatism in the outer regions. Russia takes advantage, and China is unable to do much of anything. They accept the Russian compensation dominance over southeast Asia and the pacific.
  • Japan is afraid of China's new aggressive posture, and with the Americans preoccupied in North America, they almost leap at Russia's offer of the Kurils and an alliance.
  • With the help of Iran and Armenia, the Caucasus are divvied up, and the Kurds are given independence from Turkey.
  • The Russians are welcomed into the Balkans by Eastern Orthodox Christians who are tired of Western Decadence and oppression (at least that's how it's reported).
And there you have it: Russian Dominance over most of Eurasia, and the end of Atlanticist United States as the global hegemon.

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So basically break up and absorb all of Eurasia but troll Best Korea by letting them handle their own problems.

Oddly hilarious.

I've decided to start 2017 off right and finished this map just as the New Year happened (on the East Coast, at least). I started it quite a while ago but decided to finish it up a few hours ago to round out 2016.

It's just a fairly simple map of a ATL where Norse settlement in Newfoundland are a bit more substantial and the area mirrors what Iceland does OTL (staying relatively isolated for a few centuries, coming under the domination of a Norse empire, eventually regaining independence and becoming a small, yet rich country). I can't take credit for either the flag or the coat of arms (I give all thanks to Kristberinn on deviantart for the coat of arms and much to google images as well for making it the first result).

Have a good new year everyone, let's hope it's a bit better than the last.
Happy New Years! To start the year off right, here's the next installment of my hyperdetailed British isles map (rivers were hell). Feedback encouraged!
This is a map I made based off of the book The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia, by Alexander Dugin (or at least the summaries I could find).

The book is pretty much a plan for Russia to dominate the world, and end the control of the "Atlanticist powers" of the US and UK. This is accomplished by isolating the United States, getting the UK out of the EU, dismantling China and Turkey, and annexing lands that he thinks Russia should have. The Wikipedia article has a pretty concise summary of the finer details, so I won't repeat them here (

Annexing half the world and leaving Estonia independent is certainly a novel concept :)
last ship america evolution.png

WorldA patch for the New Civil War in season 3 of The Last Ship (so, spoilers if you want to see it.)

The first map shows the situation of the United States upon the arrival of the Nathan James, a lone Navy destroyer trying to save the world from a virus that has wiped out ~80% of humanity. The remnants of the government are holed up in Baltimore, and with the death of most of the upper echelons have degenerated into a pseudofascist social darwinist state burning people for fuel. What state governments survive have fallen out with Baltimore and cling to the east coast. The rest of the country has no effective government, being scattered survivor groups.

After thoroughly kicking the ass of the Baltimore government, the Nathan James' crew install the rightful president in the Line of Succession, who moves the the capital to St. Louis, inland and not hit as bad as the coasts. Since most state governments are defunct, the US is divided into transitionary, highly autonomous Regions: Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest and Northwest. Island possessions, Alaska, and Hawaii, not shown, are put under direct U.S. Navy administration.

Unfortunately, the Regional Governors and a Presidential Aide, with the secret assistance of the survivor Chinese government, plot to overthrow the national government and transform the US into their own private fiefdoms. They initially succeed, but the Navy Territories denounce them and blockade the pacific coast. They become a loose alliance of nations with St. Louis as a neutral city-state.

The Northwest governor has second thoughts and tries to defect to the Navy Loyalists, but is discovered and killed. His region is folded into Southwest.

Then, however, Navy Loyalists perform another coup and fold the west Region into the Navy US remnant. With half their territory gone, the rest fall soon thereafter and the government returns to St. Lois. The Regions' autonomy is curbed significantly.
Am I the only one who thinks Serafim and his maps are one of the best things to ever happen here? His work goes all too unnoticed.
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