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Could you please break your own rules and combine several flags into a single post? Or could you start your own thread for all of these? I don't think that it's fair that you're about to hijack this thread with 200 or so posts.
yea i kinda see that now, and i will take your advice and create a new thread, thanks man/ma'm!
A Fascist America; overly centralized, every connection to states (and their rights for that measure) are erased even on the flag.
The 13 bars now represents the 13 districts created to have an equal population and industry, the three stars are the three military branch (the army being the bigger one) and the eagle symbolize the unique central government.

(heavily influenced by the Brotherhood of the east in Fallout)

The red disc reminds me of Japan. Have you tried it a blue disc? I think that might look more American.
The red disc reminds me of Japan. Have you tried it a blue disc? I think that might look more American.
Fascist america blue.png

Yeah, I guess it is more ''American''
*gasp* ohhh thats what i was just thinking, your a genius! thank you so much! :D

Edit: sorry wrong emoji :mad:

would it have been better in the form of a soliloquy ?

*cough* *cough*


SCENE 1 (interior)

Marcopasquino (enters stage left)
Thou dost post flags whose originality is nary but coloration.
how absurd then an off-white flag whose whiteness is its main definition
shall we believe that it was from thee only an error ?
nay, I say cease this, it should be a matter of honour.
be bold and imaginative, I'm sure thou can be most excelent
and quell this ill will that posters become less virulent​

also about the comment earlier, i was just being sarcastic (if it wasnt obvious) and if it was a complement, why thanks i took it as a "you cant make good flags all you do is recolor and (more relatable to me) copy someone elses" kind of comment. (i mean the one from the top of the page) so yea
I was just messing around with random shapes and...

Flag of Norwegian territories under the occupation of fascist Great Britain

well here the next 3, Andorra, Angolia and Antigua and Barbuta. Quick notes: i have changed the size qualification from 600x400 to 300x200 in regards to @MovingtargeT 's comment, thanks! also some flags are pretty good on their own like Albania and from now on i will be not posting flags in my list that i personally believe are pretty good like the Austrian flag and the Czech flag for example so yea with out further adue!

colors: red: 213-0-0 blue: 0-0-160 yellow: 255-242-0
symbolism (finally spelt that right!): the red and yellow come from the Spanish flag and the red and blue come from the French flag.
changes: i took out the crest in the middle and it looked like the Romanian (and chad) flags so i swiped the red and blue to make it more distinct

colors: red: 213-0-0
symbolism: black represents Africa, red stands for *sigh* "the blood of those who fought for there freedom" (yea yea we get it) and the white represents the peace and prosperity of the nation and the star its self stand for the (now) Democratic/Republic party (used to be yellow for the communist party)
changes: this flag is based on the old flag for Angola before they changed to their current one (which is not bad) i personally dont like the yellow so i changed it to white and it doesnt look half bad!
Antigua and Barbuda:

colors: red: 206-17-38 blue: 0-114-198 yellow: 252-209-22
symbolism: sun represents the "dawning of a new era", black represents the ancestry of the people, blue represents hope and the Caribbean sea, white represents the beaches and the red stands for the vibranncy and energy of the people.
changes: honestly the original flag is very good and i was hesitant to change it, but the 2 triangles always just didnt look good to me so i tried several ideas until 3 were left this and a flag with 2 red verdical strips on either side representing the 2 islands, just on verdical strip. it was a tough call but this one looked very good to me.

there you go! next will be Argentina, Armenia and Australia! i hope you like this new format and as always, hope ya like!


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Alternate Taiwanese naval ensign.

Perhaps if Taiwan was a UK colony or something of the sort that got decolonized in the late 20th century, but they decided to keep the UK-style ensign afterwards, like India and Sou'frica did.

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Alternate Taiwanese naval ensign. Perhaps if Taiwan was a UK colony or something of the sort that got decolonized in the late 20th century, but they decided to keep the UK-style ensign afterwards, like India and Sou'frica did.
Why is there a KMT party flag up there?
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