Another American TL

Hey guys,

Sorry for not posting anything as of late, I had SATs today, and I spent a good deal of time this week studying for them. I'm working on the next update now, and hoping to get it out sometime tommorrow
Well guys, I'm back

The New Frontier

Following the inauguration for Burr’s second term, the United States had a lot of prime real estate to settle. They now controlled everything west of the Mississippi that was not claimed by the Revolutionary Mexican Government. Burr would make a change to his cabinet and replace Jefferson with Elbridge Gerry, famous for being involved with the XYZ affair

But, with all the new land, arose the familiar question of where will slavery end. Burr, being one who despised slavery tried to urge the House of Representatives and the Senate to help him stop the spread, but to no avail. The Republicans to South needed the slaves to continue cotton and other cash crops while the Federalists to the North saw them as a necessary evil. Burr would not get his wish and slavery was allowed to spread westward, taking a large foothold in the Florida and Central to Southern sections of the purchase.

During the time period, the Royal Navy had been a real pain in the United States side. They had been raiding small trade ships that were being sent to France, along with taking sailors from American Ships and forcing them into their navy. This had started to anger some of the Americans back home, and that coupled with the arming of Hostile Native Tribes had brought a lot of Republican politicians to the idea that maybe they may have to fight the English yet again. But this was harmful to Federalist shipping to the north, and they had came out and said that unless there is a direct attack on an American Vessel they will not ok an attack on England.

Burr wanting to prepare incase of such a time had requested that Secretary of War Dearborn to raise the standing army to the north to be to 35,000 men and to the south 25,000, with reserves to be at 50,000 thousand for each army. The English had by the best American estimate 15,000 true British Redcoats and then 30,000 Canadian troops. To go with this, the US Navy was told to move two small frigates into Lake Erie in case of war. The canal systems that had been started by Hamilton, had been under construction for the last eight years, had almost been completed and were estimated that they would be completed sometime in this Presidential Term. These canals would prove vital to moving troops and supplies in times of war.

The French Empire led by Napoleon had sent diplomats to discuss the idea of a joint invasion of English Possessions, the Americans taking over Canada and the Caribbean islands while France would receive Portugal and the rest of the colonies. Burr along with Secretary of State Gerry would politely decline the idea citing that America was not looking for another war.

Back to Washington, Senator Henry Clay and other Republican Senators the would put forth the American Plan, a series of acts that would be used to help to better both the infrastructure along with helping to move people out west. Two important acts that he would use are the Homestead Act and School Act. The Homestead act would sell discounted land but you had to prove that you were improving it by say building a house, or farm. While the School Act would help to set up Government Schools out in these newer territories and the states back east. These schools are there to help create a smarter, more knowledgeable population. These acts would help to push his hat into the ring for the next presidential election.

With the new territories would come, new Native American Tribes that would not be as open to American Laws. In the Mississippi and Tennessee area the Red Creek Indian Tribes would rise up and start raiding towns. The Army stationed in the area, the 8th Battalion under the command of the young Andrew Jackson, would march out and begin the wild goose chase to find them. They had small skirmishes here and there withering done the war party till they were surrounded at the village of Alabama River. There Jackson and his men would annihilate the town. The battle of Alabama River would go down as one of the most horrific battles against the Native Americans. Aside from the regular warriors being killed, in the confusion women and children were also killed. Jackson was reprimanded for the careless actions of his troops but that was it. Later on, the Seminole Tribe in Florida would also begin harassing settlers in Florida. Jackson and his 8th Battalion were once again given the order to end the harassment. This time however, it would be much less notorious with Jackson putting down the War Party quickly.

The end to Burr’s term would be uneventful with nothing of note happening. The Election would come to James Madison against Rufus King and Madison would win easily.
Yeah I guess he might get his New Orleans, but wasn't it the " Acquisition " of Florida that made his name " Sparkle...:p " to the Electorate.

Yeah pretty true. The Futures still in the air, but Madison won the next election as I said before.
A New Alliance and A New War

Napoleon would marry Maria Louises and gain a powerful ally, in the Austrian Army. He would have a son with her, Napoleon Bonaparte II, and with an heir he would begin looking for a new target. Portugal was out of the question since the Americans would not join him, so that left either Africa or the German areas across the Rhine. He would choose the Rhine, and set a meeting with Emperor Francis II to discuss the splitting up of the territories. They decided that most of central Germany would return to Austria, while Prussia and Poland would both go to France.

But before their plan would even get off the ground, a Prussian Informant would get a hold of the information, and return to Berlin to warn them. This news would rattle the Prussians cage, and that was not a good idea. They would quickly write to England, and they would agree that if France was to go to war against Prussia, then England would support and help fight against them. They would write to both Sweden and Russia, Sweden would decline but Russia agreed to help at least fight against the Austrians. Together they would stand together against them, but this was all kept a secret from the French and Austrians. They silently were mobilizing the reserves and even Poland would raise their army. They developed a plan to open the war on as many fronts so that the French and Austrians would have to keep their armies smaller than the combined Allied Army, an Anglo-Portuguese Army fighting in Spain, A Russian-Prussian army in Austria, and an Anglo-Prussian army fighting France.

The one wild card would be the Mediterranean Republic, they had changed their name after the French Conquest of Spain, while they had no love for their French brothers they also didn’t want to support the English and Prussians either so Girard-Roux would sit on the sidelines for this war.

The French army would cross the Rhine River on the March 12, 1814 and would declare war on the Confederation of the Rhine, while the Austrians would take them on from the East. The Confederation would fall quickly, there army was no where near able enough to handle a war against two empires. The French would gain the Luxembourg, Hannover, Baden, Hessen-Kassel,and Oldenburg and the Austrians would gain Saxony, Bavaria, and Wurttemberg. The Prussians following this would move all troops to the hostile borders and began building fortifications. The Franco-Austrian Army would need to pacify the new German inhabitants, they were forced to wait till the summer before invading Prussia. This gave the Prussians time to create a massive and intricate series of Earthworks.

On June 22, 1814, the French would begin their invasion, the 1st French Army under the command of Auguste Jean Ameli crossed over the Prussian-French border at Boizenburg, but they would be immediately stopped by the Prussian army led by Prince Augustus and their Earthworks.The French army had taken over 25,000 casualties in the couple of days just trying to push back the Prussians at Neu Gulze. They would eventually succeed but they had taken too many casualties and were forced to wait for reinforcements. The Battle of Augustus as many referred to it, would be a pyrrhic victory, while they had pushed back and beaten the Germans, they had failed to truly beat the Prussians. Prince Augustus would fall back but his army was much more intact than his French Counterpart, and planned to retake New Gulze. To the South, the Austrians would launch their attack with the 1st Austrian and 3rd Hungarian Armies and both would meet similar fates to their French allies.

The declaration of war by both Austria and France would be followed by English and Russian declarations. English had transported 50,000 soldiers to assist the Portuguese army in releasing Spain, and had another 75,000 men to land in mainland France. The Russian army would punch in into Austria from Galicia. The

The Russian army would be the first to make contact at the battle of Brody, where the 1st Russian army would just march through the Hungarian and Ukrainian recruits who were stationed there. The Russians would push the lines over a hundred miles in the first couple of days, till they began to face up against a true Austrian Army at the battle of Krase, there they would be halted.

On the other hand, the Spanish Front would be not go well for the French. While they still had a military presence there, the populace hated French control, and after the allied army crossed over into French land, people began to rise up and join the English and Portuguese army. The Iberian peninsula would be ablaze within the first month of the war, with both the Anglo-Portuguese army marches towards Madrid and the Spanish Nationalist Forces had small skirmishes against the French army tasked with hunting them down.

The one thing that would save the French is that the English navy was busy with a blockade around most of France and Spain, so the English couldn’t begin the amphibious landing that would open up yet another front in the war. But the blockade would also lead to a problem with the Americas. An American transport ship with trade stuffs heading for Marseille would be opened up upon by the HMS Leopard in the Strait of Gibraltar. This act would be enough of a spark that would bring the Americans into their own war with England.
American Revolution Part II

Madison’s presidency started with a bang, the HMS Leopard had gave the American trade ship a full broadside and sunk it off the coast of Spain. Such an action was what the Federalists from the north had cited as their only thing holding them back from a declaration of war, and since it has finally occurred, they had no choice but to accept the Republicans want for a declaration of war.

Burr’s reforms would pay off, with both armies being expanded upon they outnumbered the English in Canada. The Army to the North would be lead by Brigadier General Burr and the Southern Army will be led by Brigadier General James Winchester. The Marine part of the army would be led by John Armstrong Jr., the Marines would play an important role in war. The Northern Army would be led by Jacob J. Brown, and the Southern one by Wade Hampton.

Madison would pull 20,000 men away from the Southern Army and send them North, furthering the numerical advantage that the American Army would have. Brown would move his troops from Ft. Detroit with the goal of taking Toronto, while the other army would push Plattsburg to Montreal. Brown’s initial crossing of the American-Canadian Border would go off without a hitch, and he wouldn’t even see a sign of resistance until he was over 50 miles into Canada. The Battle of the Thames would be between an Expedition force of 5000 led by Winfield Scott and would go up against a Canadian Militia force of 4500. First battle of the War of 1816 would be an American victory with the Militia routing and falling back to Toronto.

Alexander Macomb would take the 20,000 from the Southern Army and march from Plattsburgh and would cross paths with the British Army and fight at what was known as the Battle of Canadian Border. The battle was brutal inflicting high casualty numbers on both armies, with Americans totaling roughly 5,000 and British around 4500. While strategically it may have been an American Victory, the British did succeed in slowing them down. England had scheduled for 20,000 soldiers to be sent into France to take own Napoleon but now find out that they will be transported to Canada and used to hold off the American assault.

The Royal Navy would send of fleet 1 Ship of the Line, 4 3rd Rate Frigates, and a number of smaller frigates would be send to cause havoc on American coast and also to help find a location to land and bring the fight to the Americans. The American Fleet in the area had 2 Ship of the Lines and 5 Constitution Frigates would square off in the Battle of Chesapeake Bay and the Royal Navy would still reign supreme. The RN would sink one Ship of the line, the other being forced into a Dry dock, while 3 of of the Frigates would join the ship of the line at the bottom of the bay. The other frigates would sail to New York to avoid further combat with the RN. The Battle of Chesapeake Bay would be a large moral booster to the British in Canada and back on British Isles.

Aside from the naval debacle in the Chesapeake, a fleet in Florida would send 2,500 of the 5,000 marines and send them to the Bahamas with a goal of taking them. Armstrong would personally lead the assault and in July of 1816 they would land, catching most of the people there by surprise. There were 1,000 British Soldiers there and they would surrender after a month of combat, they were unprepared and did not have the supplies to wage a war against the marines.

The British had urged support from the Native Americans in the area and the Shawnee tribe along with other members of the Shawnee Confederacy would answer the British’s call. They would rise up in the Indiana Territory and cause all sorts of problems for the supply trains that would be necessary for Brown’s Army. Brown would give a Colonel William Henry Harrison 2,000 men to deal with the problem. Harrison would hunt down the Shawnee and skirmish all over Ohio and Indiana Territory. It wouldn't be for at least 3 months of the cat and mouse game, that Harrison would hand them a defeat at the Battle of Cincinnati. Following that battle, the Shawnee would be forced to cede both all of their land and their firearms and forced to settle in Non-American territory. Harrison would be considered a hero for his defeat of the Savage and be given a promotion and sent up to Maine to begin a newer invasion.
You got to hand it to the British they are a monster on the Sea. Good update Sir, hope the next one is not long in coming.:cool:
War…. War Never changes

War in Spain really was a revolution with foreign help, you had not only the Portuguese and English army fighting the French in open fields, but you also had numerous small revolts taking place in the larger cities. The worst revolt would be in Madrid where Spanish Rebels would rise up in large numbers and force the French out of the city. This action would bring the full support of what was left of Spain in the south, and by the month half of central Spain would be back under Spanish Control. The English would change the game plan and pull their troops out of the Iberian Conflict, while leaving a few officers to help consult with the Portuguese and Spanish Armies.

The English Army that would be pulled out of Spain would be sent back to England and there they would be placed on transport ships and ferried across the English Channel to the French port of Boulogne-sur-Mer. The landing would go off without a hitch do to the French underestimating the English’s ability to field another army after fighting on multiple continents. The 2nd army would be lead by General Arthur Wellesley, and once they landed they would be joined by both a small number of Dutch and Belgian rebels bolstering their numbers to 35,000 strong.

The news of the 2nd English army hit Napoleon hard, most of the reserves were in the newly added German territories and most of the new recruits were being deployed in French Spain. He was forced to institute a draft and raised an army of 45,000 men. They would be sent north to the town of Hesdin and their orders were to prevent the English from marching south to Paris long enough for him to send the African Corps back to lend a hand. Wellesley on the other hand had no intention of marching south, but instead planned to continue a march across the coastline picking up any rebels and cause all sorts of havoc. The 2nd army would not become tested until the Battle of Calais, and even then the militia wouldn't be much of a fight, and the same would go for Dunkirk. Wellesley and his men had not only created a large thorn in Napoleon's side but also he began to lose important cities in France that would continue to drag down moral.

Meanwhile on the German Front, the Austrians would continue to be halted in Silesia by the Prussians, the Earthworks created by Prussia had proved that in a defensive war, a trench system could halt a larger army. The Austrians had grown desperate for a victory with Russians continually pushing deeper into Austrian Galicia, they themselves would put into play their own earthwork system at the city of Lviv. The Battle of Lviv would last for 2 weeks exacting a death toll of 80,000 men but it would be the victory that the Austrians needed. The Russians would retreat Styr river, and it was there they would spend recuperating. The Prussians on the other hand would finally make their counter attack at Neu Gulze and they would push out the French invaders, this battle would force the French out of Prussia and place Napoleon in a delicate position. He could give up on the invasion of Prussia and focus on the English, or continue and risk losing northern France. He would choose giving up on Prussia for now and focusing on Wellesley.

Back in Spain after the Portuguese and Spanish had forced out the French, and declared the creation of Kingdom of Spain and the for their assistance the Spanish transferred over their African Colonies to the Portuguese, but this was only since they could no longer control them after losing so many men during the Franco-Spanish Wars.

In the end the year of 1816, would see the Kingdom of Spain established, the Austrains halting the Russians at Lviv, the Prussians holding on to what they have, and the English loosing the Bahamas and the Americans making a push into Canada. But the year of 1817 would be the peak of the fighting.
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Updated map of Spain

Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave

The start to the year 1817 was rather dull, snow storms gripped gripped the German Front and neither the Prussians or the Austrians would make a move against each other, and the Russians were still licking there wounds from the Battle of Lviv. In America, the Canadian front had been dormant since late November, and the British were still looking for a good landing zone for there prepared invasion.

In March however, things began to liven up with the British landing reinforcements in Canada, 30,000 men from the first planned landing of France. They would be rushed to the city of Montreal where they would then be distributed accordingly. The 1st American Army would make their way to Toronto before the new men would get there and Toronto would fall after a siege. Following that, Brigadier General Armstrong would take his Marines and land in Nova Scotia at the town of Yarmouth. They would march to Halifax and there the Battle of Halifax would happen and the Marines would take the city but at a cost.

By April, the British would finally figure out where they would land. The British would choose complete opposite of Canada and land in New Orleans after learning that the Americans had been pulling troops of the Southern Army it only made sense. They had mustered and army of 15,000 Veterans from the Peninsular Front and with that they had asked for 5,000 men from Spain who pretty much owed the English for saving them from the French. But news of the landing would reach the Commander of the Southern Army, and he would send Brigadier General Jackson to New Orleans. Jackson had no idea how large the British force would be, and he was given only 10,000 men to hold New Orleans. Once there he would immediately start to build up an Earth Ramparts and recruiting all kinds of mercenaries. Jackson was able to convince a small group of pirates who brought a couple of their cannons and placed them on the Ramparts. By the end, Jackson would get his numbers up to 12,500, which still placed him at disadvantage against the Anglo-Spanish Army. On the night of April 30th, the British would march on New Orleans, and the Battle of New Orleans would rage throughout the night. That night the fighting was intense with not only the British making it over the Rampart but American Determination to push them back over the rampart. By the morning, the British had fallen back to their ships. The Battle of New Orleans had been a resounding victory for the Americans, and play write and poet Francis Scott Key would write a poem about the battle titled "The Star Spangled Banner".

In Canada, the British Reinforcements would be sent to Toronto to retake it. The 2nd Battle of Toronto would be a much more bloody battle then the first, with both sides combined sustaining 10,000 casualties but the British would take the city back from the Americans, and push them back to the Thames effectively placing them back at the start of the year. Meanwhile the 20,000 men under General Macomb's command would be split up with 10,000 being pulled back to help in the Great Lakes. Macomb would be forced to wait the rest of May for a new batch of recruits.

Pic-Battle of New Orleans

new orleans.jpg
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Liked reading the new chapter. I hope the USA gets more of British North America/Canada during this ATL War of 1812. So the Star Spangled Banner commemorates the Battle of the New Orleans instead of the Siege of Baltimore? Will the White House be not burnt down by the British in the is ATL? Please let me know. Thank you. :):):)