Look to the West -- Thread II

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I'm actually thinking France, which is looking to be the only great power left standing on the continent after the Popular Wars.

What about Russia? I would also say Saxony counts as a great power, at least after this is over. Definitely the smallest and weakest, like OTL Prussia, but a great power nonetheless.
I'm actually thinking France, which is looking to be the only great power left standing on the continent after the Popular Wars.

France probably will democratize further after the Popular Wars, but there's no reason for it to fully change its government.

A further point I forgot to make earlier: Why doesn't France gobble up the BEIC? Churchillian Britain did claim it, and the Company refused to take Imperial leadership, so France has a pretty good reason to move in there and "sweep up the remains of the Churchillian regime" (despite the fact that the Company is independent of the late Churchill's power).

One more: Thande has mentioned that there would be a "Texas-analogue" elsewhere in North America, and I'm led to believe that the Superior Republic is said analogue. It seceded from the ENA to join the 7/13 Fires Confederacy, and given the Empire's troubles down south, Dashwood's ploy may be successful. With the addition of a relatively well populated Superian Peninsula, which is both full of skilled labor and rich in mineral deposits, Dashwood's Confederacy looks like it has a bright future ahead of it, especially if the Ottawa and the Howden are open to close relations (which they would most likely be, out of resentment for having been all but dependent on the ENA/13 Colonies for so long).

Then again, the potential "reverse West Virginia" could also be the Texas-analogue. If significant portions of Virginia secede and get support from Carolina, the Virginia Crisis would blow up into more than a dispute over slavery, it would be a challenge to Imperial/Federal authority, which has been all-but absent ITTL up to this point.
A further point I forgot to make earlier: Why doesn't France gobble up the BEIC? Churchillian Britain did claim it, and the Company refused to take Imperial leadership, so France has a pretty good reason to move in there and "sweep up the remains of the Churchillian regime" (despite the fact that the Company is independent of the late Churchill's power).

It would endanger the profit of the FEIC who would challege the most powerful European company in India. Besides, the BEIC would probably accept Frederic as the rightful king of Britain and receive support from the ENA rather than face the French without any non-Indian backing.

Now I feel embarassed:eek:

So my point about Carolina was off; all it's getting out of this is Jamaica. Assuming it gets the HBC (and the Falklands?) New England is the real winner.

Thanks for the India thing; I had somehow missed the entire contents of that post; it was like two LTTW updates in one day :)p). I still think the Popular Wars (and the 1820s) warrant some kind of India update; in particular, the decline of the Portuguese Empire would probably see some kind of effects in India. Unless, Jacobin Wars-style, India is the big exception to everything.


A few people have said they want an India update, but to be honest nothing of moment is really happening there--there's stuff that builds up to big things later, but you can't really do a post on that. I suspect events in India will get lumped in when I move back to China and Japan. Remember the British and French are equal partners in the India Board cartel (along with the Portuguese, while the Danes are a lesser partner and the Dutch are on the other side of the fence blowing raspberries) so you don't get the whole "chaos in Britain = let's grab all their stuff" attitude. In any case wars in India between the colonial companies and their native allies were always somewhat disconnected from the relations between the parent countries elsewhere in the world. In many ways the FEIC and BEIC feel closer to each other than either do to their parent countries' governments. In some ways this is better for India. In others...well, that's another story.

Re South America, I want to close the Popular Wars with concluding events there, which is why I haven't written about it for a while.

A comprehensive list of what the ENA grabbed thanks to Eveleigh's policies: the Hudson's Bay Company (although the HBC continues as a corporate entity and in practice little has changed on the ground), the Falkland Islands, the colony of New Kent in Antipodea (neighbouring New Virginia was already considered under ENA authority), Jamaica, the Bahamas (including the Turks and Caicos Islands), Bermuda (which the Virginians had already claimed thanks to some colonial charter dating back to the 1600s), the British Virgin Islands, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, St Lucia, Barbados, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Mustique, Grenada, and Tobago. Trinidad, Miskitia and the former British Honduras were all already part of the Empire of New Spain, and British Guyana never existed in TTL. Puerto Rico is part of the Empire of New Spain and Guadaloupe and Martinique are still French, though in practice now administered by the Grand Ducal Louisiana government in Nouvelle Orléans.
Thande has mentioned that there would be a "Texas-analogue" elsewhere in North America

it also could be that the texas analouge is just the cherokee empire that we all already know. there's also been talk that it's louisiana.

besides, superior doesn't fit the pattern very well. (settlers from country A move into the borderlands of country B with the end result of said borderlands joining country A with a brief interlude of independance) or at least doesn't fit yet. or is the analogue supposed to be to an independant texas?

great update, though calling it the "democratic experiment" is a bit ominous, at least to my ears. such terminology makes it sound like ultimately the experiment failed.
besides, superior doesn't fit the pattern very well. (settlers from country A move into the borderlands of country B with the end result of said borderlands joining country A with a brief interlude of independance) or at least doesn't fit yet. or is the analogue supposed to be to an independant texas?
From the way you describe things, they remind me rather more of the Voertrekkers.

By the way, Thande, I'd really appreciate some more TABAE.
What about that small colony in Taiwan why didn't the ENA capture it?

Probably for the same reason all other British colonies in Asia and Africa weren't captured either. The BEIC and the RAC are off-limits.

After dialogue with the East India Company, the Americans ruled out trying to move into Natal or Guinea, which remained close to Churchill (and in the case of Guinea was strongly influenced by the Freedonia colony and the free blacks’ hatred of men like Eveleigh). Thus while the Old World trading companies continued to stand on their own two feet, all the British colonies in Antipodea and the Americas fell under American control.

In addition, the North Americans would need the approval of the government of Feng China.
Taking the last stable European territory in Formosa would not have been worth the effort.
I thought that Carolina would absorb the remainder of the British West Indies sooner or later. That's going to make the Great American War*...interesting...to say the least, since it will have a much larger (and more equal) naval component compared to the OTL American Civil War.

I'm guessing the "Democratic Experiment" involves the ENA trying several kinds of democratic procedures, until it eventually settles on one version during/after the Great American War.

I thought that there was at least one crown colony along the West African coast. Which one was that? :confused:

I'm interested in how big the Republic of Superia gets, since there's a potential to absorb large parts of Prince Rupert's Land. (There's a reference to the "President of Superia" in the 20th century in an earlier post.) I can imagine ATL versions of Dave Howery clamouring for the annexation of Superia, while most of the ENAwankers want to conquer California, Louisiana, the *Mormon part of the Southern Cone, etc... :D

*Which, I assume is to do with the thing that rhymes with "blavery"... :D
I thought that Carolina would absorb the remainder of the British West Indies sooner or later. That's going to make the Great American War*...interesting...to say the least, since it will have a much larger (and more equal) naval component compared to the OTL American Civil War.

I'm guessing the "Democratic Experiment" involves the ENA trying several kinds of democratic procedures, until it eventually settles on one version during/after the Great American War.

I thought that there was at least one crown colony along the West African coast. Which one was that? :confused:

I'm interested in how big the Republic of Superia gets, since there's a potential to absorb large parts of Prince Rupert's Land. (There's a reference to the "President of Superia" in the 20th century in an earlier post.) I can imagine ATL versions of Dave Howery clamouring for the annexation of Superia, while most of the ENAwankers want to conquer California, Louisiana, the *Mormon part of the Southern Cone, etc... :D

*Which, I assume is to do with the thing that rhymes with "blavery"... :D

I have a feeling California will eventually be taken by the ENA.
Thande. You, sir, have my utmost respect and deepest jealousy. G** D*** you for being so good at this!

And a side note...

Stop asking about that. I've given up on it. Failed experiment.

What's TABAE? Not to detract from LTTW, by any means, just a curiosity.
Hang on... did the Hudson Bay Company lands all just get added to New England? (In which case: :eek::eek:) Or are they federally-administered territories?
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