Map of the Fortnight: Main thread

East is West, West is East
Make a map in which Asia and Europe switch places in history (i. e. Asia regards itself as the 'center of civilisation' and starts to spread their ideas and themselves to other parts of the world, while Europe is dominated by two native empires and Asian colonies).

I like this! As for getting suggested, I believe there's been a map about it in the map thread.


I like most of these.

Here is my suggestion:
East is West, West is East
Make a map in which Asia and Europe switch places in history (i. e. Asia regards itself as the 'center of civilisation' and starts to spread their ideas and themselves to other parts of the world, while Europe is dominated by two native empires and Asian colonies).

I'm not sure whether this has been suggested before, but I still like it.

Interesting, but I think you put a few too many restrictions in; especially with the "two native empires" part. There was a suggestion similar to this called "Cradle of Civilisation", I believe, in which the idea was for the dominant centre of the world was to be somewhere other than Europe (realistically the centre of civilisation would still have to be in North Africa, the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, South-East Asia or China). What would you say to that?

An Enemy Without Boundaries: Create a map depicting a transnational threat which isn't a traditional state. It could be a drug cartel, a mafia, a terrorist group, a destructive cult, or anything similar.
Gold!: A map showing the aftermath and/or effects of a gold rush in a region, or a rush for a similarly valuable resource. Before and after maps are possible.

I like these two suggestions too.
Interesting, but I think you put a few too many restrictions in; especially with the "two native empires" part. There was a suggestion similar to this called "Cradle of Civilisation", I believe, in which the idea was for the dominant centre of the world was to be somewhere other than Europe (realistically the centre of civilisation would still have to be in North Africa, the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, South-East Asia or China). What would you say to that?

All right. That works fine.
Scarecrow, that's a pretty cool map. But I can't help think it sounds a bit like like an Alternate History written by Glen Beck. :D

Oh, another suggestion:

The World of the Future: you are a skilled map-maker and futurist of any year between 1915 and 1985, and you have decided to draw the world (or a particular region of interest) in the futuristic year 2010. Note that you can be an inhabitant of any country as well as any of those years.

Oh, another suggestion:

The World of the Future: you are a skilled map-maker and futurist of any year between 1915 and 1985, and you have decided to draw the world (or a particular region of interest) in the futuristic year 2010. Note that you can be an inhabitant of any country as well as any of those years.


I had a brain-jolt just then reading your idea - "why 2010 in particular?"

It took me a moment to remember that 2010 is not, in fact, the future.
Might I suggest a generic "100 years from now", but keep the range, so if the map maker is from 1915, the year the map is in in 2015, etc. I like the idea, but think restricting all maps to 2010 would be a bad move.


The voting for MoF 24: Nothing Lasts Forever is over!
And the honoured winner is:


Trovador's map of an alternate Japan that was conquered by Portugal, then played host to the exiled Portuguese monarchy before later becoming a republic shows an interesting alternate historical oddity which was certainly unique amongst the entries we got for this round. Well done, old boy!

Anyway, I've gotten together some of the more popular suggestions from the last few pages of the old discussion thread. If I missed any popular suggestions, please do point them out/repost them.

5 minutes to midnight
Show a world on the brink of destruction.​
My idea. I admit it might need a little work.:eek:

Manifest Destiny

Many countries believed it was their god-given right to expand.
Create a map showing a country with this belief that it is destined to expand and grow, and uses it to justify its own aggressive imperialist expansion.
It could be a country that never expanded (much) in OTL, or one that did, but if so
in this world does in another direction.
An Australian state decides it is destined to rule Indonesia.
The founding fathers of the USA decide to concentrate on liberating Canada before expanding west.
The Tsar chooses to ignore the Siberian wastelands to the east and instead concentrates on expanding into Poland. Or Scandinavia. Or Turkey.
The rulers of Sweden/Poland/Ottoman Empire decide to do the opposite.

Note this should not just be Germany wants to expand into Belgium to get acces to the Channel Ports. The nation must have a deep, ingrained belief it is destined to expand in this way (see, therefore it would probably be pre-1900. Lebensraum I suppose would be the exception, but if you were making a map of Germany it would have to expand West or North or South rather than East as it did IOTL.
Here's a suggestion

The North-South Divide
In OTL the Cold War was described as an ideological struggle between East and West, while the North/South division was one of prosperity versus poverty.
Reverse this. Set up a Cold War-style ideological conflict between two equal power blocs, one based in the northern hemisphere and one in the south.
Extra points if there is also a prosperity/poverty divide of east and west.

No restrictions on POD, with world maps preferred but regional ones accepted too. Potential?
The Enemy of My Enemy

Instead of WWII having capitalist and socialist countries fight against fascist countries, this world has the fascists and the capitalists team up against the socialists. The Allies win WWII, but are horrified to find that the vacuum of power is being filled by their former allies the fascists. Exhausted and wartorn, neither side wants to risk another conflict, and a Cold War between the capitalists and the fascists sets in. Create a map showing the situation prior to, during or after this world's WWII, or during or after this world's Cold War. Maps can be from 1920 to the present day. Note: Countries that were capitalist, fascist or socialist in our timeline need not be in this one.​

Apart from the above the suggestions I'm considering at the moment are "East is West, West is East/Cradle of Civilisation", "Gold!" and "An Enemy Without Boundaries". I'll try and choose whichever suggestion is the most popular.
I'm liking North-South the best too, as well as the Enemy of my enemy, seeing as the Cold War is a popular time, and both of these can mix up the standard forumlas.
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Scarecrow, that's a pretty cool map. But I can't help think it sounds a bit like like an Alternate History written by Glen Beck. :D


Thanks. It does:confused: I don't know that much about Glen Beck tbh.

My aim was for the more Brave New World sort of dystopia, hence drugging the lower classes into servitude. My one regret is the locations of the resettlement zones. American posters, are the areas selected bleak enough?

I like An Enemy without boundaries and Gold myself for the next round.
American posters, are the areas selected bleak enough?

I've lived in Laramie for a year. There is no way that area would support the amount of people you have the Americans sending southerners to. I can't speak for the other areas, but the Laramie sector will probably be the site of mass starvation.
I've lived in Laramie for a year. There is no way that area would support the amount of people you have the Americans sending southerners to. I can't speak for the other areas, but the Laramie sector will probably be the site of mass starvation.

That's kind of the point
I'm gonna go ahead and say it....I really think From Salted Earth through Burning Sky is by far our best MoF contest ever in terms of quality.

Everyone gets five :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool: for their works. Win lose or draw this one has been f'in excellent


Can we please have an index post containing links to all previous MoF contests?

Ah, someone PMed me asking whether it would be alright for him to make such an index, but I can't remember who it is. I'll trawl through my inbox and see if I can find them later.
Ah, someone PMed me asking whether it would be alright for him to make such an index, but I can't remember who it is. I'll trawl through my inbox and see if I can find them later.

It was I who PM'ed you about the thread a while ago. I was stuck in the process of figuring out how to make an easy-accessible thread. I thought about posting each MOF-link in a separate entry. But that would mean I would have to start with the oldest MOF-challenge as the first entry in the thread, as future MOF-challenges would be entered at the end of the thread.

Any helpfull ideas or suggestions on how to do such a project are welcome.